Since we focus on anti-aging products, one of our most powerful tools for how to approach prospects is sharing real before & after pictures. ( Log Out /  See how to improve your skills and knowledge. In my business with Jeunesse we have a groundbreaking anti-aging technology. My hope is that by reading this article, you will have a better sense of how to share your products and opportunity with people, thereby helping you to achieve success more quickly and enjoy the journey more! Seeing OxiClean turn a wine-drenched shirt stark white is quite compelling, isn’t it? Bottom line, your enthusiasm is a great attraction, yet talking for hours is not how to approach prospects if you want to succeed. The beauty of the two strategies I just shared is that they are part of a repeatable process. With our CPD accredited courses, you can be confident of the highest standards of content and delivery. If you constantly change how you share your products and opportunity, you won’t have the tracks you need to run on, and your team won’t have a path to follow either. Great, easy-to-follow courses on skills that will change your life! This approach combines the "guru" and "buddy" approaches. When I first started out, I sat with my friend Donna for a couple of hours trying to convince her of the business model and she just couldn’t get it. Prospects can be obtained in a variety of ways such as online (eg. I don’t have time!”. You must have a well-developed sales prospecting plan to grow revenue and increase your customer base. And sometimes, they just need to hear the message from someone other than you. Click for information on all our. Change ). Here are 10 proven ways to acquiring new leads for your sales pipeline: See how you score on a range of skills that are critical to your well-being and performance. Our products get results like nothing else on the market, and the before & after pictures get the message across so strongly that you never again need to wonder how to approach prospects. Get a solid base for using Visio to create high quality, impressive diagrams. Read how we are in business to help you to change your life by being better at what your do! When I first got started seven years ago, I could not understand why my friend Susan didn’t see what I saw in this business model. MLM SECRETS: HOW TO BE A TOP EARNER BY CHANGING YOUR ROUTINE, HOW TO APPROACH PROSPECTS – THREE MUST-HAVE STRATEGIES FOR SHARING YOUR MLM. Are you overselling? A brilliant way for how to approach prospects and get around this hurdle is to have a quick and simple business tool do the talking for you. Articles to make you more effective in your sales career, Click a button to see more about each course. Whether you’re at a BBQ or a networking function, when people ask you what you do and you show them the results your product provides, you will start hearing a lot more, “Wow, tell me more!” Do you have a show and tell type of document or picture that you can share with your prospects? I can remember a few times where I thought, “Oh my gosh, I just spent an hour trying to convince this person.” Now I just focus on people who are interested in what I have, and I don’t worry about those that aren’t. How to Prospect for Sales for Your Small Business. With a sizzle call, how to approach prospects becomes as simple as, “I’d love for you to check this out. Here are some of the tips that would help you next time you approach someone: Look Beyond Friends and Family. Yet, whether you are new to network marketing or are an MLM veteran, how to approach prospects remains one of the biggest learning curves. One of my friends is a coach in the industry. Prospects don't care that you're the newest accounting firm on the block or that you launched a new product. Downloading the pictures from our team website and laminating them creates an easy on-the-go sharing tool for how to approach prospects. She was interested in the product, yet I kept telling her about the business. Getting regular feedback from customers is the best way to improve service levels. ( Log Out /  One of the biggest mistakes I have seen people make when learning how to approach prospects, is talking too much, for too long. {BUTTON|Take a sales training course||300|More Sales Blogs articles||300}, Why Driving the Numbers Will Increase Your Sales, Why Salespeople Need to Work Hard and Smart, 5 Important Keys to Making an Effective Follow Up in Sales, 5 Common Sense Tips on How to Be Persistent Without Being Pushy in Sales, The 6 Most Common Prospecting Mistakes and How to Avoid Them, 5 Useful Tips on How to Turn Prospects into Buyers, The 5 Most Common Mistakes People Make While Cold Calling (And How to Avoid Them), The 5 Best Tips on How to Prepare for a Sales Call, More information on the cookies we use and how to change your settings. Your team will do what you do, so if you are constantly re-inventing the wheel, your team will lose focus, get frustrated, and eventually burn out. What impact have these had on their profits? Find out what industry they’re in – what’s going on in their world. The salesperson who elects to use the consultant approach presents herself as an expert who has the customer's best interests in mind. Isn’t it “fascinating” that it’s so often the case with our family and our close friends? Create a free website or blog at We will always want to know what you think, so please contact us! As soon as she heard the message from someone else, though, it clicked. Yet, whether you are new to network marketing or are an MLM veteran, how to approach prospects remains one of the biggest learning curves. Looking back, though, I was making classic mistakes. This course will enable you to use Visio to design graphics at the highest level. Articles to help you to increase your knowledge and understanding in key areas of your life, your interests and career. 2) How to Approach Prospects – Show, Don’t Tell. ( Log Out /  ( Log Out /  Here's your handy log in to your courses: all you need is your email address and password! Since that is the case, even if you are brand new, your prospects get to hear the message from a veteran. They care about results, but may not have the resources to take control themselves. You are excited about your company’s products and opportunity, and you want everyone to see what you see. How to Approach Prospects Action Step: Find a way to “demo” your products. But, what are some other traits and strategies one must build to bring in the prospects? How to Approach Prospects Action Step: See if your company or team has a similar tool that you can plug into.