There's some creepy parts, but I have it more towards comedy. She is a frightening character. ); Looking up to celebs and influencers is part of life. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It’s actually scary because it might be real and it made me almost as uncomfortable as Requiem for a Dream. Built around a brilliantly disarming performance from Aubrey Plaza, Ingrid Goes West is a savagely hilarious dark comedy that satirizes the modern world of social media and proves that being #perfect isn't all it's cracked up to be. The lyrics from the classic rock song Fly Like an Eagle: Time keeps…, Rob Williams, our “RunPeep” in the United Kingdom, had a chance to do an interview with Alien Addiction writer/director Shae…, We consider an A, any A, from – to +, to be the best a movie in its genre has…, So what do Pierce Brosnan and I have in common? You and me had totally different experiences with the film. Directed by Matt Spicer. I really enjoyed it. Also an Aubrey Plaza movie, she picks unique rolls and usually kills it with them. I wanted more, but when she finally smiled like she has already perfect life, they had to end this. '&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src=
But going to extreme lengths to stalk people in real life, kidnap their dog, watch them through binoculars, kidnapping and threatening to murder them, and pepper spraying a girl on her wedding day are all way more fucked up. Non horror rec. I appreciated that. I think that's the best part. I respect your opinion although I don't agree with it, can you explain why? Posted in r/movies by u/indig0sixalpha • 209 points and 49 comments Is it because Taylor is clearly just a fabricated persona? Cookies help us deliver our Services. I don't know that the movie paints Taylor as bad, just fake and kind of ridiculous. What was really great to me was the scene toward the end where Ingrid confronts Taylor. Yep i am from australia and it looked interesting. Reddit. It's a modern classic for me and every rewatch feels fresh. We live in a world where there is no privacy anymore and we are obsessed with our smart phones and social media accounts. You can unsubscribe at any time. I did not find her sympathetic at all. She is clearly crazy, uses baby Ice Cube, is a danger t others. Aubrey Plaza also does some insanely good, creepy acting in the show Legion on FX. Her story is really deep and sad. This, Little Hours, and Brigsby Bear were the sleeper comedies this year. Because shes mean to her husband? I so love this movie. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Premiere. I thought this line from Jen Yamato's review was so apt: "This is the real “Emoji Movie,” a true horror story for our digital times.". Ingrid Goes West could have taken the path of becoming a nasty, bloody horror flick. It was kind of ironic too that "fake" Taylor's life was the one Ingrid wanted - but Taylor didn't really have it either. That's the one where she follows/stalks some girl right? It's satire lol obviously no one would really get everything they want with those actions. Such a great portrayal of the poison that social media can be. I like the movie, but is this an horror? Who is more fake, the stalker who builds her personality around someone else to make friends, or the Instagrammer who builds her personality around trends in order to gain followers? /** ShiftNav Custom Menu Styles (Customizer) **/ It was funny, emotional and an interesting commentary on modern life. I also really need to find a way to work in the "Cauliflower Samosa game on fleek!" But man, it's like the moral of the story was thrown in the gutter to make it just a little less sad. I did think that the middle of the movie where Ingrid and Dan kidnapped Nicky and beat him up to keep him quiet was really weird and acted more as a plot device, but otherwise, it was quite searing and brilliant. Directed by Matt Spicer. Ingrid and Dan are really that duo. She doesn't outright cut Ingrid out of her life, she just invites a new person in. Aubrey, Elizabeth, and O'Shea were all great in their roles, and Matt Spicer did a really good job for his first time directing. Reddit; Email; UNIVERSAL/YOUTUBE. Yeah! She’s the Quiz Manager for the blog, and our resident movie celebrity/trivia expert. If you haven't seen the film but would like to see the result of the poll click here. new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
})(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-TFS396W');//]]> Aubrey Plaza showed some serious acting here.