No need to waste time endlessly browsing—here's the entire lineup of new movies and TV shows streaming on Netflix this month. The five-parter has been penned by creator Barbara Machin and will reunite original stars Sue Johnston, Holly Aird, Claire Goose and Wil Johnson for a new case set in 1984. 28 of 29 people found this review helpful. Beta informs Alpha of the satellite crash, leading Alpha to return to the border to investigate; she spots Carol from a distance. Some will become heroes. [41], AMC announced in March 2020 that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, post-production on the season finale could not be completed by its planned April 12, 2020, airdate, and instead will air on October 4, 2020. [3] Later, in July 2019, Gurira confirmed her exit at a panel at San Diego Comic-Con, and stated: I can confirm this is the last season I'll be on this amazing TV show as Michonne. They observe an old. RadioTimes reports:. A member of the group must overcome past trauma to save the others from ... A Walking Dead spin-off, set in Los Angeles, following two families who must band together to survive the undead apocalypse. Avianna Mynhier as Rachel Ward, a teenage member of Oceanside, who represents her community. The Whisperers destroy the makeshift sound system, forcing Daryl's group to infiltrate the horde and kill the Whisperers one by one. Michonne arrives at the naval base with Virgil but finds no weapons, soon realizing it's a trap. Sign up for our Email Newsletters here. With the hospital surrounded, Daryl and other survivors sneak through the horde and lead it away using a wagon and loud music; Beatrice is killed on the way. The group in Alexandria defends the community against constant waves of walkers, leading the survivors to suspect that Alpha is sending the walkers. Angel Theory as Kelly, Connie's protective sister who has a gradual hearing loss. What is dead may never die. Several Whisperers make it into the hospital where Gabriel remains behind to allow the others to escape. Kang said that in developing season, even before knowing of Cohan's return, they had kept seeding that Maggie was still considered part of the ongoing narrative so that they could work in her return if she had the opportunity. A group of passengers on a plane deal with the beginning stages of the apocalypse. Was this review helpful to you? Think I'm gonna have to skip the rest if it doesn't improve... such a shame. Alpha and the Whisperers plan to attack Hilltop with the horde, forcing the community to start planning for battle; before the battle, Daryl reconciles with Carol. It was about my calling and other things I feel called to... as a creator of work. A fearsome survivor agrees to help an injured woman in exchange for apocalyptic sanctuary. Jerri Tubbs as Margo, a former member of the Highwaymen who resents Lydia. While luring walkers away from Alden and Kelly, Gamma is found and killed by Beta. Beta, hearing voices in his head, leads the horde of walkers he has gathered to Alexandria to find it empty. A web-series spin-off of "The Walking Dead.". Not only is The Walking Dead straight-up scary, it often feels like a genuine horror movie, a feat achieved either through atmosphere and tension-building or pop-up spooks. All rights reserved. Set ninety-seven years after a nuclear war has destroyed civilization, when a spaceship housing humanity's lone survivors sends one hundred juvenile delinquents back to Earth, in hopes of possibly re-populating the planet. Juan Javier Cardenas as Dante, Siddiq's wise-cracking medical assistant and a spy for the Whisperers. Tamara Austin as Nora, a member of the council of Alexandria and Michonne's friend. In the end, all of them will be changed forever. 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Cohan left The Walking Dead in its ninth season to star in the TV series Whiskey Cavalier, however that series was canceled after one season. Interviews with leading film and TV creators about their process and craft. [5][6], The tenth season features nineteen series regulars overall. The official synopsis, from AMC: “The third installment of the franchise will feature two young female protagonists and focus on the first generation to come-of-age in the apocalypse as we know it. Grown-up and cemented in their identities, both good and bad. [39][40] The teaser trailer for "A Certain Doom", airing after the broadcast of "The Tower", confirmed Maggie's return to the series. Eugene, Yumiko, and Ezekiel travel to meet Stephanie; on the road, they encounter a quirky and flamboyant survivor. The Walking Dead: World Beyond The tenth season of The Walking Dead, an American post-apocalyptic horror television series on AMC premiered on October 6, 2019. Iris welcomes an enigmatic ally to their community while Hope questions the visitor's motives. The second half of the season premiered on February 23, 2020. As she comes to, she stabs Virgil, escapes, and frees the others. The group navigates through the cave, fending off walkers and Whisperers as they search for an exit; Kelly finds a crate full of faulty dynamite, which Carol recklessly detonates in hopes of destroying the horde. Over the radio, the stranger, Stephanie, finally reveals her name and location to Eugene; they plan to meet in one week. Sign up for our Email Newsletters here. Maggie and a masked survivor rescue Gabriel, having received Carol's letters and then saving Alden and Aaron. Beta invades Alexandria through a secret tunnel created by Dante, killing several Alexandrians in the process.