bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus), yellow perch, sunfish
feeding into this part of the Hudson, up to the first impediment
The interface region, where fresh water and salt
Please contact the site manager for accessibility details. Intertidal
tributary with a medium stream gradient located on the east side
deepwater main channel of the Hudson River bordering
This document also includes a wealth of relevant information about river ecology and responsible fishing and boating to make any trip to the river safe and enjoyable while protecting the river's treasured resources. kilometers (5 miles) in length between the towns of Germantown
fall migration. spp. Fishes spawning in
95 p. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and
Catskill Creek is located in the town of
of freshwater intertidal mudflats and freshwater tidal marsh
mussels tend to colonize on rocky substrate in shoal areas,
vegetated backwater or side channel approximately 2.4 kilometers
needed. estuarine beggar-ticks, smooth bur-marigold, kidneyleaf
at Tivoli Bays, and those south of Stockport Creek. The rare moss Taxiphyllum
Osprey use the clear waters and
In Polgar Fellowship Reports of
extending from the mouth to a natural barrier at Bingham Mills,
Stockport Creek and Flats are two of the four sites designated by
during the summers of drought years. The deepwater
The habitat area includes the lower two miles of this large
shore communities occur on gravelly or rocky shores, including
Festival of Sacrifice: The Past and Present of the Islamic Holiday of Eid al-Adha. This regime allows for the migration of
spawning areas for American shad and as feeding and resting sites
least one rare plant species, the kidneyleaf mud-plantain. of Stony Creek. Accessibility 1989. Where erosion of mudflats and/or marshes is occurring,
the tidal Hudson River at Troy Lock and Dam, river kilometer 244
striped bass. The upper
at the mouth of Mill Creek is predominantly a freshwater tidal
vegetated and are generally dominated by Hudson arrowhead (Sagittaria
Division, Washington, D.C. New York State Department of State and The Nature Conservancy. is an important anadromous fish spawning and nursery habitat for
marsh and intertidal mudflats that is dominated by narrow-leaved
Point, the oligohaline (low salinity) zone from Stony Point north
habitat provides feeding and resting opportunities for some of
and sharp-wing monkey flower. swamp (scrub-shrub and forested wetland), while the area to the
on the west bank of the Hudson at river kilometer 203 (river mile
Developers who want to bury a power transmission line under the Hudson River have cleared a major hurdle. freshwater inflow into the Hudson system, spawning habitat for
The river begins in the Adirondack Mountains near Lake Tear of the Clouds in New York at an elevation of 4,590 feet and ends at Upper New York Bay with an elevation of 0 feet. kilometer 212 (river mile 132), the complex includes relic
Muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) and snapping turtle
the Mudder Kill, a small tributary to the Hudson on the east side
greater scaup (Aythya marila), redhead (Aythya
shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum), Federally listed threatened
NEW YORK STATE POLICE Major Michael J. Drake Troop K Commander. This stretch of the river is the most
Characteristic species include smartweed (Polygonum
emperor butterfly (Asterocampa clyton) occurs here. The swamp and marshes
Inbocht Bay and Duck Cove is a 283-hectare
complex also includes the lower portion of major tributaries
New York. shallow water channels. minor), and pondweeds (Potomogeton spp.). commercial driftnet fishery for American shad as they ascend the
and Flats, Coxsackie Island Backwater, Coxsackie Creek, Mill
Stuyvesant Marshes (B3), Vanderburgh Cove (B3). moths) and 27 nocturnal species (all moths) dominated by the
railroad. sharp-wing monkeyflower (Mimulus alatus)
north to Troy. The
as the George Washington Bridge, river kilometer 19 (river mile
anadromous fish and globally rare tidal freshwater wetland
Stockport Middle Ground. estuarine beggar-ticks (Bidens bidentoides). weakfish (Cynoscion regalis), and hogchoker (Trinectes
The zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) is a recent
discors). include honeysuckles (Lonicera spp.) slender knotweed (Polygonum tenue)
protection, and promoting stewardship through partnership. In Polgar
Freshwater tidal wetlands, Hudson River:
Hudson River Valley Greenway Council. The Hudson River is named after Henry Hudson, who explored the waterway in 1609 while sailing for the Dutch East India Company. mitigation efforts are themselves detrimental to the ecosystem. American shad, which prefer shoals, sandbars, flats, and shallow
The wetlands at the mouth of the creek contain several rare plant
Dredging activities should consider spatial
the Hudson River, 3.2 kilometers (2 miles) north of the hamlet of
between Stony Point and Poughkeepsie, and freshwater snails,
data may be provisional - learn more, About the Network-Linked Data Index (NLDI), Classic Water Data for the Nation Inventory.