", "The Flash's John Wesley Shipp: "Jay Is My Version of Barry, 25 Years Later, "Comic Con 2015: The Flash Adds Jay Garrick, Wally West or Season 2", "The Flash: Explaining This Week's Jay Garrick-Fueled Twists and Trivia", "Supergirl Is the Common Thread in "Flash," "Arrow" & "Legends Of Tomorrow" Crossover", "The Flash: House Alum Anne Dudek to Recur as Quirky Future Genius", "The Flash: Harry Potter's Tom Felton Joins Season 3 as Series Regular", "The Flash Reveals Doctor Alchemy's Secret Identity", "Doctor Alchemy Unveiled In 'The Flash' Season 3 Trailer- Comic-Con", "The Flash casts Vampire Diaries alum as Caitlin Snow's mom — exclusive", "The Flash adds Katee Sackhoff as DC Comics villain", "The Flash: Every Arrowverse Character In Cisco's Villain Binder", "Flash Season 4: Katee Sackhoff Is Most Definitely Not Playing Starbuck", "The Flash Casts Veronica Mars Actor As Caitlin Snow's Father", "The Flash Casts Tomorrowland's Paul Anthony As Arrow Crossover Villain Ray Bivolo". Scheduled to air this fall on The CW, "Crisis on Infinite Earths" will envelope Arrow, Supergirl, The Flash, DC's Legends of Tomorrow and Batwoman. The characters are listed, in alphabetical order by actor, by the season in which they first appeared. Why Is 'Saturday Night Live' Suddenly Booking So Many Older Rock Bands? Thomas Patrick "Tom" Cavanagh (born October 26, 1963) is a Canadian actor. Orlin Dwyer gets his abilities after being struck by a fragment of the Thinker's satellite, with the same incident leaving his niece Grace in a coma. He has brought a plethora of characters to life through the multiverse concept and ahead of season six, we can definitely expect yet another version of Wells. I think the worst job at that event is the person who dresses up in the mascot uniform, which is this giant furry mosquito, and we try and hold it in the summer, and that person has to lose about 20 pounds in sweat by stuffing themselves into a mosquito costume and dancing around for the Nothing but Nets Cavanagh Classic. [53] In the season five finale, Singh gets promoted to Chief of Police by the Mayor and promotes Joe to his previous position. Having allied himself with Nazi-ruled Earth-X's Dark Arrow (Oliver Queen's doppelgänger) and Overgirl (Kara Danvers' doppelgänger), he returns to Earth-1 in an attempt to take it over, but disappears after his accomplices are killed. Barry learns that crisis has coming sooner. Williams-Paisley also portrays four of Sherloque's five ex-wives, Adler's doppelgängers from four separate Earths. This article is about characters appearing in the 2014 television series. Though Firestorm is Ronnie's body, it is Stein who remains in control for most of their existence, with Ronnie occasionally taking control for brief moments. Information ", "First Look: Arrow Takes Aim at The Flash (Updated: Watch the Full Five-Minute Trailer Now! She has better control of her powers which she can suppress at will. All the while, he was secretly The Flash’s future arch nemesis, Eobard Thawne. Gustin also plays his character's Earth-2 non-metahuman doppelgänger (a CSI at the CCPD and Ph.D. graduate who is married to Iris). He initially struggles to trust Harry due to his experience with Eobard, but he realizes that Harry is not like Eobard. Iris helps both of Caitlin's personalities accept each other. When most of Team Flash start to freeze, Caitlin proves to be immune just before Killer Frost reemerges. Through his imprisonment, Barry learns that DeVoe needs to steal the bus metahumans' powers for his scheme. Wolfe is later succeeded by Del Toro. Despite sharing a profession and face (albeit falsely in Thawne’s case), the two had very little commonalities, which only helped establish Harry as a separate character. What was your reaction? After Team Flash successfully remove it, Leonard kills Lewis out of spite and is arrested for his father's murder. Ronnie and Caitlin marry when her fiancé returns to help Barry and Oliver Queen against the Reverse-Flash. These included his signature drumsticks, love of coffee and habit of giving people nicknames – Barry Allen became BA and you get the gist. Formerly a drag racer, Wally is enrolled at the same university Iris attended, majoring in mechanical engineering. Snart had a part in turning Sam Scudder and Rosa Dillon into metahumans. In season six, Ralph is hired to find a woman named Susan Dearbon by her parents, resulting in him traveling around the world to find her.