Submitted to on this day as well. Players take the helm of a downtrodden football franchise and retool the players and coaching staff in a quest to guide them to the league championship. I think this game is the first reality videogame. This team is the main rival team in the campaign mode, and is led by Bruno Battaglia, the former player from the player-created team in Blitz: The League. based on The crass, lowbrow, and gloriously juvenile Blitz proves that you don't need those fancy NFL-licensed pants to make a quality f'ball sim... Never taking itself too seriously, this shallow Madden instead chooses to revel in the seedy, sex-drugs-rock-and-roll dark side of the pigskin. Generally favorable reviews- based on 21 Ratings. Blitz The League has been developed at Midway's Chicago studio in collaboration with a writer from ESPN's controversial "Playmakers", Blitz The League, a new, unlicensed videogame exposing the harsh realism and troubling, behind-the-scenes stories of a fictional professional football league. November Preview: 19 TV Shows & New Movies to Watch at Home, Music title data, credits, and images provided by, Movie title data, credits, and poster art provided by. IMPORTANT: Please include the words "BLITZ THE LEAGUE 2" in the subject, or I will consider it spam and delete it accordingly. This is Blitz at its best, adding an even meaner, uglier spirit to the game that will have anyone with a strong stomach and a thirst for brutality jumping out of his or her seat in elation with every murderous tackle landed. Your hub for everything related to PS4 including games, news, reviews, discussion, questions, videos, and screenshots. Main Score reflects how great this pc game is on this platform. I agree bring it back, It was so innovative. TD Celebrations: After scoring a touchdown, enter these: Air Traffic – Square, Triangle, Square, Circle Back It Up – Square, …, What makes a football title great? Main score. It is simply horrible! Peter Egan (Playmakers) returns to pen the most entertaining Blitz® storyline yet. (Hours Estimated Via. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Generally favorable reviews The Riot are the commissioner's baby team, and he has decided that they will win the championship this year. 7 years ago. Blitz: The League is functional, fun, *!#$ed-up fantasy football with enough humor, style, and faux "edge" to keep even the least gridiron-minded among us entertained with its raunchy excess. [Midway]. Press J to jump to the feed. this is one of there best games they ever made i like the clash mode were you can beat the crap out of the other teams players and break bones and even take out there legament this game will be the b est seller just wait it will. I love the slow-mo, and the more arcade feel if it. Players take the helm of a downtrodden football franchise and retool the players and coaching staff in a quest to guide them to the league championship. Some may think that realistic tackles, precision passing and great visuals are the keys …, Planet Coaster: Console Edition (PS4 / PS5 / Xbox One / Xbox Series S/X), Fuser (Nintendo Switch / PC / PS4 / Xbox One), Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (Google Stadia / PC / PS4 / PS5 / Xbox One / Xbox Series S/X), XIII Remake (Nintendo Switch / PC / PS4 / Xbox One), Yakuza: Like A Dragon (PC / PS4 / PS5 / Xbox One / Xbox Series S/X), The Pathless (Apple Arcade / PC / PS4 / PS5). ===== VERSION HISTORY ===== [VERHI] 1.1 - Completed this FAQS on 1/27/2016 after a long delay of inactivity. Critic Reviews ... For The Unplanned Gamers, I Made A Quick Time Completion Sheet For Those Looking To Play The PlayStation Plus Collection Games Next Month. Especially the one with aerial moves and wall runs (2 I think), New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Blitz the league was great. [Nov 2005, p.149]. Division 1. Exactly, you'll get your Blitz when I get my Shadow Hearts...Midway made some great games. I love the slow-mo, and the more arcade feel if it. It is simply horrible! Blitz The League, a new, unlicensed videogame exposing the harsh realism and troubling, behind-the-scenes stories of a fictional professional football league. But in the end, when you're finished laughing at the various jokes and cut scenes, what matters is the gameplay, and while Blitz: The League has its moments, especially during two-player … Now you can control the entire franchise, dealing with personnel decisions and front-office politics. Digital Dreams’ MUTANT FOOTBALL LEAGUE™ game is a parody and is NOT licensed by the National Football League or the National Football League … ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Losing the NFL license is the best thing that ever happened to Blitz-it's finally the hardcore, over-the-top pigskin game Blitz is supposed to be. Bad gameplay, no announcers, decent graphics though. Stayed true to the old arcade game, from back when us old folks played it on a 6 foot 6000 pound machine, Was one of my go to games just to mess around. Additional features include intense multiplayer action with head-to head online play and complete customization of players, teams, stadiums and more. Blitz: The League brings you more Blitz-style play, but with more content and harder hits. The League includes on-field injuries, ranging from snapping bones to bloody, career-ending hits. Liked it much better than Madden. I also loved the injuries, and the ultra intensity of it. Will likely never happen because Midway went under nearly ten years ago. 25 © 2006-2020 PlayStation Universe, All Rights Reserved. Blitz The League goes behind the glitz and glamour of the game through a revolutionary campaign mode that explores the on-field violence, off-field fallout and front-office politics of professional football. Boo EA! Mexico City Aztecs Blitz The League features a powerful story mode that, for the first time ever in a football videogame, explores the realism, lifestyle and drama found in professional football. Midway goes behind the scenes to bring you lifestyles, controversy, and the nitty-gritty real world of pro football players. 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Solid graphics, online play and original in-your-face features makes Blitz: The League a great alternative to the other football games on the market. Back for another season of heart-pumping, bone-crushing, no-holds-barred football action, Blitz: The League II strips the rules and regulations from … © 2020 METACRITIC, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. One-time license fee for play on account’s designated primary PS4™ system and other PS4™ systems when signed in with that account. Blitz: The League crosses the thin line between hardcore and tasteless. These teams include expansion teams and relocated teams. Bad gameplay, no announcers, decent graphics. Liked it much better than Madden. Sorry but u can put glitter and diamonds on crap but it still STINKS! The largest PlayStation 4 community on the internet. Blitz The League has been developed at Midway's Chicago studio in collaboration with a writer from ESPN's controversial "Playmakers" TV series. thats big for me to say because i dont like football.I like it cause you can hurt people break there bone put them out of the game. The gameplay needs some tuning, but if you've got a mind to crush some skulls on and off the field, then I think you're gonna be pretty happy with this title. As the sequel to the more than one million unit selling and award-winning football experience, Blitz: The League II continues the franchise legacy as the ultimate alternative to the watered-down, licensed competition. CAMPAIGN MODE As the only videogame with a story mode exploring the darker side of pro sports, Blitz®: The League™ II puts the player in complete control as he ventures through brutal on-the-field competition and entertaining off-the-field drama in his quest to reach the League Championship. I am sorry but am I the only one who thinks this game is a nightmare? New visual game modes let you view crucial game moments and moves in slow motion. Ladies and gentlemen, Blitz is back. 895 comments. What's this? - Therein lies the questionable humor of this post.