Forever After All Luke Combs. Jane... get me off this crazy thing... called love. Same city. They’ve also written for television and published graphic novels featuring characters such as The Tick and Allan Quatermain. Plus 100,000 AM/FM radio stations featuring music, … Dwight Yoakam - Crazy Little Thing Called Love (official video) off Dwight's album, 'Last Chance for a Thousand Years: Dwight Yoakam's Greatest Hits.' Go. Clay and Susan Griffith. (Dubs). Jane, Get Me Off This Crazy Thing! Find lyrics for any song - search by track or artist. George is no longer living in a swinging Jetsonian world; he is trapped in a brutal Orwellian, Huxleyian, and the-guy-who-made-Metropolisian world. Kings & Queens 6 Ava Max. Okay, there was a new family pet named Orbitty who had all the charm and function of Cousin Oliver from The Brady Bunch, but he didn’t change anything. (Prime Time Radio Mix), Jane, Get Me Off This Crazy Thing! Listen to free internet radio, news, sports, music, and podcasts. : The Tee Vee Toons Master Mix (Late Night Dance Mix), Jane, Get Me Off This Crazy Thing! Lewis and Dangerous Leaders, When the World Goes Loopy, You Can Become a Master of Time and Space, “All Houses Have a Place Like This”: Robert Aickman’s “The Stains”. The Jetsons of the 1980s pretends to be the same show. on Discogs. In the decades between the early 1960s and the late 1980s, American society had become more cynical and distrustful for many reasons, among them the lingering feelings over Watergate, Vietnam, and a sullen leftwing backlash to the swaggering Reagan Era mentality. Click to Search ... Rose, get me off this crazy thing! Mon Apr 11, 2011 3:35pm 8 comments Favorite This. The Jetsons (1962) - S01E05 Comedy. Bang! The Jetsons (1962) - S01E01. The Jetsons Main Title (Original Version), The Jetsons Main Title (Longplay Version), Jane, Get Me Off This Crazy Thing! The relationship between technology and society had also changed. free online. Raincoats came at the push of a button. Space Age Everyman. To withdraw your consent, see Your Choices. And even Jane can’t stop that crazy thing…. Same Astro and same Mr. Spacely. It is a pale, inferior copy of the original. This isn’t, however, a conscious idea of the writers (that might’ve been entertaining, something the 1980s Jetsons cannot be accused of). : The Tee Vee Toons Master Mix (Dubs). Holy (feat. He hated to go to work; his boss was a jerk. The Jetsons of the 1980s isn’t just a crappy cartoon, it is a crappy dystopian product of a society grown distrustful. Rather the dystopia is a reflection of the times. Stream live CNN, FOX News Radio, and MSNBC. The second book in the Vampire Empire trilogy will be published September 2011. She was a thief, you got to believe, she stole my heart and my cat. Favorite scene from the movie. However, what even push buttons couldn’t do was recreate the human being. 5. I want to to be Betty's Barney. Trump Is Your President 4 … Jane, stop this crazy thing! The Jetsons Main Title / Jane Get Me Off This Crazy Thing! It isn’t the same at all. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), © 2020 Macmillan | All stories, art, and posts are the copyright of their respective authors, Dystopia as Clickbait: Science Fiction, Doomscrolling, and Reviving the Idea of the Future, Christopher Brown Talks About Creating Near-Future Dystopias in Reddit AMA, “A Second Rabadash” — C.S. He can never escape his boring job at Spacely Sprockets, not because he is lazy, but because technology is beyond his or anyone else’s control. : The Tee Vee Toons Master Mix (Prime Time Radio Mix) Mixed By – Jay Burnett: 3:38: AA1: Jane, Get Me Off This Crazy Thing! Jane, stop this crazy thing! George Jetson hated to get up; he was lazy. 7. Even technology such as pop-up alarm beds and instant redecorating living rooms couldn’t erase the central problem of the human element. George's most famous catchphrase is "Jane! Listen to Hoyt S. Curtin Radio featuring songs from The Jetsons Main Title / Jane Get Me Off This Crazy Thing! Meals came at the push of a button. The cheerful push button future is gone. The Jetsons B/W Jane Get Me Off This Crazy Thing! 4 AJR. No matter how hard George tries, he can only get so far because life is just too complicated; there are too many things that could go wrong. Chance the Rapper) 3 Justin Bieber. 