Biotic and abiotic components of the ecosystem are very closely related. Abiotic factors are derived from atmosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere. This snake spends much of its time in water, taking advantage of the flooded swamps. They play an important part in the provision of resources … For example, plants compromise the biotic components of the ecosystem. The tertiary consumer also eats the secondary consumer. There are some decomposers who convert compounds into simple elements and return them to nature hence called a transformer. Abiotic Factors vs Biotic Factors. These decomposers break down the complex chemical compounds in the protoplasm of plants and animals using some of them for their own needs. Imagine you win a trip to Florida and can choose any place in the state to visit. are the abiotic factors. The most well known swamps in the United States are in the Everglades in Florida; however, there are many other swamps around the world, such as the Yangtze river in China and the Niger Delta in Nigeria. There are two main pieces to having a healthy ecosystem, abiotic factors, which are non-living, and biotic factors, which are living. Due to the abundance of small fish and crustaceans, birds flourish in the swamp. Any ecosystem is considered as a unit of the entire environment of the earth. Plant cell: Structure, properties and functions, Difference between habitat and ecological niche, Mutualisms vs parasitism: definition, types, and differences, Concave vs convex lens: Definition, Types, and differences, What are vitamins? These components are divided into two parts. Difference between biotic and abiotic components, Biotic components are the living components of the ecosystem. All the elements whether it is microorganisms or microorganisms present in the ecosystem that decompose dead plants and consumers into simple chemicals are called decomposers. Abiotic factors are all of the non-living factors in an ecosystem that are needed for life. Swamps may be known for sticky mud and pesky mosquitoes, but they are also host to tons of amazing species found nowhere else. Social factors denote how the land and its resources are consumed by the biotic factors and how the interaction between abiotic and biotic components is going on. Living things need the abiotic factors for their survival. around the world. During photosynthesis, the green plant produces complex compounds from simple compounds. Which is a biotic factor in the environment of a fresh-water fish? All of these elements balance the environment through biochemical processes (1) & (3). Biotic and abiotic factors in an ecosystem are totally dissimilar. These are the highest consumer of the trophic level (1). Currently, the American alligator is being threatened by invasive species such as the Burmese python, which is native to countries in Southeast Asia and was brought to Florida as a pet. How do biotic and abiotic factors cycle in an ecosystem? These are known as the producers of the ecosystem. An ecosystem is a natural unit consisting of organic, inorganic, and biological organisms, where different organisms form a way of life by interacting with each other and their organic and inorganic components (1). Abiotic factors are all of the non-living things in an eccosystem, are not made of cells, and include such substances as soil, rocks, water, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. These biotic and abiotic components combined to form a large ecosystem. This interaction of ecosystems facilitates the transfer of energy at the trophic level. These mammoths weigh over 1,000 pounds and can grow up to 15 feet in length. Therefore, green plants (biotic components) are affected by water and carbon dioxide (biotic components) through photosynthesis. Measurement: The measurement of the biotic component is subjective. Thus a biotic element is related to other abiotic components in the ecosystem (1) & (2). Your email address will not be published. Biotic factors are all of the living things in an ecosystem. There are both similarities and differences between biotic and abiotic components. Abiotic components affect the environment in this way even though they are not alive. So there must be some similarities between them. Thus decomposers playa an important role in ecosystems it helps in continuing the energy and components flow of the ecosystem (1) & (3). Herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores are large consumers. During the wet season, the Everglades temperatures can rise to about 90 degrees Fahrenheit with extremely high humidity. These are the elements or organisms in the ecosystem that depend on others to make their own food. In other words, ecosystems are the main functional unit of ecology. What is a Pitcher plant? are inorganic elements in the ecosystem. Both abiotic and biotic factors determine both where an organism can live and how much a population can grow. The nutrient composition of the soil, amount of sunlight, temperature, water, and weather are crucial factors in an ecosystem. All of these elements form the biochemical structure of the organism and relate to organic and inorganic elements (1) & (3). This majestic bird wanders through the swamp, standing still until a suitable meal swims by, which the heron impales with its long beak. Eventually, the strangler fig survives on its own, leaving a shell of a larger tree in its wake. Would you like to get a custom essay? Their root systems provide shelter for small fish and crustaceans as well as larger species like reptiles and birds. The biotic component of an ecosystem is a living component that affects humans and the environment. These heterotrophs cannot able to produce their own food via photosynthesis and are dependent mainly on the autotrophs for their survival. Biotic and abiotic components of the ecosystem are very closely related. The biotic and abiotic components of the ecosystem are interdependent with each other. The abiotic factors or non-living elements that are important include the year-round flooding, nutrient-rich soil, and warm temperatures in the summer with high humidity. The ecosystem is a collection of a variety of organic, inorganic, food-producing green plants, some animals that depend on plants for food, and some microorganisms that decompose dead bodies into the environment. Biotic factors are all of the living things in an ecosystem, and as such are composed of cells, and include decomposers, producers, and consumers. Adapt to ability changes in the environment. The abiotic components may be a chemical component. Swamp lilies have white flowers that dot the swamp in warm temperatures. Green plants, algae, chemosynthetic germs come under autotrophs or producers. Abiotic factors do not depend on biotic factors for their existence. Summer days can see temperatures of 15° to 30° degrees. The combined effect of these two elements is called interrelationship in the language of science. Frogs, lizards, dogs, small fish, dogs, cats, foxes, snakes, etc. Let’s take a look at each of these more closely in our swamp ecosystem. This lesson is on the biotic and abiotic factors of the swamp. This dark, nutrient-rich soil is known as alluvial soil and is only deposited in places flooded with freshwater from rivers. They play an important role in maintaining the way of life and survival of animals (1) & (3).