We celebrate the history of hard work and ingenuity, and look forward to a bright future here. His 19 men rebuild motors for the cranes that cling to the roofs of steel mills like giant praying mantises across the country. The Youngstown Sheet and Tube … youngstown sheet and tube closing. Lynd is flanked by hundreds of labor movement and anti-war buttons on the wall behind him. A share of any products we sell goes directly to reinvestment in economic development of the Youngstown community. Youngstown Sheet and Tube remained in business until 1977. Officially, the company was created on November 23, 1900, when Articles of Incorporation of the Youngstown Iron Sheet and Tube Company were filed with the Ohio Secretary of State at Columbus. It acquired the Mark Manufacturing Company in 1923. The Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company, headquartered in Youngstown, OH, supports the local economy through its community of affiliated websites. Case Study; October 1st, 2020; March 1979: Carter Administration refuses to fund reopening of the Campbell Works.