Verywell Fit uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. “I love cooking this black kale into my grain salads and Caesar salads. Here are 11 foods to avoid when trying to lose weight. No matter what, I know I’ll have a delicious, healthy dish in a matter of minutes.” – Nicole Handler, blogger, FitfulFocus. ” – Katie Higgins, blogger, ChocolateCoveredKatie. Adding mostly whole, unprocessed foods to your diet will help you get healthier and reach your nutrition goals. Jennifer R. Scott is a weight loss writer. Not to mention that these eggs are higher in omega-3 fatty acids and have more vitamins and minerals, like vitamins A, E and B-12, iron, and phosphorus.” – Marjorie Nolan Cohn, R.D., National Spokesperson, Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics, “I love kefir because it’s rich in a diverse group of probiotics (12 probiotic cultures) and each cup provides 11 grams of protein.” – Molly Morgan, R.D., author of Drink Your Way to Gut Health, “I hated milk as a kid. Because one of the easiest ways to cut calories in the kitchen is to eliminate high-calorie sauces and spreads. I buy the organic.” – Marjorie Nolan Cohn, R.D., National Spokesperson, Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics, “I like Ancient Heritage Dairy Rosa Cheese, a mildly sweet sheep’s milk ricotta from a local company that I really admire. It’s high in protein, low in fat and extremely versatile. If you are familiar with your grocery store’s layout, try separating your list based on the sections where your foods are located. It suffers from an image problem, I guess, but it’s still got much of the same nutrients as the fresh stuff, and it’s super tasty, too. The importance of eating enough protein can not be overstated. Sir Kensington’s Dijon Mustard is made from organic white vinegar and number one grade mustard seed. Though interior grocery aisles include many healthy options, such as canned and dried beans, grains, spices and olive oil, this is also where most grocery chains stock highly processed foods like candy, soda and chips. To start, divide your list into sections based on food types. Looking to lose weight? Separating your grocery shopping list by category is an excellent way to save time and keep your shopping trips stress-free. Find out why these 50 superfoods made the cut then add them to your own grocery list. I love this as a snack, especially when paired with some pepperoni or grapes, or it can be shredded and added to dishes.” – Nicole Handler, blogger, FitfulFocus. Now Foods Probiotic-10 50 Billion Retail Price: $49.99 Your Price: $24.99 51% Off You Save: $25.00 Retail Price: $49.99 Your Price: $24.99 51% Off You Save: $25.00 Click for price I use a couple of cans when I make meatless chili, or Sunday pasta sauce—adding red wine, herbs, a few sautéed veggies, and then simmering on the stove all day long produces the most flavorful sauce!” – Kyra Bussanich, gluten-free baker at Kyra’s Bake Shop in Lake Oswego, Oregon, “We love wild caught tuna that’s packed in cans with no added water or oil. I’d rather have the fat so I can actually curb my hunger. I look for brands that have no artificial ingredients or preservatives so I feel good about serving it to my whole family.”– Erin Palinski-Wade, R.D., author of Belly Fat Diet For Dummies, “I use these for snacks. 2 10036. Sirloin, eye of round, and tenderloin are all lean cuts. Here are the 12 best foods to eat in the morning. Avocados are heart healthy and may help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol. Low in calories, no sugar, and easy on digestion (and the environment), almond milk can be used just like cow’s milk in any application you can imagine. All the major food groups are included. Beans are high in fiber, and B vitamins they are super nutritious. We’re able to fill up on more veggies and less of the rest of the meal, so it helps to keep calories in check as well. You can organize your list by food category or how your favorite grocery store is laid out. I also like to use cooked ground cauliflower as a replacement for rice, and pureed cauliflower as a sneaky substitute for cream in savory recipes.” – Julie Morris, a natural foods chef and New York Times best-selling cookbook author, “Avocados provide fats with benefits. The result is deliciously crispy yet succulent, and a fantastic option for those looking to cut calories and carbs, while gaining extra nutrients at the same time. ” – Sarah James-Bedwell, R.D. “Icelandic-style yogurt has high amount of protein so I am satiated. Honey may also help suppress a cough and is naturally loaded with antioxidants.” – Chef Gabe Kennedy, recent winner of ABC’s primetime show “The Taste”, “I like a Dijon mustard that balances heat and acidity. The intake of highly processed food has been linked to obesity and chronic illnesses like heart disease and diabetes, so minimizing your intake is important for maintaining your health and keeping off excess weight (4, 5). A great example is cauliflower pizza, which replaces the normally nutrient-void bread crust with one made from ground cauliflower. This stuff packs a serious nutritional punch. I typically like wild caught and vacuumed sealed salmon in individual portions, which are perfect for times you only want to prepare one portion at a time.”