Yes, people think it was a human hunting lodge, which the family dumped out of desperation for money. Anyway, in the big scale of things, we are all animals. […]. I find your rationales disgusting and to be based on lies. BS article written by a Rothschild, you debunked nothing and now I will continue to expose this evil. I was without electricity for 3 weeks after Hurricane Katrina. But I thought I already paid for 5 sessions? Would you pose Marc Bekoff's views on hunting and fishing to primitive societies, either past or present? The QAnon community is very upset because they believe the Rothschild family literally hunted children on an Austrian estate. Nature is beautiful and cruel, yes. The solution Zaroff has created to give himself a challenge is to hunt the most dangerous prey of all: mankind. We provide digital contact information only. All you did was state the known history. The death of animals from hunting is only the tip of the ice berg for the damage and torture it puts all animals through. Perhaps if they fully realized the intense pain and suffering for which they're responsible while stalking, they'd forego the emotional rush of the experience. There is nothing about trophy hunting that is traditional, subsistence hunting and marksmanship (at a nonliving target) are real traditions and understandable. We update once a month (Last update: Sept. 2015) All further business inquiries go directly via supplier. Even with just these few strands, the conspiracy theory that the Rothschilds had “sold a human hunting lodge” because they desperately needed money to help them flee the Q team was born. Hunting and fishing are sanctioned assaults on numerous animals' lives. Life for them is full of danger and they have adapted just fine. Aho, speaking as a Native person.. 1. Hey guys, it’s your boy Takedownman with more bullshit from the deep web making up stuff so I don’t have to get a real job…, Last month we learnt that internet assassination is not a real thing. Thank you for this blog. The first post, merely mentioning “Black Forest,” came a day after news of the first sale first broke in German-language media. So, what's it like to be stalked? It sickens me to watch a hunter shoot a perfectly healthy female cougar and gloat about on live television. In 1875, Baron Albert von Rothschild acquired a massive parcel of land in southern Austria, estimated to be about the size of Manhattan. Huge industries are devoted to making them easier. 7 Practices to Keep Calm in the Face of Uncertainty, Preserving the Mental Wellness of Our Healthcare Heroes. Exposed: The Rothschild Human Hunting Lodge, Human hunting parties – The justice league/ fighting for justice. But those posts were all it took for a flurry of semi-anonymous Twitter trolls to decide that the Langau hunting lodge was the site of human hunting, sometimes lumped in with the bogus “Ninth Circle Cult,” and sometimes just made up. Picture features a restrained woman with a ‘Juliet’ Illuminati tatoo’s having sex. And while it's not known how many fish die after being caught and tossed, about five to ten percent of trout die from the stress of merely being handled. Human hunting refers to humans being hunted and killed for other persons' revenge, pleasure, entertainment, sports, or sustenance. Let's face it, "gone huntin'" and "gone fishin'" usually mean "gone killin'." What choice do they have, Brad Stewart, except to seemingly "adapt" as you've stated? Personally, I seriously have a problem with people who hunt game for pleasure. Nonetheless, many animals, including fish, experience significant pain and suffering. ‘sudo make me a sandwich’ didn’t work. These “fables” contain truth. Some who hunt and fish truly enjoy the richness of the experience, but they don't want to make animals suffer. They’re satanic luciferians and your “so called” research doesn’t reveal squat because you probably are paid to shed them in a good light. After spending the last 35 years in close contact with them, it's my belief that they have adapted to the world they live in and can handle the stress of being stalked. 2. The stress responses of fish that lead to anxiety and fear closely mimic those of other vertebrates, including humans. If meat is an option we should eat it with respect and reverence. Ownership of the land, which came to include a number of large houses, power plants, and lodges, changed hands in the family several times, until the land was seized by the Nazis in 1938. Former owner Nancy Tilghman had even written a piece for Architectural Digest talking about the lodge’s history and the renovations she’d undertaken on it. #WeThePeople don't mind exposing pedophiles or those who allow pedophilia, and human/child trafficking. How will you expose this eveil i ask you? In the mean time I'm going fishing/killing. The damage to the animals is obvious, the damage to our culture by normalizing bullying and sick behavior still needs to be looked at more. […] broker” (watch that phrase, it’s pithy), form groups and subvert. Luckily for Bob, the island is owned by a man named Zaroff (Leslie Banks) who maintains a palatial homestead there. However, I would more likely need the weapon to defend myself against the totally unfettered, predatory nature of my own species (re: "The Road"). Unfortunately for Bob, Zaroff is an avid hunter himself who has hunted all the greatest prey in the known world and grown bored of the lack of challenge. I find it repulsive and an exercise in rationalization when I hear people talk about the "family values" of hunting. Except drugs, which you can. These three posts comprise the beginning of the conspiracy theory, with Q hinting at sinister machinations behind the Rothschilds selling the Langau estate, while continuing to incorrectly place it in the Black Forest, which is actually over 500 miles from Langau. I don't write this as some right-wing gun nut, but I do own guns and bows. What have we learned this week Anons? Unlike Vice briefly thought , I do not believe for one second this is real. Hunting and fishing have benefits for children, it teaches them important skills - like patience, not being physically comfortable at all times, learning to use a weapon safely and effectively, and being part of a team. How OCD Treatment Will Change Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Autism Spectrum Disorder: Uncovering a Hidden Internal World. Who Has More COVID-19 Depression, the Rich or the Poor? But we as human animals can change if we wanted to. Our ancestors couldn't have made it by foraging alone.