It is also the only city in Anbar province that has been able to block IS's repeated attempts to control it."[14]. See more. Z Magazine, Mainstream Media
Almost half a century later, everything about that "invisible government" has grown vastly larger, more disturbing, and far more visible. An attack on the dam would have severely flooded towns along the Euphrates downstream from Haditha, as well as eliminating an important source of electricity. ", White House spokesman Tony Snow: "Because the Marines are actually conducting an inquiry and it's a very vigorous one. Military occupations almost always become total wars on the occupied population, because the majority seethe with hatred against the occupiers and eventually resist by whatever means at their disposal. Washington Post, Media Criticism
Rethink Afghanistan, Blogs
There have already been three on Haditha, two still underway; perhaps twelve on Abu Ghraib. So I think rather than trying to prejudge it -- the second thing, and this is equally important, is that when you have an ongoing criminal proceeding, to try to characterize it on my part or anybody within the chain of command within the Department of Defense could very well prejudice and injure any attempts to engage in a prosecution should it be necessary. Not quite Haditha numbers, but close enough; and this would set the tone in "accidental" death for the "liberation" of Iraq that was to follow. In discussions with the Justice Department, Pentagon officials emphasized that a "mass trial" was not an option. The military's belated investigation of murder and cover- up is not complete, but Marine veteran Congressman John Murtha calls it killing in cold blood, worse than Abu Ghraib, another reason to leave Iraq. The massacre at Haditha, which just made the covers of Time and Newsweek, is one of those singular stories of our 24/7 moment that briefly fills the frame of the screen (and the cover), sucking up all attention. Neither can Haditha. Who, after all, would say, as a woman lay on the ground, shot through the head, that she had been "damaged.". Guernica
About 127 mm (5.00 in) of precipitation falls annually. I’ll try to give my own answer to this question by way of analogy. What an unfair method of carrying on a war!”, PAUL D’AMATO is the Associate Editor of the International Socialist Review. Harness the goddess Athena’s intelligence as you embark on this quest through the vocabulary of “The Lightning Thief” by Rick Riordan. The fallback position, once that "incident" won't go away, is that judgment should be suspended and no prejudging should go on until, hopefully, it fades from sight. After that, the common term, as with Haditha today, would simply be "incident.". In other words, the two-month total for Baghdad's central morgue alone was 2,553 victims of "shootings, stabbings and other violence." I can still smell the blood. Police Violence: a Crisis of Masculinity? Grist
Absentee Ballot vs. Mail-In Ballot: Is There A Difference? In contrast to World War II, postwar death and destruction has been comparatively small. Hadith, had′ith, n. the body of traditions about Mohammed, supplementary to the Koran. It simply never ended. As the President prepared to land on the deck of an aircraft carrier off San Diego and declare "major combat operations ended," American soldiers occupying a school in Fallujah, fired into an angry crowd, killing 10 to 13 people and wounding perhaps 75. But what does any of this mean when most of Iraq is beyond the view of the media, when many deaths may never be reported at all. If the problem threatens to settle in, an "investigation" will be announced and then allowed to fade into the woodwork. In early 2014, ISIL launched a successful campaign to seize around 70% of Anbar province from Iraq. Soon enough, American troops launched extensive urban raids to root out a growing insurgency in which doors were busted in and civilians killed. From the beginning, the continual slaughter of civilians, as well as the destruction of civilian property and livelihoods, has been the modus operandi of the American invasion and occupation of Iraq. For other uses, see. By Tom Engelhardt, First news stories about the My Lai massacre (picked up from an army publicity release), March 1968: The New York Times labeled the operation a significant success: "American troops caught a North Vietnamese force in a pincer movement on the central coastal plain yesterday, killing 128 enemy soldiers in day-long fighting." Leveraging the Ruling Class’s Loss of Legitimacy, Terra & Demos: A Unified Ethics for Conservation and the Human Quest, At Breaking Point: Why the Constitutional Crisis Will Only Get Worse, It’s Not Populism, It’s Voter Suppression, Prison, the Plague, Writing and Exile: an Interview With Aslı Erdoğan, Confronting Bipartisan Repression and the US/EU/NATO Axis of Domination Beyond Election Day, Amy Coney Barrett: the Latest Supreme Court Travesty, India’s Move Toward a De Facto Unitary State, In a Looking Glass World, Our Work is Just Beginning, Why Google is Facing Serious Accusations of Monopoly Practices, Democracy as Mental Illness: Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Cross 2020, Killing Fields: the Seamy Side of Idaho’s Wildlife Agency, Arsonist of Three Black Louisiana Churches Sentenced to 25 Years in Prison, Trump’s Bid to Stop the Count Risks Turning America into an ‘Illiberal Democracy’ like Turkey, U.S. is Doing Its Best to Lock Out China From Latin America and the Caribbean. They Were Soldiers: How the Wounded Return from America's Wars: The Untold Story. Louise Roug of the Los Angeles Times, for instance, reports that this May, "1,398 bodies were brought to the central morgue [in Baghdad], according to Ministry of Health statistics, 243 more than April." It is a farming town situated on the Euphrates River at 34°08′23″N 42°22′41″E / 34.13972°N 42.37806°E. These are, of course, the "few bad apples," as President Bush termed them. Open Democracy
He meant to shock and awe a waiting world of potential enemies with the news that we were to be the dominatrix of all history. ", Army Lt. Gen. Peter Chiarelli, commander of multinational forces in Iraq: "The allegations of Haditha are troubling to all of us [but] out of those 150,000 soldiers, I'd dare to say that 99.9 percent of them are doing the right thing. We have no idea how many insurgents, Iraqi soldiers, or militia members have died in that same period, though the number must be large indeed.