© 2020 Micky Global Pty Ltd Home » Guides » NBA 2K20: How to Alley Oop. If you’ve got a team mate that is moving towards the basket or near the basket, you can double tap Y (Xbox) or Triangle (PS4) button to throw an alley-oop in NBA 2K20. The alley oop in 2k20 should only be used when it looks the player will be able to catch the ball and put it in the basket, otherwise you could just be throwing the ball to the other team, or throwing it … You must use sprinting very strategically. You can do this with or without the ball too. Your email address will not be published. Everyone can play NBA 2K20. The same Reddit thread actually had recent comments after the update, informing all other players to check out their games as the alley-oop dunk was finally fixed. 3-2 is to defend the outside shot leaving you very weak in the corners. Look for the bounce and time your button input right to nab the ball right out of the hands. The latest update seemed to focus more on fixing some reported issues, including the alley-oop dunk problem. Any advice on stopping it? Get the hottest news about the things you are interested in most! It sounds really easy to steal a ball in NBA 2K20 but you must keep some extra tips in your mind to ensure that you always steal the ball. See our 2K20 Wiki for FAQs, ... I’m just wondering what the ideal skills are to get up in order to be able to finish alley oops. Keep practicing and you will easily get to know when to land a perfect shot. Your email address will … These basic mechanics involved in NBA 2K20 include sprinting, Alley Oop, stealing the ball from the opposition, passing the ball to your teammates and how to fake a pass and get the much-needed space to make your way to that hoop on the other side of the court. When you are surrounded by the opposition, sometimes a fake pass will save your skin as the opposition will think that the ball is now leaving your side and they will focus on the new potential receiver of the ball. 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Performing an alley-oop may be seen extraordinary but it is really easy to perform, you have to do just focus on one button whenever you feel ready to pull off the alley-oop. It’s the same system as previous years so you’ll pretty much need to have a clear lane to … Another move that you can perform in NBA 2K20 is the Alley Oop. See our 2K21 Wiki for FAQs, Locker Codes & more. By using this website, you affirm that you have read and agree to abide by our, Micky readers - you can get a 10% discount on trading fees on, ‘NBA 2K20’ new patch update fixes alley-oop dunk issues and more. Apparently, the update added more bugs than it fixed. Subscribe to our newsletter and get the latest news and updates straight into your inbox. The issues were: Meanwhile, NBA 2K20 owners were not entirely happy with the latest patch release. From our own experience, we like to do this when you’ve caught your opponent on the break and outnumber their defense in a 2-on-1 scenario. There aren’t many moves in basketball that are quite as showy and as much of a staple to the NBA 2K series as the alley oop. Not everyone can Call their Plays at the right time. No notes, no specific updates info given to community. I just played a guy who did about 30 alley oops on a MyTeam match. We are the biggest community for anything and everything related to the NBA 2K series. Questions? You’ll need to use the Left Stick in the direction of the player that you want to receive the pass. Doing an alley oop pass in NBA 2k20 is similar to previous years. The best times to use an alley oop are in 2 on 1 fast break situations or situations where a player is cutting toward the basket without a defender near him. In this NBA 2K20 Basics Guide, we will guide you on some of the basic moves in NBA 2K20. The default key to change your call plays are L2 on PS4, LT on Xbox One and ZL on Nintendo Switch. Patch 1.11 NBA 2k20 has been released on all platforms. But aparently for online games and tournaments evryone used it because it was cheesy... IDK never use zone that much, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Once you have the ball in your possession and press the corresponding entry button, you will configure another player on your team for a tray, as long as your partner is running in the direction of the opposite goal. […] Before we start, you must know that the default key input of an Alley Oop is Double Tap Triangle on PS4, Double Tap Y on Xbox One and Double Tap X on Nintendo Switch. Apparently, the update added more bugs than it fixed. By reading or interacting with any of our content, website or social media you agree to be bound by these. All Rights Reserved. Sprinting is an important mechanic in NBA 2K20 but not the one that you should be taking for granted as well. Your ultimate goal here is to release the right when the button reaches the top of the meter. This time around, however, there are only four updates on this patch, and all are issues reported to the developers. I had the same issue on my 6'5 Scoring Machine at SG who has a 86 driving dunk and all alley oop animations he couldn't dunk alley oops, so I made a 6'5 Inside Out Playmaker with the same pie chart same issue only lay ups off of an alley oop. You can also call it a Beginner’s Guide for NBA 2K20 because this guide will be very good for everyone who is just jumping into this amazing game or even in the franchise for the first time. Gamer Tweak is dedicated to helping gamers of all kinds, it is our endeavour to help you on your quest from the streets in Litte Havana to the skies that Alduin lays claim to. 2-3 or 3-2? If you’ve got a team mate that is moving towards the basket or near the basket, you can double tap Y (Xbox) or Triangle (PS4) button to throw an alley-oop in NBA 2K20.