Join Songkick Clean sound, great light show. Customers buying from a STAR member will benefit from: To give you complete peace of mind you can find Gigantic Tickets on STAR's current full membership list here and verify our full membership by clicking here. As one of the most reliable and trusted sources for premium event seating and God Is An Astronaut tickets, we offer a comprehensive and user-friendly platform for all our customers. STAR members include all major UK ticket agencies as well as Gigantic Tickets and numerous venues and box offices in London and across the country. While moshing can occur at this group's shows, it's pretty rare, and these musicians speak infrequently between songs. Incredible! They have even happily returned to the New York area since then. Find all tickets to God Is an Astronaut at Aurora / Аврора on Friday 12 November 2021, with options from Ticket vendor website.. Experience? It's magic. Since then, the band have gone from strength to strength. The guitar and piano playing are mesmerising, and many of the sound effects are so wonderfully odd that they'll linger in your mind. Because they own and operate their own label, God Is An Astronaut's artists are able to do as they wish in terms of their careers. It was not their first time in Greece. This is completely understandable, which is why we want to put your mind at ease and assure you that Gigantic Tickets are a safe, reliable place to buy tickets from a primary ticket agent. God Is an Astronaut comes from Ireland and was born in 2002. The band utilizes a projector screen as their back drop and takes great advantage of the venues lighting system to great effect. If the musicians are focused on recreating the atmosphere from the studio efforts, it is the backdrop, the lighting system, and the sheer power of the live performance that not only replicates the atmosphere, but actually improves on it. Wow, I mean God Is an Astronaut were great. If they happen to come to your neck of the woods make it a point to witness this resonate sound. Through the mess of long hair you hear a short hello before the introduction bars of 'Weightless' send the venue deep into the band's warped world. I like acoustics parameters of the place they played as I did not go deaf and actually, despite the number of guitars, I did not need any earplugs. God Is An Astronaut's extensive upcoming tour includes many top venues. A means of differentiating reputable agencies and box offices from potentially less scrupulous ticket sellers. You can find more information about ticket purchasing, ticket security, ticket delivery and much more on our FAQ's page here, as well as on our Terms & Conditions page here.