Local school board elections and some other local races are nonpartisan. Complete election results from the 2020 Utah Republican Primary. Tina Cannon (inc) was a 1st Congressional District candidate and not nominated at the state Republican convention, Randy Averett (inc) did not seek reelection, Norman A. Weston (D-inc) did not seek reelection, Steven J. Lund (R-inc) is a candidate for state Legislature, 0.1% sales tax for recreation, arts, parks, 0.1% countywide sales tax to fund recreation facilities and botanical and cultural organizations, Kim A. Carson (D-inc) did not seek reelection, Heather Staley (inc) did not seek reelection, Suni Woolstenhulme (inc) did not seek reelection, $170 million for new high school in north Tooele, new junior high in Stansbury Park and new elementary school in Grantsville. Four Republican candidates for governor are vying for the chance to represent their party on the November ballot against Democrat Chris Peterson. President Donald Trump (R) is the projected winner of the presidential election in Utah on November 3, 2020.. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) won the Democratic primary on March 3, 2020. It's Primary Election Day in Utah. 96% of the estimated vote total has been reported. Here are the latest updates on season 4. Gary Herbert met with other officials for an emergency meeting Saturday to decide on additional measures to fight the surge. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Utah results for the 2020 presidential election, House and governor races, and key ballot measures. In 2016, Donald Trump won the state with 46 percent of the vote, according to NBC News results, while Hillary Clinton received 28 percent. Two candidates are competing to be the Republican nominee for Utah attorney general. We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. The latest unofficial, incomplete results from Tuesday’s general election in Utah available at press time. Key to party affiliations: (R) Republican, (D) Democrat, (IA) Independent American Party, (L) Libertarian, (C) Constitution, (G) Green, (UU) United Utah Party and (unaf) unaffiliated. Allow money from state income and intangible property taxes to include supporting children and supporting people with a disability? Start your day with the top stories you missed while you were sleeping. Biden’s path to victory born in unlikely places, including on a March day in Salt Lake City. In Utah, all registered voters are automatically mailed a ballot. Brad Daw (R-inc) was not nominated at the county Republican convention. 17% of counties (5 of 29) have reported absentee votes. Three proposals are on the ballot: Five-member partisan council elected at-large as legislative body and a county manager as the county executive. Read the recap ›, There’s no evidence to support claims by Trump and his supporters that election observers were blocked from counting rooms. Informations sur votre appareil et sur votre connexion Internet, y compris votre adresse IP, Navigation et recherche lors de l’utilisation des sites Web et applications Verizon Media. Create constitutional right to hunt and to fish, establish public hunting and fishing as the preferred way of managing wildlife? Net property tax impact: $53 per year on $347,000 residence, Michael F. Dalton (R-inc) lost in primary election, Jon White (R-inc) did not seek reelection, GATEWAY RECREATION AND WELLNESS SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT, UPPER COMMUNITY RECREATION SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT. Tight Georgia Race Comes Down to Metro Atlanta, Darrell Issa, Republican, wins California’s 50th Congressional District ›, David Schweikert, Republican, wins re-election in Arizona’s Sixth Congressional District ›, Conor Lamb, Democrat, wins re-election in Pennsylvania’s 17th Congressional District ›, Joseph R. Biden Jr. has been elected the 46th president of the United States ›, See absentee ballots returned in each state. The seat is open after incumbent Rep. Utahns across the state are voting on who will be their party's candidates during the November general elections. Clarify the timing for when requirements apply to be eligible for election or appointment as a state senator or representative. The Utah Legislature outlawed what had been Morgan County’s form of government, a seven-member nonpartisan County Council. 