William Vangeance, the captain of Golden Dawn, shares his body with a reanimated body of an elf, Licht. It has been serialized in Shueisha’s Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine since February 16, 2015. When not working or watching Anime, she can be found highlighting the mundanities of life through her poetry. Debut [4], Golden Dawn is led by a captain with authority over the members of the squad. Yuno is the only peasant member, and Mimosa is the only royal member. All Rights Reserved. An attack from the Spade Kingdomkills roughly half of the squad members. After the final battle against elves, he felt remorse towards his brother and willingly left Golden Dawn. William and Licht’s similarities were glaringly obvious; however, no one suspected him too much due to the former’s position and history with the Clover Kingdom. All content cited is derived from their respective sources. Who is the Vice-Captain of the Black Bulls in Black Clover? For more information, go here. Write to us and share your thoughts if you like our vibe or passionately believe we can do better ..always more than happy to chat. After being promoted, in a way, Yuno surpassed Asta by holding a position of great power and strength in one of the best magic knight squads of all time. Currently working towards obtaining a degree in English literature. He has thick, brown wavy hair that is swept up at the back, but left to fall over his forehead and face in the front. He made Vangeance think that he was worth something and became his most trusted friend and leader. Sometimes we include links to online retail stores and/or online campaigns. Clover Kingdom The rest of the members are from various noble families. Anime Despite Vangeance’s actions leading to the temporary, but very real death of the Wizard King, his sincerity and history shone through. We are building a home for nerds, geeks and anyone sitting at home with super powers that is likely to rule the world with the lot of us. Unlike Black Bulls, which consists of people from all backgrounds, Golden Dawn is practically composed of nobles and royals, which resulted in Yuno being often looked down upon. But then again, with Golden Dawn being shaken up, he is likely to appear soon. Despite having a hand in everything Patri did, his motivations were not evil. Golden Dawn As most know, in the manga, Yuno has already been promoted; however, the story behind it is missing. If you click on one and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. To let his friend, the leader of “The Eye of The Midnight Sun,” i.e., Patri, have his revenge, he let him take over his body. It is through Vangeance’s body that Patri wreaked havoc and committed heinous deeds. Top Weekly Stories So That You Are Up-To-Date. [7], An attack from the Spade Kingdom kills roughly half of the squad members. This website uses cookies to better your experience. An avid reader and writer. We are building a home for nerds, geeks and anyone sitting at home with super powers that is likely to rule the world with the lot of us. 1. Who Is the Vice-Captain of Golden Dawn? Due to this, he gave Licht control over his body and removed himself from the equation. Black Clover Promotes Yuno In The Latest Arc. A premium destination for everything Anime, Netflix, Disney + or Hotstar , Amazon Prime Video & Apple TV + . Furthermore, like Asta, he is extremely tenacious, unwilling to give up, and wants to fulfill his goal of becoming the Wizard King, no matter what. Langris is a young man with a small build. Yuno is the current vice-captain of Golden Dawn, as seen in chapter 232 of the Black Clover manga. William is a 26-year-old man with an average height and a lean build. An avid reader and writer. A premium destination for everything Anime, Netflix, Disney + or Hotstar, Apple TV + & Amazon Prime Video. Due to having Licht's appearance, Patolli looks like a tall, slender elf with white hair and gold eyes. With William and Yami being taken captive by Zenon, both Golden Dawn and Black Bulls are left without a captain. Any goody-two-shoes character in anime is never who they seem, and there’s always an ulterior motive lying underneath. However, there has been no mention of either Yuno or Golden Dawn. With the Devils’ introduction, Asta, Noelle, and the others will have to work a lot harder and get much stronger than before. A premium destination for everything Anime, Netflix, Disney + or Hotstar , Amazon Prime Video & Apple TV + . After the six-month time skip, he was casually shown to have been promoted; however, the whole story behind it was never explained.