King Ghidorah? A steamboat is literally nothing to Godzilla. Armor Mothra also possesses the Excel Dash Buster. Cthulhu attacks Godzilla 2. I wrote this comment almost a year ago but it still hold true for this argument. Wiz: Mothra Leo the night cocooned himself on an island near a tree, metamorphosing into his Imago form. 1. Wiz: Though the Rainbow Mothra form proved unable to match Grand King Ghidorah, Mothra Leo's next ability was able to fight the golden menace. Yea you might wanna recheck your facts buddy. Cthulhu has never been said to be able to control what kind of insanity he creates so assuming he can affect Godzilla he is just as likely make his stronger as weaker. So while Cthullu's regeneration ability likely exceeds Godzilla, he just doens't have the physical power or endurance to possibly take out the King of Monsters....and this world is Godzilla's turf...Cthullu can't stay long and most fiction/mythology agrees that gods are weaker outside of thier home turf. Cthulhu always beats godzilla, end of story. We know he's only partially made of matter, but that too is uselessly vague. If squid-god can be incapacitated by a boat, i'm pretty sure that Godzilla's atomic breath would take him down, (however temporarily) very easily, nevermind sheer physical prowess. Please. When the stars are right, he will plunge the world under his control. He first arrived near Saturn before landing here. He can use this on enemies, which is powerful enough to fly through them, cauing them them to slowly crystalize before exploding. So, my guys, stop saying that "Kirito is OP" because he will quicky get killed by a "Real Strong Character". Experiment with DeviantArt’s own digital drawing tools. Another ability of Aqua Mothra's is the Space Miracleforce, which is a tractor beam-like ability wwhich allowed him to life Dagahra, who is 17,700 metric tons in mass. Boomstick: And he’s not from our universe. Like in the other forms, Aqua Mothra can use the Illusion Mirage to disperse into tiny versions of itself, and as with the Rainbow Mothra form, he can generate a pressure field. Wiz: As Aqua Mothra, Mothra Leo can swim at 200 knots as well as fly. As far as we know Cthulhu has never fought anything. Wiz: Along with green eyes and a different appearance, Mothra Leo is even more powerful than his mother, with additional abilities. So, their power isn't enough with "The Real Stronger Characters" (that are ONLY in the shounen animes). Godzilla has fought tons of creatures, cthulhu has fought WAY more, who were all stronger than anything godzilla has fought. Another beam attack is the Crescent Dash Beam, which allows Aqua Mothra to fire out repeated V-shaped blasts from his antennae. Wiz: As an added feature, Armor Mothra's wings are durable and sharp, as he can slice opponents by flying across them with his wings. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite and share. This allowed Eternal Mothra to bring Moll back to life with the aid of the Elias Triangle. it's an interesting idea, but with conversations with my dad who's read the books, he knows that Cthulhu's intention of humanity is the fact that he's not aware that humans exist. "Godzilla is immune to mental manipulation and making him angry only makes him more powerful. Yes, Cthuulu would reform and have another go...and Gozilla would slap him down AGAIN, until time ran out. Ah mean... Cthulhu is supposed to be supernatural/god or something, right ?! Boomstick: That does explain the 186,000 miles per second. This is kinda what gets him rammed by a boat in his first outing after all. Boomstick: Well then yeah, no arrivals are welcomed. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. We use cookies to enhance your experience, analyze site traffic, and for our marketing purposes. Along with producing a powerful blue chest laser dubbed the Mineral Chest Cannon, he has Aurora Power, a more powerful variant which was powerful enough to send Dagahra flying after canceling the Pressure Field out. Rebirth of Mothra had King Ghidorah in it as well. Boomstick: Chewy! Bendy? Tho i'm faaaaaaaaaaaar from having even limited knowledge of Cthulhu ah think that no version of Big G can beat that thing. toho vs cthulhu godzilla lovecraft deathbattle. As for the mental effects of Cthullu, that's chiefly on the rational/higher reasoning brains of humans...Godzilla doens't have one. Wiz: Such speeds allow Light Speed Mothra to even travel through time, like he did to go to the Cretaceous to fight the Cretaceous King Ghidorah. That’s tuff. Wiz: The ocean. Boomstick: He then traveled to different places before reaching our home planet Earth. Wiz: Alright the combatants are set, time to end this debate once and for all. We know Cthulhu has done something with other Elder God-ish creatures, whether or not I'd consider it fighting is harder to determine since it probably wouldn't be a physical battle. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. What we do know is that Godzilla can survive a direct hit from a black hole, and I really doubt Cthulhu has any destructive power even close to that. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. Firstly, he can divide himself into tiny energized Mothras name does Crystal Mothras. Boomstick: Like mother like son... well, sort of. Toho vs H.P. I know you don't. VS Battles Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Wiz: That’s right, let’s see if Mothra Leo does have enough power to take down Cthulhu. 