2. So I Married an Axe Murderer (1993) Source video - Top clips - Next line quiz. Hoyt Curtin - The Jetsons Main Title / Jane Get Me Off This Crazy Thing! The Jetsons Main Title / Jane, Get Me Off This Crazy Thing! or "Hooba-Dooba" (in most episodes) to express wonder or astonishment (possibly inspired by Fred Flintstone's phrase "Yabba-dabba-doo!"). He hated to let his wife spend money on a new wardrobe; he was cheap. By the 1980s, the very essence of the original Jetsons was no longer a universally accepted part of the social discourse. To wit: Meet George Jetson. And like all great literature, it says more about us than about George. The Jetsons Main Title / Jane Get Me Off This Crazy Thing! Still, there is something deep and sinister troubling the heart of the 1980s Jetsons. - The Tee Vee Toons Master Mix, Buy Vinyl. ... Get Ready to Dive Into We Shall Sing a Song … 6. They are a married couple who have written and published together for more than a decade. Atom Age John Doe. The 1980s was the dawn of the personal computer revolution, when computers were no longer just gigantic spinning wheels in vast government warrooms; they were now home appliances. Well, it was in the 1960s in the world of The Jetsons. For entertainment only. Top 25 Tracks 1. Music came at the push of a button. Same highrise apartment. Red Kingdom 1 Tech N9ne. Portrayer Clay and Susan Griffith are the authors ofThe Greyfriar: Vampire Empire Book 1 (Pyr Books). I own no rights to this video. The Jetsons Main Title (Original Version), The Jetsons Main Title (Longplay Version), Jane, Get Me Off This Crazy Thing! 3. The part you know: "Bitch, I look like I'm fresh off the runway, uh / Bitch, I go crazy, the dumb way, uh / Bitches wanna be me, one day." The Jetsons was a cartoon series from Hanna-Barbera that ran in primetime in 1962-63, and then continued in reruns, forever trapped in a futurist past of mechanistic space tech and swinging Kandinsky backgrounds. The actual song: Stunna Girl hails from California and has been rapping for a while, but "Runway" is definitely a breakout hit. Same flying cars and moving sidewalks. Machines are complex, even cunning. Stop this crazy thing!" Future technology is no longer a charming background element in a basic sitcom plot. Remember when the future was a wonderful thing? (Late Night Dance Mix), Jane, Get Me Off This Crazy Thing! Technology is as likely to harm as help. Technological developments were happening in your living room, forcing you to learn BASIC whether you wanted to or not, and then becoming obsolete before you finished reading the manual. Same George, same boy Elroy, same daughter Judy, same Jane his wife. No longer do machines make things easy for George; now they served to isolate his half-assed human efforts from social consequence. Their credits not only include several books, but also numerous short stories published in many anthologies, some featuring noted genre characters like Kolchak the Night Stalker and The Phantom. This new George Jetson, it seems, will be forever trapped on the automatic dogwalk during the closing credits of the post-modern era. Jane! Stop This Crazy Thing! 2.8 secs. In the 1980s, the show has an underlying pessimism. View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 1986 Vinyl release of The Jetsons Main Title / Jane Get Me Off This Crazy Thing! seen at the end credits of the 1960s Jetsons episodes, but is also known for frequently uttering the phrase "Hooba-dooba-dooba!" Cars came at the push of a button. Label: TeeVee Toons, Inc - TVT5005 • Series: Television's Greatest Hits • Format: Vinyl 12. George was just a guy living the challenges of the timeless human condition; push button technology just made the condition work a little faster. : The Tee Vee Toons Master Mix (Prime Time Radio Mix), Jane, Get Me Off This Crazy Thing! : The Tee Vee Toons Master Mix (Late Night Dance Mix) Mixed By – Jay Burnett: 6:48: AA2: Jane, Get Me Off This Crazy Thing! Buy Vinyl. Post-Modern Schlub. 2.7 secs. 4. There was a second series of The Jetsons in 1985-87. It had become impossible to view technological advancement with an optimistic and cheerful, if slightly confused, acceptance of the 1960s. Our Privacy Notice has been updated to explain how we use cookies, which you accept by continuing to use this website. Watermelon Sugar 1 Harry Styles. The future was all about push buttons which could improve our lives and create new efficiency. The Jetsons Main Title / Jane, Get Me Off This Crazy Thing! But still, it offers us a vital lesson about creeping dystopia of the mind.