You Will Need * Two to six players * A Chinese checkers board * 10 colored pegs per player. This can be done by filling in peg holes around their pieces to block a player from hopping. That means the piece all the way on the right will move up and to the right and the piece on the left will move up and to the left. Some consider this strategy unsportsmanlike. Move your two pieces inward. Like any game, the more you play the better you'll get at it.,,,, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License. Chinese Checkers with Marbles Play against yourself. Now, simply toss a coin to determine who makes the first move and it’s game on. Don't rush. Similar to chess rules, if you keep your pieces away from the side they are less likely to become stranded. Sternhalma, commonly known as Chinese Checkers (US and Canadian spelling) or Chinese Chequers (UK spelling), is a strategy board game of German origin which can be played by two, three, four, or six people, playing individually or with partners. One other common opening move is very similar to the inward opening move. Read more here. Choose a color and starting triangle for each person. We’ve written up some strategies specifically to help you win. With each turn, a player can move one marble. CHINESE CHECKERS 2-3 players 7+ Contents Game board and 30 wooden pegs. 1) If one set is used, players start in a triangle facing their opponent’s triangle. So if you have one piece in the back and a zigzag of other pieces across the board, you can hop all the way down the line of your pieces. Set up your checkers correctly. It was all a marketing ploy to appeal to America for the popular interest in oriental themes.). Unlike in draughts, when a player hops/jumps over an opponent’s piece, the piece remains valid and active on the board; it is not captured or taken away from the board. If you can occupy the goal area more quickly than your opponent then you’ll be more likely to win. Each triangle will contain 10 marbles corresponding to a player. Object of the game Be the first player to move all 10 pegs across the game board into the opposite target triangle. Chinese Checkers has a specially crafted board where the game is played. This is a less common but still viable strategy. We review the games, research the rules, and uncover helpful tips and strategies. Chinese checkers is a simple and fun game to play. Keep your pieces toward the center of the board. Then, you use one of the second checkers from the corner of the triangle and hop it over the third and fifth checkers. Chinese Checkers Rules Equipment The Chinese Checkers board is in the shape of a six pointed star. (Rules & Instructions), The first person to move all of their marbles into their opponent’s triangle. We’ve written up some strategies specifically to help you win. Find the video tutorial and written explanation for how to play Chinese checkers below. Each player controls one to three sets of marbles. When four players are playing the game, the play will begin with two pairs of opposite facing triangles. If you watch really good Chinese checkers players you’ll notice that they always start with one of two opening moves – the two moves listed above. Also, just as in draughts, Chinese Checkers players can jump/hop over their opponent’s (or even their own) pieces in a straight line. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Each triangle is a different colour and there are six sets You are allowed to make as many jumps during a turn as you want. You generally want to move your marbles as a group rather than having a lead scout marble or a marble stuck in the back. Set up is as easy as saying “Chinese Checkers”. To win your opponent, you must guide your pieces to “home” become he/she (your opponent) does. However, it is also helpful to consider some basic and advanced strategies so that you have a leg up on your opponents. Watch this video to learn how to play Chinese checkers. Then you can take the last piece in the line and hop over the other pieces. You should be left with the two pieces sitting right next to each other one step in front of all the rest of your pieces. The game is a modern and simplified variation of the game Halma.. Yes, of course there are! Well, blow the dust off that old board and pull up a seat. Do you like playing backgammon? You can hop over as many marbles as are available to hop, including your own, and you may change the direction of your piece with each jump if there is a place open for it. (Trivia fact: Chinese Checkers was marketed in America in 1928 as “Hop Ching Checkers but the name was later changed to Chinese Checkers. Step 1. The second move is the Cross Caterpillar. Try them to see how they work for you. The idea behind starting inward is that you can make a direct route towards the center of the board. Anticipate your opponent. How many spaces can a king move in checkers, Play checkers online free against computer, Where to play checkers online with friends. A great way to get pieces along the middle of the board is by setting up a zigzag line of your pieces. You’ll be able to fill your goal area with fewer moves given that you can continue to hop over your own pieces. It also sets you up for a route directly across the board while keeping your pieces close to other pieces. $21.33. 2) If two sets are used, the players set up in two triangles facing the opponent’s two triangles, or one opposing and one facing an empty triangle. - Move your marbles as a group. Watch out for stragglers. It was, in fact, invented in Germany in 1892). Each player starts from one of the colored triangles/star edge. It is a board game played between 2 players to 6 players. There are six sides of the board; thus, up to six persons can play this game at the same time; turns move in a clockwise direction. One player will have an advantage as they will have an empty space opposite and so less resistance. The board is designed in the pattern of star and has six triangles where the marbles can be placed. When six players are playing the game, all triangles and pegs are utilized. If you are playing with a younger player who won, we suggest the losing players pick up the winner and put them on their shoulders and parade them around outside as the Ultimate Chinese Checker Champion. When hopping, you may only jump over one marble at a time if there is a space between them. When one player has been able to move all of their pieces from their colored triangle or start point, into their opponent’s colored triangle, they have won the game. There are two popular opening moves you can choose from, but you are certainly not limited to these. It’s much easier to anticipate moves if you have seen them before. You will also be aware of the ways that they can counter your favorite moves when you play for real. The rules for Chinese Checkers are simple and straightforward. Always look to jump your last marble forward so it doesn't get left behind. In a 4 player game, it is a standard game of Chinese checkers where two opposite sides are left open. Each triangle is a different colour and there are six sets of ten pegs with corresponding colours. The first person to move all of their marbles into their opponent’s triangle wins the game. Chinese Checkers can be played by 2 to 6 players. Chinese checkers is a relatively simple game, but that doesn't mean it's easy to win. If you play against yourself, you’ll be aware of the ways that you can counter your opponent. Neither Chinese nor checkers, Chinese checkers is a fun game to play. Each of these points has ten pegs or marble holes to place your pieces and face one another from across a hexagonal field of additional marble holes. The best way to get a few checkers out of your area is by moving the checker on the right or left of the triangle toward your opponent's checkers. Chinese Checkers is a fun board game that can be played with two to six players. The interior of the board is a hexagon with each side five holes long. You should read our top strategies on how to win in backgammon! Buy Now on Amazon 2, 3, 4, or 6 players can be part of this game. $25.99 The opposing player may have left a piece there to block the final marble from being placed. Chinese Checkers rules are pretty simple insomuch that kids can play and enjoy the game. (Trivia fact: Chinese Checkers does not originate from China. Set up your checkers correctly. The interior of the board is a hexagon with each side five holes long. You also have the option to play with multiple sets of marbles. Take your time deciding on a move. The players each have a separate color and must move their marbles to the opposite corner. You may choose to put a rule into place that states: if a player finds themself unable to move during a turn, they forfeit the game. Chinese checkers was inspired from a game called Halma. Just place the board in front of you and fill in the colored triangles with their corresponding color for as many players as are playing – between two and six. There are different ways of playing depending on how many players are in each game, but we’ll cover those details more below. There are two popular opening moves you can choose from, but you are certainly not limited to these. Blocking can also happen when one player has filled the other player’s star point with all their colored marbles but one. The Chinese checkerboard is shaped like a star. Rather than moving your two pieces forward and closer to each other, move them forward and further away from each other. Each point of the star is a triangle consisting of ten holes (four holes to each side). That’s it. Similarly, if you have a marble way in front it is of no use to the marbles behind it. This game is played in twos, threes, fours, or sixes. Marbles can hop on one another to travel forward but they have to be next to each other for this to work.