6. After a battle with Desghidorah, who has reached full form and gained the ability to fly, Mothra Leo sealed Desghidorah once again. Oh: U probably know that, if a character got a OP skill in a Isekai parallelal verse, he can use it just in that universe, and not in the real world, so he would be weak, Don't get me wrong: the parallelal worlds characters obviusly are strong but just in their parallelal universe, meanwhile the gamers of Isekai universes are REALLY WEAK, Also, this is just a my opinion, and... honestly... i think that would be real. Aqua Mothra can use the X-Thunderbeam, which is an x-shaped blast formed at Mothra's X-positioned wings, and fired from the head. Can Godzilla destroy Cthulhu or is he totally outmatched? Not much is known about this form. Each comment will go into a tally that I will keep track of. Wiz: That’s right, Cthulhu has appeared around 5 years before King Kong, and almost 30 years before the first Godzilla. We know that a steam boat smashing through his head dissipated it, and he instantly reformed, and..... that is about it. I need 4 options so heres a picture of Megumin, I need 4 options so heres a picture of Rem. Wiz: Cthulhu was born in Vhrool, a planet in the 23rd nebula. The Pressure Field is another ability of Rainbow Mothra's. 1 Introduction 2 Mothra Leo 3 Cthulhu 4 Pre Deathbattle 5 Deathbattle Boomstick: Godzilla vs. Cthulhu is a popular matchup, and it is one heck of a matchup that has yet to appear in film or a comic book. Boomstick: Man that’s almost 100 years ago. Ah don't think that physical being Godzilla can beat that. Mothra Leo. The only way to really kill Godzilla is to destroy each and every cell in his body at once witch would be really tough. Telepathy, mind manipulation, and even madness manipulation. We know he has some measure of psychic or psychic-like abilities, but the exact nature of extent is never elaborated on. Since he took over worlds. Anyways, Cthulhu may not be the best at physical strength but he makes up for it with psychic abilities. He fought a war with godly, extremely powerful creatures for millennia. Mothra Leo flies into the sky, dropping circular blasts of energy like rain. I know Godzilla isn't invincible, but seriously, Cthulu isn't either. By Bluelightning733 Watch. Death Battle Godzilla vs. Cthulhu. Meaning he came from a universe slightly different from our own. Although Cthulu has far superior intelligence, Godzilla has almost instant cell regeneration. Contestant #1: Godzilla Contestant #2: Cthulhu (From The Call of Cthulhu) You Decide. (two did, though one went mad and killed himself soon afterwards) Simple...Cthuulu could only exist in our world when the stars were right. Boomstick: Whoa! Man. Wiz: Cthulhu’s size is unknown but for the sakes of this battle he is 70 meters tall. Wiz: Mothra Leo’s Imago form has a wide variety of abilities. I'd forgotten that Godzilla has fought and killed gods and cosmic entities in canon as well. this Aqua Mothra form is no wash-out! In his Larval form, along with the ability to spray silk, he can camouflage and he has a laser that is fired from his chest, which is called the Petite Railgun. Boomstick: But that doesn’t mean Cthulhu is weak, he’s strong as hell and will take a lot of power to take him down! 406 Views. Wiz: Mothra Leo can also use a Crossheat Laser, fire beams from three gens on husband forehead. Wiz: They’re anthropomorphic nightmares, one born from the horrors of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the other a manifestation of its creator’s fear of an uncaring universe. While spinning, Rainbow Mothra is able to fire of energy blasts with an attack called the Arrow Buster. Every psychic that's tried to interface with Godzilla got thier brian fried just from trying, and was barely able to hold his attention for a couple of minutes...Godzilla's brain may be simple, but it is also quite powerful...and his most likely reaction would be to attack the invading presence(much as attempts at control by psychcis invariably leads Godzilla to attack those who tried to 'attack" him. Wiz: Mothra’s offspring have been a big part in all the movies she has been featured in, and one of her offspring would come to get his own trilogy. That's why Cthullu didn't simply reform and chase the boat down. IMAGE DETAILS. I don't know why people overrate Cthulu so badly. His name is Cthulhu. Wiz: Yeah. 23 Favourites. Read some hp lovecraft, then you'll know the truth. 1 Comment. All his experience and powers are derived from authors after his death. No wonder why he’s so cool! Boomstick: Godzilla vs. Cthulhu is a popular matchup, and it is one heck of a matchup that has yet to appear in film or a comic book. His entire character is based around the horror of. Godzilla would win. the only POSSIBLE way for Cthuulu to win would be to somehow keep Godzilla on Rlyeh when it phases back out of existence..maybe the cultists distract him long enough to trick Godzilal to staying there too long? When Mothra Leo was almost incapacitated by the Barems from Dagahra, the Gorgo granted him power to become Rainbow Mothra. Godzilla fights things from space worshiped as gods for fun. I thought he was a Godzilla Kaiju. The type of place where life is hard. Wiz: Cthulhu is described to be a humanoid, with a head similar to an octopus, and having dragon like wings. Wiz: But Cthulhu’s arrival wasn’t welcomed, by the Elder Things.