11:00 AM ET. $75 million for building or imrpoving school facilities. Vous pouvez modifier vos choix à tout moment dans vos paramètres de vie privée. Sign up for the To learn more about each of the candidates, visit KUER’s voter guide. Support this work by making a donation today. To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy. The expected vote is the total number of votes that are expected in a given race once all votes are counted. In the race for governor, Spencer Cox, a Republican and the state’s current lieutenant governor, soundly beat Chris Peterson, a Democrat. Mr. McAdams is trying to distance himself from national Democrats and pick up Republican supporters by positioning himself as a counterweight to the president, who is unpopular even among Republican members of the Utah-based Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Net property tax impact: None expected, as older bonds expected to be retired, Shawn Milne (R-inc) lost in primary election, No incumbent, as three-member County Commission transitions to five-member County Council, Wendy J. Shubert (R-inc) did not seek reelection, 119 acres south of Erda Way and east of state Route 36 to single-family residential, 1,444 acres near Stansbury Park and Lake Point to planned community, Kathy Taylor (inc) did not seek reelection, Maureen Griffiths (R-inc) did not seek reelection, Cal Griffiths (R-inc) did not seek reelection, Peggy Sulser (R-inc) did not seek reelection, Karl McDonald (R-inc) did not seek reelection, Blaik Baird (inc) did not seek reelection. See Georgia results ›, With the votes still being tallied in Georgia, a once-red state that proved surprisingly difficult for Trump, Biden now leads by more than 10,000 votes. McAdams narrowly unseated the Republican incumbent in 2018, and the 4th Congressional District is high on national Republicans’ priority list to flip. Summary of 2016 Exit Poll data that shows the proportion of how different groups voted. Property tax impact: $33 per year on $371,000 residence, $22 million to acquire, construct and operate a municipal fiber network, $26 million for 50-acre city park and to refinance City Hall, fire station, police station and public works building. Preliminary results are expected to be released at 10 p.m. MDT on Tuesday, June 30. Utah Election Results 2020: Live Updates USA TODAY See our full coverage of Utah Election Results including presidential, senate, house and … Republicans have pinned their hopes of flipping the district back on Burgess Owens, a former professional football player who is running as a political outsider and has aligned himself with President Trump. Utah June 2020 Primary Election Results. National groups have invested heavily in the race — which is expected to be too close to call on election night — and attack ads have flooded the airwaves in the lead up to the election. Change current County Commission so all members are elected at-large. Complete election results from the 2020 Utah Republican Primary. View it here. Still, Mr. Trump is widely expected to capture the state, which he won in 2016 with 45 percent of the vote. 11:22 AM ET. Even though President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. now leads by more than 10,000 votes in Georgia, a recount is still expected there. Thomas Kaplan, in Wilmington, Del. See Pennsylvania results ›, Michael D. Shear, in Washington 10:13 AM ET, Trump was greeted at his golf course by a small handful of people, including two holding Trump 2020 signs. newsletter, The latest: Biden poised to flip Wisconsin, but Trump campaign says it will request a recount, Spencer Cox says he’ll be governor for all of Utah as Peterson concedes race, Meet the newest — and youngest — member of Utah’s delegation, GOP Rep. Chris Stewart secures 5th term in Utah’s 2nd District, Republican Rep. John Curtis wins Utah’s 3rd Congressional District seat, Democrat Ben McAdams maintains lead over Burgess Owens in ‘bellwether’ congressional race, Utah GOP Attorney General Sean Reyes wins another term, Utah Constitution change to ‘stabilize’ school funding appears headed for passage, Utah’s 2020 local elections: Democrats on track to pick up 3 seats in the House, Wilson takes strong lead to stay Salt Lake County mayor, Mitt Romney on Donald Trump claiming election win: He has ‘relaxed relationship with the truth’, From Utah to the White House, here are some of the best and worst moments of the election, The latest: Biden to the country: ‘Let us be the nation that we know we can be’, At Red Cliffs Utah Temple groundbreaking, Elder Holland calls temples the ‘sweet and soothing answer to our problems’, Trump, Biden supporters rally at Utah’s Capitol after Biden declared winner, Candace Cameron Bure says COVID-19 quarantine tested her marriage ‘in the best of ways’, Some states are adding restrictions again because of the fall COVID-19 spike, 6 takeaways from the weekend in college football, Sports on the air: Here’s what games are on TV and radio for the week of Nov. 8-14. The Utah Legislature has outlawed Grand County’s current form of government, a seven-member nonpartisan County Council elected by districts. Trending Now. A Republican stronghold, in part thanks to its sizable Mormon population, Utah last voted for a Democratic presidential candidate in 1964 when it backed for Lyndon B. Johnson. Kerry Gibson, Blake Moore, Bob Stevenson and Kattie Witt are looking to become the GOP nominee for Utah's 1st Congressional district. We received more votes from Utah County, Davis and two other counties. Find the results, maps, live projections and polls from the Utah primary on March 3rd, 2020 where Democrats and Republicans vote for their presidential candidates.