and community for comics, movies, gaming , anime and TV! Fans have made many arguments against Destiel being canon due to various reasons (it's show about family, not romantic relationships; Dean and Cas actually have a toxic relationship; and Destiel shippers make up a small percentage of the fanbase), so to kill off Cas like this doesn't really make sense. Tell us what you think on our social media or in the comments below. Further, if the show put the kibosh on one trope, it dove headfirst into another: “bury your gays.” Because, of course, Castiel died right after he confessed his love. Without rehashing the whole episode, I’ll just say that it basically ends with Castiel sacrificing himself for the greater good. Confess his love, I mean. He added. “Shipping,” or the practice of rooting for two people to start a relationship, has been a part of Supernatural‘s fandom from the start. This is frustrating because this entire time, Cas loves Dean, but the romance is never played out — and many feel like this is queerbaiting. And although the two-hour finale isn’t until November 19th, the show started the heartbreak early. The episode later reveals that it was the angel Castiel who rescued Dean “from perdition.” They got off to a rocky start upon their first meeting, but over the last–good Lord (no pun intended)–decade, Castiel has become part of the gang. Thank goodness nothing else is going on in the world this week, though, so we can all focus our attention only on this. "Wincest" is totally canon in Supernatural. (Which is why it's annoying they killed off Castiel based on the premise that he had this long, internal longing for Dean this entire time.) The idea was then doubled-down on in "Sympathy for the Devil," penned by creator Eric Kripke, where we actually get to hear some of that erotic fiction read aloud: "'This is wrong,' said Dean. ), "Wincest" is totally canon in Supernatural. From weechesters, pres-series to current season. As well as "Wincest" references and Sam and Dean's continuing discomfort at the concept, "Destiel" (Dean/Castiel) and even the less-popular "Samstiel" (Sam/Castiel) ships are also given their due, while the show's queer female fanbase is actively acknowledged by the discovery that "Dean" and "Castiel" are also a real-life couple. This seemed like an instance of performative inclusivity and that's just lame. What happens is: Billie ends up knocking on the bunker door, threatening to kill Cas and Dean. : Details on the Biggest Game of 2020, Next-Gen Witcher 3 Port Promises Improved Experience, Star Wars Squadrons Customization Options Overview, In ‘Cyberpunk 2077,’ the Only ‘Game Over’ is Death, Zeb Wells and Stephen Segovia Raise Hellions in Dawn of X (Spoilers Review), Apple Arcade Multiplayer Games – Top 5 Options Out Now, Review: Blood Of Zeus Starts Slow But Has Us Marveling At Its Mythologically Gorgeous World By The End, Beastars Season 2 Anime Trailer Promises More Suspense And Sexiness, Free Guy and Death on the Nile Get Removed from Disney Release Calendar, Fantastic Beasts Kick Johnny Depp Out of Harry Potter Franchise, Cook Serve Delicious 3 Review, New Food Preparation Simulation Mixes Food And Fun. Luckily, the angel knew the best way to amend the tension between them was pie. /* ]]> */ NYCC Metaverse Online: What Can We Expect, What to Look Forward To…And Will This Work Better than SDCC? AU included if character personalities kept within canon. In Episode 18 of 'Supernatural,' a major character gets killed off, making people wonder why Destiel was never canon. Since it's basically canon that it was God who teleported Sam and Dean after Lucifer's cage was opened, it kind of gives the impression that God would prefer it if they stayed alive. Not in the hot-and-heavy way that Sam/Dean shippers, unperturbed by the taboo, wish, but in the way that the cultural, fan fiction-driven practice of "Wincest" exists, bizarrely, within the show's universe. This isn't exactly the direction we wanted Supernatural to go in. Until now? Owari no Seraph is a post-apocalyptic supernatural shounen anime that follows a young man's search for retribution, all the while battling for friendship and loyalty against seemingly impossible odds.