This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. I do envy you your green fingers. 10) ... home with flowers or by planting shrubs or trees but not everyone has the green fingers needed. A figurative trait attributed to someone who is a skilled gardener. I Am Not As Green As I Am Cabbage Looking, 17 Sea Idioms & Phrases (Meaning & Examples), 23 Duck Idioms And Phrases (Meaning & Examples), 27 Egg Idioms & Phrases (Meaning & Examples), 101 Money Idioms And Phrases (Meaning & Examples). 19) Market your green fingers. 4) ... is my second pink cactus and also my attempt at proving I have green fingers. He had green f green fingers synonyms, green fingers pronunciation, green fingers translation, English dictionary definition of green fingers. An idiom is neither a bit of advice nor general truth. var mydate=new Date() An idiom's symbolic sense is quite different from the literal meaning or definition of the words of which it is made. if (daym<10) daym="0"+daym Define green fingers. 3) If you have green fingers then there are many reasons why you should consider joining the National Home Gardening Club. A Hedge Between Keeps Friendship Green, 13. British English . However, a proverb is a well-known saying; it represents a piece of advice or general truth. ability, garden, gardener, green fingers, grow, grower, horticulturist, plant, plants, propagator. COMMON If someone has green fingers, they are very good at gardening. Green thumb and green fingers have been in use for an indeterminate amount of time, though the popularity of these two idioms peaked in the mid-1900s. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. close. Friend 1: She grew it herself in her garden. Primarily heard in UK, Australia. 3. Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, be a dab hand at something/at doing something, the webmaster's page for free fun content, have got it (all) together to (do something), have got nothing on (someone or something), have got the hots for (someone or something), have had a bellyful of somebody/something, have had enough of (someone or something), have had more (something) than (one) has had hot dinners, have had more than (one's) fair share of (something). Search. Your garden always looks so beautiful. Friend 2: You have cucumbers ready already? The term, which is sometimes quite literal, is associated with England’s King Edward I, who enjoyed eating fresh green peas and who has been said to regularly give prizes to the serf who could display the greenest thumb from shelling them. Log in, 31 Green Idioms And Phrases (Meanings & Examples), 2. The symbolic representation of idiom is much different from the definition of words present in the phrase or statement. 9 sentence examples: 1. 5. However, green thumb Everyone from five to 95 can get involved and nobody is so busy or lacking in green fingers that they can't plant a window-box. 18) ... in a climate with a short growing season, you can still exercise your green fingers with these indoor plant ideas. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. 7) My aunt already has green fingers and since there were way more seeds than we both needed, she picked a ... 8) If you don't have green fingers and do very little gardening, chances are you know someone that does.