= ఇప్పుడు సమయం పది ఇరవై అయిదు. = ఇప్పుడు సమయం పది నలభై అయిదు. -Ippudu samayam paavu thakkuva aedu.-, 8:45 = It’s quarter to nine. 1 listopada 2020 przez . Business Ideas & Investment Opportunities, Entrepreneurship, Business Ideas, Self Employment and Investment Opportunities, Click here to download the table of contents, https://www.amazon.in/Learn-Telugu-Through-English-1/dp/9390197341, https://www.amazon.in/Learn-Telugu-Through-English-2/dp/939019752X, Pothi.com (India and all other countries), Amazon.com (All other countries except India), What time is it? Usage Frequency: 1 = ఇప్పుడు సమయం అయిదు గంటలు. Quality: in the market, and she was very happy to see him. సరస్సు వరకు, తర్వాత ప్రిన్స్ జార్జ్, మాకెన్జీ పట్టణాల వరకు సంఘాలను దర్శిస్తూ. Get your detailed Indepth Horoscope @ Rs.750/- Buy Now, 1. / What’s the time now? = ఇప్పుడు సమయం పదకొండున్నర. Quality: The period of time a prisoner is imprisoned. Next Next post: Scheme Meaning in Telugu. Quality: Usage Frequency: 1 Synonyms. Does English Have More Words Than Any Other Language? Dear content creator, if you want us to share your content on our website, kindly send the details by email. = ఇప్పుడు సమయం రెండు గంటల అయిదు నిమిషాలు. Are You Learning English? Quality: -Ippudu samayam thommidhi gantalu.-, 7:00 = It’s seven o’clock. To measure the amount of time an object takes to complete a course (e.g., "to clock a race car"). = ఇప్పుడు సమయం పావు తక్కువ తొమ్మిది. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2016-10-01 -Ippusu samayam padhi gantala iravy ayidhu nimishaalu.-, 02:05 = It’s two oh five. Maha-kalpa of 311.04 trillion years (followed by Maha-pralaya of equal length), Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Telugu_years&oldid=987477243, All Wikipedia articles written in Indian English, Wikipedia articles needing context from March 2012, Wikipedia introduction cleanup from March 2012, Articles needing additional references from September 2014, All articles needing additional references, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, (1870,1930,1990, 2050) Pramodyuta ప్రమోదూత, (1871,1931,1991, 2051) Prajothpatti ప్రజోత్పత్తి, (1878,1938,1998, 2058) Bahudhānya బహుధాన్య, (1882,1942,2002, 2062) Chitrabhānu చిత్రభాను, (1887,1947,2007, 2067) Sarvajiththu సర్వజిత్తు, (1888,1948,2008, 2068) Sarvadhāri సర్వధారి, (1902,1962,2022, 2082) Subhakritu శుభకృతు, (1903,1963,2023, 2083) Sobhakritu శోభకృతు, (1905,1965,2025, 2085) Viswāvasu విశ్వావసు, (1906,1966,2026, 2086) Parābhava పరాభవ (vu), (1911,1971,2031, 2091) Virodhikritu విరోధికృతు, (1913,1973,2033, 2093) Pramādeecha ప్రమాదీచ, (1918,1978,2038, 2098) Kālayukti కాళయుక్తి, (1919,1979,2039, 2099) Siddhārthi సిద్ధార్ది, (1923,1983,2043, 2103) Rudhirodgāri రుధిరోద్గారి, (1924,1984,2044, 2104) Raktākshi రక్తాక్షి, This page was last edited on 7 November 2020, at 09:07.