Missouri also does not have an online ballot-tracking tool for voters. Write-in option for November only: To vote for a candidate whose name is not on the ballot, fill in the oval to the left of “Write-in” and print the name clearly in the box. Vermont voters can track the status of their absentee ballots on the state’s digital voter portal at https://mvp.vermont.gov/. Voters in Wisconsin can check to see whether their mail-in ballots have been accepted at https://myvote.wi.gov/en-US/MyVoterInfo. Contact your local board of canvassers if you need help with marking your ballot. Voters in Arkansas can see if their mail-in ballots were accepted online at https://www.voterview.ar-nova.org/voterview. Voters in Hawaii can see if their County Elections Division received their mail-in ballots online at https://ballotstatus.hawaii.gov/ballotreceipt. Image credit: Millions have made early ballot requests despite. Postal Service to deliver your mail-in ballot. Millions of Americans have already cast their votes in the 2020 elections, setting records as many voters opt for mail-in ballots amid the coronavirus pandemic. Any voter who is blind or visually impaired is eligible to request a Braille or tactile mail ballot. Voters can click on their county using an interactive map on the Ohio state secretary’s website to track their ballots. Maine has an absentee-ballot tracking system at https://apps.web.maine.gov/cgi-bin/online/AbsenteeBallot/ballot_status.pl. If you want to return to an unaffiliated status after voting by mail, you may do so by updating your record here and changing your party affiliation. Kentucky voters can see whether their absentee ballots have been accepted through an online voter portal at https://vrsws.sos.ky.gov/VIC/. Voters in Nebraska can see whether their absentee ballots were accepted online at https://www.votercheck.necvr.ne.gov/voterview. Remember your emergency mail ballot must be received by the Board of Elections by 8 p.m. on Election Day. If you’re one of those mail-in voters and wish to track the status of your ballot, please see our state-by-state guide below. Track your mail ballot here: https://northcarolina.ballottrax.net/voter/, Track your mail ballot here: https://vip.sos.nd.gov/AbsenteeTracker.aspx, Track your mail ballot here: https://www.sos.state.oh.us/elections/voters/toolkit/ballot-tracking/, Track your mail ballot here: https://okvoterportal.okelections.us/, Track your mail ballot here: https://secure.sos.state.or.us/orestar/vr/showVoterSearch.do, Track your mail ballot here: https://www.pavoterservices.pa.gov/pages/ballottracking.aspx, Track your mail ballot here: https://vote.sos.ri.gov/Home/UpdateVoterRecord?ActiveFlag=3, Track your mail ballot here: https://info.scvotes.sc.gov/eng/voterinquiry/VoterInformationRequest.aspx?PageMode=AbsenteeInfo, Track your mail ballot here: https://vip.sdsos.gov/VIPLogin.aspx, Track your mail ballot here: https://tnmap.tn.gov/voterlookup/. Wyoming voters can contact their county clerks to track their absentee ballots. Connecticut voters can check the processing status of their absentee ballots online at https://portaldir.ct.gov/sots/LookUp.aspx. JUDGE REJECTS GOP EFFORT TO THROW OUT 127,000 HOUSTON VOTES. Voters can also use Google to find these online ballot-status tools by searching “track ballot” or “voting” along with the name of a state. All addresses are assigned a location where you vote. Mail Ballot Status Lookup Welcome to the Board of Elections Mail Ballot Status Lookup service. If you have applied for a mail ballot and would like to check the status, complete the fields below, and click Continue. Voting in 2020 looks very different across the country. To check the status of Indiana absentee ballots online, voters must log in to their voter portals at https://indianavoters.in.gov/MVPHome/PrintDocuments. South Carolina voters can submit an absentee ballot status request form online at https://info.scvotes.sc.gov/eng/voterinquiry/VoterInformationRequest.aspx?PageMode=AbsenteeInfo. What if I need help filling out my ballot? Rhode Island voters can track absentee ballots online at https://vote.sos.ri.gov/Home/UpdateVoterRecord?ActiveFlag=3. Indication of whether this request is for the entire calendar year or only for the next election, Your party affiliation (if you are requesting a ballot for a primary), Which special ballot format you desire: Braille Grade I, Braille Grade II, or tactile, Download the mail ballot application or contact. Voters in Hawaii can see if their County Elections Division received their mail-in ballots online at https://ballotstatus.hawaii.gov/ballotreceipt. The bipartisan pair will assist as needed. South Carolina voters can submit an absentee ballot status request form online at https://info.scvotes.sc.gov/eng/voterinquiry/VoterInformationRequest.aspx?PageMode=AbsenteeInfo. Voters in Oregon can track