- The battle scenes are extremely gruesome, but seem to be closer to reality than many war movies will show you. IMDb. Quickly browse titles in our catalog based on the ones you have picked. Gritty, Violent, well acted. Miasto 44, Warsaw 44, Мiсто 44, City 44, Support us | because let's face it, that's what they all really were. All rights reserved. Take on "classics"? I can't imagine what these people went through, and after watching this, I still can't. War drama is an extensively researched genre - is this one any good, somehow new? install opensearch for browser Results 1 - 40 >> of 44 (0.065 seconds) For better search specification use advanced search. We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your email. Da dieser Film auch unterhalten soll, sehe ich die Detailltreue nicht so genau. Polish language with English subtitles. Another antiwar movie. The love triangle is not too important to me, as it could be replaced with another situation, typical for young people of this age. Watch Status Update online. Register. And that is historically correct: many teens and children took active part in that WW2 battle. Contact | My late mother did, and several aspects of Nurse Lusia's story are identical to my mother's. BEST movie I've ever seen. Verified reviews are considered more trustworthy by fellow moviegoers. This really does grab you by the throat as a viewer , knowing all the terrors those young people experienced). Damit der Schoß nicht wieder fruchtbar wird, aus dem DAS kroch. war. i guess this one is one of them. I kept asking myself, "Why and how "human" be so cruel and barbaric?" Once he emerged he was not able to talk at all for several months. I did not expect that since I heard this film had aspired to be on par with other big international productions in the genre. Brilliant movie about people like us in the worst of times. I don't often watch Polish films but I have to admit that this one was worth my while. you feel as if you were there, not only through images, but through your thoughts, feelings, emotions. From the talented young actors to the music to the special effects, the film sticks in your mind. So this is how this movie talks to me - the youth is such an incredible force, it allows a man to go through Dante's hell. The percentage of users who rated this 3.5 stars or higher. As in 1939, the Allies did next to nothing to help. The sound is fine, camera work is good and the visual effects are competent, but taste is lacking in the way it was all put together. Your AMC Ticket Confirmation# can be found in your order confirmation email. It's very realistic, but very fresh in its form with great soundtrack and editing, with some symbolic scenes that may be controversial, mostly in Poland, because Warsaw Uprising is the national tragedy here. Simply rent and stream Warsaw 44 legally now! It is set during the 1944 Warsaw Uprising, the largest single military effort taken by any European resistance movement during World War II. Writer credits: Reviewed in the United States on June 1, 2019. "Warsaw 44" is gripping. POP-cultural, genre-blending, rare, epic anti-war ride calling for an immediate humanistic reflection. Age Rating: 16. habe sie längst gezogen: Demokratie, Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Gewaltfreiheit - nebst Umweltschutz - als Kategorischer Imperativ. Those two things turn him into a walking dead who loses everything and all he wants is vengeance. From the costumes to the props and scenery. My father was moving through the sewage system, full of stench from dead bodies and rats feasting on the corpses. And then at the end of the war, as Soviet troops advanced in Eastern Europe they made certain o do everything they could to insure as many Polish anti-Nazi fighters that might not be soviet controlled were killed. Es ist wichtig, solche Dinge in den Schulen zur Sprache zu bringen - je nach Schulform kürzer oder ausführlicher - damit auch jüngere Generationen daraus lernen. 4 (2. Józef Pawlowski Hätten die 200000 Toten gerettet werden können, wenn es den Aufstand nicht gegeben hätte?