I love the powerfulness and sharpness of movement. I have a lot of issues, not gonna like, but dancing makes the dissapear, even if its only for a night. I dance because dancing helps me escape from this crazy world. Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! When you fall or make a mistake,  you need  courage to get up and try again. I love different things about each different type of dance. #annapavlova #classicalballet #balletsymbols #loveballet, #international dance day # love dancing # world dance day, #theballetdefaile #newyorkcityballet #artseries #NYCB. Photo (top): Amanda Farris. You can forget about anything that is happening in your daily life and it brings you happiness as you are only focusing on the now. i dance until my knees hurt, my ankles hurt, and my back hurts. Dancing over the years has also definitely increased my confidence. Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. I did it because I realized that just because I started at 12 and I was overweight doesn't mean I can't dance. Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. #10. Seriously. How do you think about the answers? With dance, my body feels strong, my mind is clear (even if constantly trying to align every part!) For how far the technique has developed. I dance because I feel I’m blessed with it. It is the only way I can find that helps you relief stress and lose weight at the exact same time dance is me I am dance. Therefore, I started asking people why they love to dance and believe me or not their answers make me feel more excited about dance. And when you work in a company, you create a bond that can be closer to family. Growth never comes from the comfort zone. it's helped me through my life, and has always been there. Another reason why I love to dance is because when i dance and see someone looking at me, and then see them go ,,Wow!" And why I won’t stop again. how does it feel like to be in your dance shoes? ( Log Out /  As the years went on and I learned more and accomplished more in my skills, I learned to love it. When I dance it feels like nothing can touch me. That’s why I dance. In Contemporary, I love the extra freedom of movement that you don’t get with ballet, the variety of styles and how movements flow into one another. Why do I love to dance you ask?because it makes me happy, it gives me the opportunity to express myself. Charity worker and Contemporary, Street and Ballet Student. Tick here to confirm that you wish to receive emails from City Academy. I honestly never used to love it. It gives me strength and pure joy, makes me  happy, help me forget the world, make me creative, help me express my feelings and my thoughts, gives me wings to fly…! Answer Save. Have you ever tried dancing/watching an ethnic dance? Jennifer Stahl. Helping create the illusion by being part of a show, or sitting in the audience and letting yourself be swept away, the theatre is pure magic, and ballet is the most beautiful form. There are some things you just don’t need to explain to your dance friends. When I dance I  feel free and happy again, especially after having a bad day. this question is for people who already dance and for people who want to dance. I dance because when I am having a bad day it helps take all that away and lets me be relaxed. I dance because it is the only way for me to be HAPPY! so why do YOU love to dance? #6. – Instilling confidence and discipline in my students. love to dance because it helps me express myself. I will dance to so many different types, but I enjoy the more upbeat songs.