Recruited by Morehouse President John Hope, Mays would join the faculty as a mathematics teacher and debate coach. Writer - Whereas MLK talked about a dream, Malcolm preached the ugly reality. Influential Black Leaders-Zora Neale Hurston   Zora Neale Hurston knew how to make an entrance. And this is coming from a liberal. entertainer of 2010. Fences earned him a Pulitzer Prize and a Tony Award in 1987. Iconic black women, He slam dunk his way to black victory, nice one Mike. He changed my views on this earth. Fences earned him a Pulitzer Prize and a Tony Award in 1987. Black Men, Tupac Shakur was an American rapper and actor who came to embody the 1990s gangsta-rap aesthetic, and who in death became an icon symbolizing noble struggle. (1868–1963) Carter G. Woodson was an African American writer and historian known as the 'Father of Black History.' Nat Turner was the leader of a violent slave rebellion in Southampton County, Virginia, in 1831. Who Was Nat Turner? His influence follows me every day. Ida B. Read about this man if you don't understand he should be top10. Black Writer, She helps women all around the world with her Charities and she is one of the best talk show hosts to walk this earth. black female artist, And not only was he the first black baseball player, he was one of the best players of his time. Historian - September 07, 2020. This man was a true genius, he fought for peace and remains in the heart of not only Africans but people all around the world. Tupac Shakur was embroiled in a feud between East Coast and West Coast rappers and was murdered in a drive-by shooting in 1996, leaving behind an influential musical legacy at the age of 25. Who Was Tupac Shakur? Influential Black Leaders | Black History Month 365, Influential Black Leaders-Alain LeRoy Locke, Influential Black Leaders-Ernest Everett Just, Influential Black Leaders-Zora Neale Hurston, Influential Black Leaders-Hiram Rhodes Revels, Influential Black Leaders-Alexander Crummell, Influential Black Leaders-Daniel Hale Williams, Influential Black leaders- Mary Church Terrell, Influential Black Leaders- William Monroe Trotter, Influential Black Leaders - August Wilson, Influential Black Leaders- Barbara Jordan, Influential Black Leaders - Harriet Tubman, Influential Black Leaders - Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Ture), Influential Black Leaders - Booker T. Washington, Influential Black Leaders - Carter G. Woodson, Influential Black Leaders - Richard Wright, Influential Black Leaders - George Washington Carver, Influential Black Leaders - Nelson Mandela, Influential Black Leaders - Jackie Robinson. The entire time I was pissing him off by saying the whole speech while he did it! Anyone who reads the book or sees the movie, "Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom" would understand that he is much more influential than Martin Luther King. Civil Rights - Influential Black Leaders- Hank Aaron Baseball legend Hank Aaron broke Babe Ruth's hallowed mark of 714 home runs and finished his career with numerous big league records.Who Is Hank Aaron?Born into humble circumstances in Mobile, Alabama, Hank Aaron ascended the ranks of the Negro Leagues to become a Major League Baseball icon. Early Life and Education Wilson was born Frederick August Kittel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,... Black History, officers involved were indicted on charges of assault with a deadly weapon and excessive use of force by a police officer. He has been described as anti-Semitic by monitoring organisations and has been accused of promoting anti-white theology and black superiority over whites. Black History leaders - This list is no longer just a list. He spent much of his life addressing the conditions of African Americans, urging an educated black elite to aspire to the highest intellectual attainments as a refutation of the theory of black inferiority. Also, Obama care is only good if you're healthy and younger than 50. R.I.P Tupac Shakur. Influential Black Leaders-Doris Miller Doris (Dorie) Miller, African-American hero of World War II, was born Doris Miller in Waco, Texas, on October 12, 1919, the son of sharecroppers Connery and Henrietta Miller. Who Is Spike Lee? Tried to indoctrinate his identity politics/ homosexuality LGBT propaganda in Africa knowing it will destroy the moral of the society. Robeson spoke out against racism and became a world activist, and was blacklisted during the paranoia of McCarthyism in the 1950s.Early YearsPaul Leroy Robeson was born on April 9, 1898, in Princeton, New Jersey, to... black leaders - Haters need to check themselves. As a young boy he shined shoes and worked as a porter on the railway. Black Women, Being a homeowner means that you’re also responsible for all the little (and not so little) tasks that need to ... Do you provide goods and services to people? Bronze Membership $7 - Unlimited Access For A Month! September 07, 2020. Early Life Carver was most likely born in 1864 enslaved in Diamond, Missouri, during the Civil War years. All those that considered him a gangster are wrong- he was not only a rapper, he was an activist. A leader in the civil rights movement in the mid-twentieth century, Martin Luther King Jr. is best remembered for advancing civil rights through nonviolence and civil disobedience. However, people often forget the influential black Americans in other fields too. A political adviser and writer, Washington clashed with intellectual W.E.B. 1. He's such a great Inspiration.. From the chitlin circuit to owning the most valuable music catalogue in the world, to breaking every musical record ever set, this man gave his all, and did it with humility and love. Gold Membership - Unlimited Access and Downloads! For real! Marley should be on top pf this list because he help me change my views on other races. She is also the first female to serve as National Security Advisor, a position which she served from 2001 to 2005. Influential Black Leaders-Toni Morrison     Best-known novels are 'The Bluest Eye,' 'Song of Solomon,' 'Beloved' and 'A Mercy. If there is a prophet in this century, Malcolm is the man.He fought for something that is rarely championed by the historical figure..He fought for the knowledge that people know and understand what they stand for.. not fighting blind.. Malcolm X is the best black leader ever lived other than Neslson Mandela.. he fought for black people to be equal and privileged as the other races. I don't like Barrack Obama. Influential Black Leaders- Hank Aaron   Baseball legend Hank Aaron broke Babe Ruth's hallowed mark of 714 home runs and finished his career with numerous big league records.Who Is Hank Aaron?Born into humble circumstances in Mobile, Alabama, Hank Aaron ascended the ranks of the Negro Leagues to become a Major League Baseball icon. He was an influential author of historical works and was only the second African American to receive a doctorate from Harvard. He subsequently received a doctorate in philosophy from Harvard and taught at Howard University. Nelson Mandela was the first Black president of South Africa, elected after time in prison for his anti-apartheid work. In assessing our greatest leaders of all time, what statement are we making about the times in which we live? Baseball, Studying his ideology dismiss one's perceived inferior complex manufactured from slavery in the U.S. Renaming himself Kwame Ture, he spent most of his later years in Guinea, where he died in 1998.