their ballots online at https://secure.sos.state.or.us/orestar/vr/showVoterSearch.do. Voters can contact their county clerks for more information. You can use the request form prepared by the RI Department of State, or you may apply in writing without using the form by including the following information: Voters who are permanently disabled or incapacitated can submit an Application for a Permanent Mail Ballot to their local board of canvassers. Place completed mail ballot certificate envelope into the postage-paid return envelope addressed to the: Rhode Island Board of Elections Some Illinois counties and the city of Chicago allow voters to see whether their mail-in ballots were accepted online, but the state itself does not have a digital statewide ballot-tracking tool. Votes in North Dakota can track their ballots online at https://vip.sos.nd.gov/AbsenteeTracker.aspx. We’ll feature a different book each week and share exclusive deals you won’t find anywhere else. ... Track the Status of My Mail Ballot Vote from Home with a Mail Ballot Thank you for voting Rhode Island! You can track your mail ballot by logging into your voter record. Votes in North Dakota can track their ballots online at https://vip.sos.nd.gov/AbsenteeTracker.aspx. The Board of Elections must receive your mail ballot by 8 p.m. on Election Day. Voters can call their local election authorities for more information. Vote by mail ballot tracker. Here's how it works, though there is no widespread fraud in US elections, US intelligence officials say there's no evidence to back up Trump's claims about threats to mail-in voting. West Virginia voters can track their absentee ballots online at https://services.sos.wv.gov/Elections/Voter/AbsenteeBallotTracking. Elections Data. Copyright © 2020 Entrepreneur Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Track your mail ballot here: https://myinfo.alabamavotes.gov/voterview, Track your mail ballot here: https://myvoterinformation.alaska.gov/, Track your mail ballot here: https://my.arizona.vote/AbsenteeTracker.aspx, Track your mail ballot here: https://www.voterview.ar-nova.org/VoterView, Track your mail ballot here: https://california.ballottrax.net/voter/, Track your mail ballot here: https://colorado.ballottrax.net/voter/. Georgia offers online mail-in ballot tracking at https://www.mvp.sos.ga.gov/MVP/mvp.do. Washington, D.C., voters can see if their absentee ballots were counted online at https://www.dcboe.org/Voters/Absentee-Voting/Track-Absentee-Ballot. Track your mail ballot here: https://app.mt.gov/voterinfo/, Track your mail ballot here: https://www.votercheck.necvr.ne.gov/voterview, Track your mail ballot here: https://nevada.ballottrax.net/voter/, Track your mail ballot here: https://app.sos.nh.gov/Public/AbsenteeBallot.aspx, Track your mail ballot here: https://www.nj.gov/state/elections/vote-track-my-ballot.shtml, Track your mail ballot here: https://voterportal.servis.sos.state.nm.us/wheretovote.aspx?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1, New York is one of a handful of states that don’t have statewide ballot tracking for all mail ballots, but it does offer tracking for overseas and military ballots here: https://nysballot.elections.ny.gov/TrackMyBallot/Search. Michigan voters can track their absentee ballots online at https://mvic.sos.state.mi.us/Voter/Index. Voters can contact their county election authorities for ballot status information. You don't need the U.S. Montana voters can check the status of their absentee ballots on the state’s digital “My Voter Page” at https://app.mt.gov/voterinfo/. Georgia offers online mail-in ballot tracking at https://www.mvp.sos.ga.gov/MVP/mvp.do. How can I check to see if my application was processed? If postal slowdowns have you concerned about the status of your mail-in ballot, here's how to check that it's been received and counted. Log in to your voter record to: Update your voter information. Voters in Minnesota can check the status of their absentee ballots online at https://mnvotes.sos.state.mn.us/AbsenteeBallotStatus.aspx. Only active military members, eligible family members and other Texas residents living overseas can track absentee ballots in Texas. Maricopa County residents can opt in to text updates, according to Fox 10 Phoenix. Voters can also use Google to find these online ballot-status tools by searching “track ballot” or “voting” along with the name of a state. Voters in Delaware can check the status of their absentee ballots online at https://ivote.de.gov/voterview. Follow the steps below to apply for and vote with a mail ballot. You can track your mail ballot’s progress by logging in to your voter record . Voters can contact their county clerks for more information. Voters in Minnesota can check the status of their absentee ballots online at https://mnvotes.sos.state.mn.us/AbsenteeBallotStatus.aspx.