He was so fucking in love with this boy. Don’t forget about me when you leave.” Eddie whispered, he wasn’t just asking, he was pleading. He knew what happened to adults when they leave Derry, and Eddie did too. You don’t need anyone else to make your life feel like it’s worth living, because you are strong enough to make it on your own — and you are smart enough to know that there is nothing wrong with being single. Not a member? ” He found himself speaking softly, not sure if it was a question or the need to say his name out of shock. And Richie couldn’t tell whether that meant things were about to get better or worse. He loved Eddie, more than anyone or anything in his entire life. Richie had gotten down on one knee, taking out his knife and began re-carving the letters; making them as bold and proud as ever. Not even now, not even as the incident in the arcade was still fresh in his mind. Richie couldn’t help but think Eddie saw what he did, and did something the same. ( Log Out / I just wanna dance with you.” Eddie was fucking crying now, and Richie was almost positive at this point Eddie was either was either drunk or there was something specific on his mind that he really did not want to talk about. And this time, he made sure he was going to listen to her. You aren’t under the impression you need someone’s skin up against yours in order to have a peaceful night’s rest. Not here. I Don’t Need Anyone Else. Bracing herself for what she was about to say, because part of her didn’t want to believe it either, but she knew she had to tell him. The night was great. “Hey, are you okay?” he asked, taking no time and sitting right down next to him. The Truth Is, She Looks Much Stronger Than She Feels | Thought Catalog, You can’t change your past, but you can cleanse your memories…, We Chose Each Other, And Now I’m Letting You Go, 8 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me When I Was Diagnosed With Herpes, Remember That Life Gives You Exactly What You’re Ready For, This Is The Most Difficult Part About Breaking Up. You are eased by the silence, not troubled by it. How it felt to be in love with Eddie, how that feeling still feels. Richie wanted to disappear. I feel this is an awesome piece on self reliance, and I deeply resonated with it. Eddie fucking Kaspbrak. Why are you acting like this tonight?” Richie asked, Eddie shrugged. After that, it was such a blur, all he remembered was comforting Eddie with his words, holding his hand and begging him to stay alive. You never back down. All he knew was that he had lost Eddie once, and he wasn’t sure if he could bear to do it again. ( Log Out / There he is. So he did. “Well, aren't you the life of the party?” Eddie practically shouted, trying to get his point across over the noise of the place. The song was dying out, there being a pause before another song began. He loved Eddie so much, and he always would. Why was Eddie confused? “But you can tell me whenever you’re ready. He knew he was running out of time to tell him too, given that he was leaving in just a little over a month to head to college in Chicago; Eddie leaving for New York City soon after. Can't find a reason 'Cos I still believe (There's no one like you) That is why I need (Nobody but you, yea) Don't need nobody To take your place but you Sure, you have certain insecurities, but you never let them persuade you to give up on yourself. That final morning, Richie walked in, as usual, and still no Eddie. You set out for whatever you desire and refuse to stop until you get it. He lost a lot of blood, and was still losing it. You are a warrior. This was the only way Richie really knew how to flirt without it being (completely) dangerous territory. The boy who was overly concerned about his health, who was the biggest brat he knew yet also the most adorable thing he’d ever seen, who was the most perfect thing Richie had ever had in his life, and now he was pressed close to his chest and holding him tight, getting the dance he’s wanted all night with the music softly playing through the surprisingly thin walls of the gym, muffled perfectly just for them. But this will only ever give us an empty and distorted satisfaction. “Eddie.” Richie cried softly, unable to move. Eddie just hugged him tighter in response, Richie feeling as though his heart was going to burst because of how much he was in love with this boy. You are a strong fucking woman. Richie could ‘kinda-sorta’ make out what Eddie was trying to tell him, from his rushed words, he could tell the main point Eddie was trying to get across was that he was pretty sure he “got him.” How, he still wasn’t sure. I don't like to depend on anyone else, and I have taught my daughters that they need to study. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. the samples need to be packed with ice, represented by white balls. He noticed there were other boys that backed further away from him as he started walking closer, and that alone almost made him want to break down right then and there. Sign up for our music industry newsletter. That same day on his way home, he passed through where the kissing bridge was, and scanned all the names and initials carved onto the fence by lovers, wishing he had that; more importantly, wishing his had that with Eddie. Why You Don't Need Friends ... We need to interact with each other but it is not necessary that these relationships reach anything more than a basic level of connectedness. Richie walked into the restaurant, eyes immediately landing on Eddie. Edit them in the Widget section of the, You Don’t Need Anyone Else To Be Happy In Life, The Importance of Working For A Boss Who Supports You, How to Effectively Manage a Heavy Workload at Work. As Richie laid there, he had remembered way back to all those years ago, the day Bowers had taunted him in the arcade, and Eddie comforted him in the park. Opportunities to submit your music and collaborate with others, Collaborate with others and pitch for work. Eddie was always the brave one, but he had never seen him this confident in himself and outgoing. Between that, letters occasionally getting lost in transit, and forgetting about the “Derry curse” and more and more of Eddie everyday, Richie found himself thinking about him maybe once or twice every so often. “ Eddie. For days alone he wanted to believe things were just a terrible dream, that he would eventually wake up in his hotel bed, he’d walk over to the next room and see Eddie still there, and would wake him up, tell him how much he loved him. All he wanted was to hold Eddie, and in that moment he hated himself for not doing that when he was alive more than anything. How in just a month they’d be leaving each other, God only knows when they’d speak next. His fucking crush on top of him, smiling down at him, his hand on his cheek. “Rich, look at yourself. Things would eventually be alright. Richie remembered walking away for what had to be only a minute, and coming back to see Eddie, eyes still open, mouth slightly open, and unresponsive. He missed Eddie too, he just didn’t realize how much he did until this exact moment. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Do you wanna dance?”. How that night when he went home, he had found a small pocket knife on the kissing bridge, and carved R + E into the wood, for himself only. You love the woman you have grown into. Even the little things, like the way it felt to fall asleep next to him during a sleepover, especially those occasions where he would wake up in the morning with Eddie in his arms, and how everything would feel perfect. Richie’s eyes grew wide. Everything was so overwhelming, taking in his memories of Derry, of The Losers, of Eddie, all at once. Utilisez DeepL Traducteur pour traduire instantanément textes et documents. Remembering the one time they danced together as kids, like Eddie had mentioned earlier, Richie found himself relaxing about the situation and lifted Eddie’s head up and smiled at him, Eddie gave a weak smile in return. Maybe he wasn’t as nice as Richie thought. Ce résultat ne correspond pas à ma recherche. La traduction est fausse ou de mauvaise qualité. Eddie choked on a sob, but smiled at Richie looking up at his face, and Richie couldn’t resist returning it. He loved them, but felt as if he didn’t even know who they were. Not that he was even trying to remember in that moment, he just did . And I’m not trying to get any sympathy, in fact, I’m happier now that I’m single and really have time for myself and my family. “What, are you trying to bone my little cousin?” Henry stepped forward, gesturing at Connor. left kudos on this work! Richie encouraging him to stay with him, let alone stay alive.