– Erin Palinski-Wade, R.D., author of Belly Fat Diet For Dummies, By Diana Kelly If you can’t find whole oat groats you can substitute steel-cut oats, which are groats that have been sliced to expedite cooking. I also like to use in a salad or stack a sandwich at lunchtime. Salmon, halibut, … It’s a fantastic replacement for heavy cream in pies, puddings, milkshakes, etc.” – Katie Higgins, blogger, ChocolateCoveredKatie, “Popcorn is a go-to guilt-free snack for me, and it’s easy to make at home, too. Organizing your list into sections helps you shop in a more efficient manner and minimizes the chances of impulse buying. Having the ingredients necessary to prepare tasty meals all week long is an excellent way to maintain a healthy diet. “Turkey is an untapped resource. Skinless chicken or turkey breasts. Keep the cooked groats in the fridge. Rather than scrambling to remember which favorite pantry staple you recently ran out of, keep a running list of the items you need to buy during your next trip to the grocery store. It’s perfect for stir-fries, kebabs, and egg-free egg salad. The packaged food aisle is where smart shoppers need to get diligent. Grocery shopping lists are a helpful way to reduce your chances of purchasing unhealthy foods that can cause you to gain weight and sabotage your goals. I stir a couple tablespoons into my pasta sauce, or stir some salt and fresh garlic into the ricotta and spread it on toast or rice crackers, and then top it off with either avocado or olive tapenade. Many canned and boxed products look healthy but contain added sugars, salt, and fat. What’s more, studies have shown that using a list while grocery shopping can lead to healthier food choices and even weight loss (1, 2). An excellent way to start planning your meals is to create a recipe board detailing the meals you would like to eat for the week, including breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks. Instead, flavor your meals with basic seasonings like salt and pepper or fresh herbs, plus a little olive oil. For example, if you usually begin your shopping trip in the produce aisle, list your fruits and vegetables first. They’re great to use in no-bake treats too!” – Tina Haupert, blogger, CarrotsNCake. Canned tomato sauce has more beta carotene than fresh tomatoes as well as four times the powerful antioxidant lycopene which helps to protect the skin against sunburn and sun-induced skin aging. Edamame is a good source of protein, vitamin K, and other vitamins and minerals.”– Candice Kumai, chef, author of Clean Green Eats, “I like to use organic frozen potatoes because they’re great for a quick addition to dinner and our kids feel like they’re having a French fry ‘treat.’ I look for a simple ingredient list in a frozen potato product: organic potatoes, sunflower oil, and sea salt.”– Molly Morgan, R.D., author of Drink Your Way to Gut Health, “I load up frozen veggie bags when they are on sale. The best healthy grocery list for weight loss includes a wide variety of foods. 50 Healthy Foods to Add to Your Grocery List Top food experts help craft the ultimate healthy shopping list that's full of naturally flavorful, nutrient-rich, whole foods. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Plus, those who plan their meals ahead of time tend to cook more meals at home, a practice that has been linked to better diet quality and lower levels of body fat (3). You can also talk to the produce manager to find out which items are in season and get creative ideas for using them in your meals. A Healthy Grocery Shopping List for Weight Loss, Ⓒ 2020 About, Inc. (Dotdash) — All rights reserved. Read our, Reviewed by Barbie Cervoni MS, RD, CDCES, CDN, Medically reviewed by Richard Fogoros, MD, Reviewed by Jonathan Valdez, RDN, CDE, CPT, Make Over Your Fridge for Weight Loss and Wellness, The 8 Best Recovery Foods and Drinks of 2020, According to a Dietitian, Low-Calorie Snacks That Boost Your Protein Intake, Must-Have Items for Your Low-Carb Grocery List. If you are drawn in by a sale item or fancy food display, take the time to ask yourself if the item fits into your meal plan and remind yourself of your healthy grocery list. Ground turkey or chicken. Even if we order in—anything from Chinese food to Italian food—we defrost frozen broccoli and mix it right into the meal. Click here to get a printable version of the shopping list above. Here are 18 healthy foods that can satisfy this urge without wrecking your diet. carrots. Making a point of planning your meals for the week may help you avoid making poor choices and help you create a grocery shopping list more efficiently. I like to turn them into apple cinnamon whole grain oat bowls for breakfast or use them as the base of a green energy bowl any time of day. Meat and Seafood. Though having a treat now and then is perfectly normal and healthy, keep sweets and snack foods to a minimum when creating your shopping list. The greatest concentration of beneficial carotenoids in avocados is in the dark green fruit of the avocado closest to the peel.” – Bonnie Taub-Dix, R.D.N., author Read It Before You Eat It, “As a chef, acid is essential in cooking, and adds vibrancy to any dish. But just like … (The average national price is $0.60 a pound!) I sprinkle hemp seeds on everything, from soups and stews to salads and roasted vegetables. Here, they shared the must-have fruits and vegetables, proteins, grains, dairy and eggs, canned foods, snacks, pantry items, and frozen foods (in no particular order) that make up their nutritious, vibrant, and flavorful diets. I avoid the fat-free ones because they aren’t filling enough for me. Tempting, unhealthy foods seem to lurk in every aisle, threatening to offset your health goals.