By eauhomme. This spiny omnivore can roll into a ball & float on its back; its porcupine-like spines protect its soft belly, Florida became an American territory due to the first of these wars in 1817 & 1818, This Simpsons character once sold haggis from a booth for 50 cents a serving. Today, a new car may cost $17,000. Warmth is warmly remembered, In 2002 this Flemish painter's Massacre of the Innocents sold for a modest $76 million, Adjective referring to vessels that carry blood away from the heart, The first World Heritage Site in Los Angeles Hollyhock House is part of a UNESCO group of eight major works by this architect, In the early 1800s John Dalton made pioneering tables of this measure though he gave 7 for oxygen's (15.999 is correct), Garry Shandling created 2 TV series with Show in the title--It's Garry Shandling's Show & this one, After returning to Paris in 1880 from military service this young painter visited an island in the Seine called La Grande Jatte, Named for an old province in France these wells don't require pumps as they flow under natural pressure, Occupied c. 700-1400 Cahokia Mounds in Ill. are remnants of the largest settlement n. of Mexico eponymously called pre-this, The expansion rate of the universe is the constant named for this man who in the 1920s pegged it at 7 times the current estimate, He was alpha-betically first of the 3 big ancient Greek tragic playwrights, General term for a weapon like a missile launcher, This actor not Peter Boyle is the title character in Young Frankenstein, The ferry from Wellington on New Zealand's North Island to Picton on the south one goes west across this strait, Wrote The Normal Heart fought for AIDS research, The medium was in its infancy in the 1930s when this word came along to mean looking good on TV, Famous feuding gossip columnists in the golden age of Hollywood were Louella Parsons & this alliterative lady, The 1970s oil crisis made this project inevitable; much of its construction was elevated out of worry for wildlife and permafrost, This actor shakes up the Vatican as Pius XIII The Young Pope in the title of an HBO series, Drive west from Maseru capital of this country & you arrive in South Africa--heck drive east & you'll end up there as well, In 1839 he showed his photos to the French Academy of Sciences, The OED defines it as a tune that stays in your mind especially to the point of irritation. Dennis Crowley co-founded this numeric technology platform that in 2009 unveiled its check-in, In 1659 Huygens thought there was just 1 of these features of Saturn but there are at least 7 major ones, Henny Youngman's autobiography Take My Life Please! Jeopardy! Press F11 Select menu option View > Enter Fullscreen for full-screen mode, This is the meaning of the following root word: poly-. The Jeopardy! The Jeopardy! This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Jeopardy Productions, Inc, The Era of Good Feelings was a period of post-war calm in the early 19th century mostly during this man's presidency, During a 2017 performance of this Andrew Lloyd Webber musical a service dog ran after Bombalurina one of the title characters, The apparent boundary line between the earth & sky, Some in the military jokingly call this building The Five-Sided Puzzle Palace, This hero: I swear to you before God Monsieur... that I am not Cosette's father, We're going to roll out this cylindrical wooden container, The Era was a time of building roads & these aqueous transport arteries such as the Lehigh one, He's a producer as well as a star of several Fast & Furious films and of 2020's Bloodshot, Rear Adm. Isaac Kidd the 1st U.S. Navy flag officer killed by foreign enemy action was on the Arizona's bridge during this attack, This title character: On the first of September 1651 I went on board a ship bound for London, 64 million pieces of this chewy candy bearing the nickname of its inventor's daughter are made daily, The Era had little political strife due to the self-destruction of this political party at the end of the War of 1812, When James Corden got Paul McCartney in his vehicle in 2018 they switched seats several times during this Beatles tune, To go dormant through winter; one experiment had a brown bat do it for 344 days in a fridge, In 2015 about 30 people were injured when the feathers flew causing West Point to ban an annual tradition this fight by cadets, This Steinbeck hero before taking leave of his family: Wherever they's a fight so hungry people can eat I'll be there. is a classic game show -- with a twist. This First Lady's Bouvier relatives first came to America with Lafayette. What is covalent within and hydrogen between? The Jeopardy! Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a weather model on the monitor. If an atom has 5 neutrons, 6 protons and 7 electrons, its atomic number is this. Clearly. Caitlion O'Neill, a vegan cheesemaker from New Orleans, Louisiana, Kyle Adams, a communications manager from Monument, Colorado, Ryan Fenster, a banker from SeaTac, Washington (whose 5-day cash winnings total $113,798), The J! 2019 Tournament of Champions final game 2. "Jeopardy!" The. hosted by Alex Trebek. This website is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or operated by Jeopardy Productions, Inc. game show and all elements thereof, including but not limited to copyright and trademark thereto, are the property of Jeopardy Productions, Inc. and are protected under law. If a player finishes the second round with zero dollars, they are eliminated from "Final Jeopardy." The J! After a run in the '60s and '70s, Jeopardy! 2, These awards given annually by the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences were awarded an OED entry, Henry Shreve invented a sawmill-toting steamboat to break up a 100+-mile one of these, now a word for any blockage, We don't love this "L.A." when it makes our muscles burn during exercise, Whether or not it has a silver back, there's a good chance your phone has Corning's this ape "glass" for its screen, Aristotle wrote that for this genre, the plot must "imitate actions arousing fear and pity", The name of these yellow & black study guides is used to suggest "a superficial grounding but no real insight", They're the 2 states that border both Dakotas to the east & west, 10-letter word for the conversion of atoms into electrically charged ones, This "botanical" Canadian brand puts out Android phones with physical keyboards, Adjusted for inflation, this director's "Animal House" made more than $400 million, According to "The Republic", we live in this dark place where we only see the shadows of reality, The OED notes that "a major epidemic" of this mosquito-borne disease "began in Brazil in early 2015", The frog-eating this, which finds its prey by listening for mating calls, flaps over Central America, Quasar MSH 04-12 is visible by telescope at a distance of 5 billion of these, The numbers are running out, so you may have to pay if you want your new phone to have this original NYC area code, The last election in which both major party candidates were former state governors was in this year.