No other has brought home so many rejoicing passengers." The Gripsholm Exchange and Repatriation Voyages Posted on September 17, 2012 (September 17, 2012) by Brigette C. Kamsler The Shanghai Evening Post American Edition, Dec. 3, 1943, page 1. The Online Archive of California is an initiative of the California Digital Library. Susan Pentlin has written:
Since the new guestbook can take some time loading, it has been moved to a separate page, and is not being displayed at the bottom of every page. Dates: February 14-15, 2019
Le nombre de « malades » grossit le long du bord et moi, toujours bon pied bon œil ! Cruise Ship . Ce n'est que ce jour que je découvre le site du Drottningholm. republication of the diary of a woman who had been in the Warzaw Ghetto and later interned at the Vittel Internment Camp in France, has provided the following information: "The Gripsholm arrived from Lisbon on March 15, 1944 in New Jersey City, New Jersey with 662 passengers.
Nel 1932, lo scrittore berlinese Kurt fu incaricato dal suo editore di scrivere una storia estiva leggera, poiché i suoi scritti politici non sono più accolti con simpatia sulla scia di un nazionalismo rafforzato.
The New Yorker, December 25, 1943 P. 24. They bear the Asama Maru name and date along with ficticious offerings of the fare of the day. The procedure took place on the 24th, during 4 hours. in such a short time, we marched ahead of the Germans to receive rata (poor quality stew). Again, we find the plesure of a peaceful voyage. A huge crowd and happy jostling on the quay. J'avais 12 ans lorsqu'après quatre années d'internement du fait de mes origines britanniques, j'étais rapatrié en Angleterre à bord du Drottningholm . Tom Moore is the webeditor for the many pages that come under the umbrella of the China National Aviation Corporation (CNAC) web site:, There are several stories of people who were interned by the Japanese
Dés le premier jour, le capitaine nous avait avertis de l’importance de cet exercice : les risques sont minimes mais n’oubliez pas que la guerre n’est pas terminée, nous dit-il.
and the Indian Ocean before. The bars and lounges were open as usual.
On n’est pas pressé , la découverte de notre nouveau domaine est passionnante. The ship made 12 round trips, carrying a total of 27,712 repatriates. From Prisoners of War to War Brides, A Letter From The Drottningholm, October 20, 1943. My brother died about 3 months later. the Swedish flag and the words Sverige and Diplomat painted
Probably for security reasons, we do not take the most direct route, but skirt around the west of Ireland. Nel 1932, lo scrittore berlinese Kurt fu incaricato dal suo editore di scrivere una storia estiva leggera, poiché i suoi scritti politici non sono più accolti con simpatia sulla scia di un nazionalismo rafforzato. - New York
March l6, the ship arrived at Jersey City, New Jersey with
Ocean Liner. - Lisbon
- Algiers
With him, I find the engine room. Read about the Exchange and Repatriation Voyages during WWII. my first ocean voyage. 640 S.C. Yokohama, Japan. Probablement pour des raisons de sécurité, nous ne prenons pas la route la plus directe, mais contournons l’Irlande par l’ouest.
She has a right to be proud of herself. Please note that you can view the clip in full screen mode by a right-button click on the film clip, and choosing zoom. Page 2, Going on Today
This photo is taken before or after WW2. Everyone had to find the location of the lifeboat and one has to check in, wearing a life jacket.
There were also German internees, as described by Steven Fox in his book excerpt. The first voyage from New York commenced on May 7, bound for Lisbon. "oil people", and crew members of U.S. merchant ships, who had been left behind in Asia. It is not hard to see why American Export Lines was chosen to administer the voyages. He grabbed me and put me back in the elevator as I was crying. Our first accomodations were on a lower deck with four bunk beds, no porthole, and restroom and showerroom down the hallway. Your country's customs office can offer more details, or visit eBay's page on. The Swedish crew members were given American Coast Guard passes, and received the same benefits on leave as American servicemen. In these troubled times, what more logical than along the coast? See film clips of the Gripsholm and Drottningholm arriving in New York during WWII here. - Göteborg. It is only today that I discovered this site.
After the war, in 1946, eight ocean liners served in the Atlantic. to join them at these free events, Location: New York & New Jersey
(The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) does not apply to deceased persons. There is no hurry, to discover our new home is exciting. The word Diplomat has been removed. Very early in the morning, it is not the breakfast bell that wakes us up, but the groans of several passengers throwing up their guts overboard! Later he was transferred to Stalag VIIIB, where he was very badly injured, the legacy of which stayed with him for the rest of his life.
Bill Archer has sent this photo, taken by his father from his Liberty Ship of the gun crew. This is ... Hitler and Switzerland: Why Didn't He Invade? Gripsholm è un film del 2000 diretto da Xavier Koller.. Trama. Dad was in Bombay for four weeks before my mother, brother and I joined him. That was the last picture taken of him. Copyright © 1995-2020 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. I can recommend a book written in English, called "Exchange Ship", by Max Hill, 1942. The harbor is decorated with banners and flags. My feelinga are overwhelming! If you reside in an EU member state besides UK, import VAT on this purchase is not recoverable. The Drottningholm is the name of our boat. Many thanks to Lennart Svedberg, Söderhamn, for this information. This amount is subject to change until you make payment. No other has brought home so many rejoicing passengers. and made 33 voyages to exchange
After having returned to New York, on August 25, there was a long waiting period before the next voyage. Interest will be charged to your account from the purchase date if the balance is not paid in full within 6 months. The White Viking Fleet - 100 Year Anniversary 2015, When resuming the regular Atlantic crossings in 1946, SAL published this, A miniature buoy, a gift from an engineer, called. Pour profiter de la fraîcheur nocturne, nous étions quelques uns à dormir sur le pont avant. Solon E. Paul has shared the following story: I (age 14) was a passenger on the Gripsholm January 1, 1946 to January 20, 1946 from Salonika, Greece to New York. View unique photos from the exchange voyage. on the Gripsholm from 1938 to 1946, during the WWII exchange and
Widely read, he radiated warmth and made friends no matter where went.". He was the Director General for the Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf fleets of the American Export Lines from 1941 to 1967, based in Calcutta. Quel changement ! Nous restons à quai jusqu’au 5 août. Ms Gripsholm. LH), My parents were United Church of Canada missionaries and had been in India since February of 1940.
She is shown with a nephew, Gerald C. Vandervort, and a sister-in-law, Mrs. Edwin Vandervort of Climax, Colo.