Absolutely nothing, as the calendar is an arbitrary construct meant solely to make us think we matter in the universe. Two desperate dads compete in a no-holds-barred battle to be the best father and make this the best Christmas ever! This movie is pretty much a poor remake with Larry the Cable Guy instead of Arnold Swarzaneggar. It surprised the hell out of me too. So this week I’m stoking the fire, sipping some hot chocolate, and checking out the direct to video sequel to 1996’s Jingle All the Way. [2], Dave Schilling of Vice wrote, "What's actually insidious about the whole endeavor is that it's so good at being so bad. Directed by Alex Zamm. One takes a look at the DVD cover art for the film and regards it with a certain disdain, as they see a thrown together, and slightly disturbing image of…, JINGLE ALL THE WAY 2 (2014)"Larry's daughter wants only one thing for Christmas, a talking bear. Meet Howard Langston, a salesman for a mattress company is constantly busy at his job, and he also constantly disappoints his son, Jamie, after he misses his son's karate exposition, he tries hard to … In der Direct to Video Fortsetzung streiten sich zwei Väter (Biologischer und Stiefvater) um das beste Präsent für Scheidungskind Noel. It’s America, alright. All of his customers are his #1 customer, but that means he doesn’t always have time for his wife Liz (Rita Wilson, The Day It Came to Earth) and son Jamie (Jake Lloyd, Unhook the Stars). You're forced to watch…. I can handle the truth. Larry will also have the help of Claude, his jumbled friend. Anything more than a casual glance, though, reveals that Howard is a complete jerk and a dumbass who just gets lucky in the end without any real redemption. i have ascended past the knowledge of core values christmas, and have skipped to becoming a amalgamation of larry the cable guy and the spirit of christmas. Larry (Larry the Cable Guy, A Madea Christmas) is not a very busy man. Everyone's energy levels throughout are admirable. His first feature was 1998’s Chairman of the Board – a starring vehicle for freaking Carrot Top! It’s Christmas Eve, and the dolls are sold out all over town. It takes what the earlier film tries and fails to do on that front and actually delivers. Before long, Larry and Victor--the incredibly rich new husband of his ex-wife, Trish--will lock horns, vying for Noel's attention in a frenzied quest to find the sold-out teddy bear during the season's few remaining days left. More details at The polar opposite of The Most Perfect Films on Letterboxd. Solomon Kennedy Alex Zamm, Alan C. Blomquist Vicki Sotheran J.P. Williams Michael J. Luisi, La Course au jouet 2, Świąteczna Gorączka 2, El Regalo Prometido 2, 93 mins Sign up for a FANALERT® and be the first to know when tickets and other exclusives are available in your area. Marine 3 Superstar The Miz is returning, while Larry the Cable Guy takes over for Arnold Schwarzenegger on the holiday comedy. What can I say? He’s a part-time trucker and part-time dad to his daughter Noel, while his ex-wife is happily remarried to a cardboard box magnate. Jingle All the Way is a Christmas classic that doesn’t get enough credit for what it was. Fandango helps you go back to the movies with confidence and peace of mind. There are some bad Christmas movie sequels but nothing quite compares to A Christmas Story 2 and Jingle All the Way 2. Report this film. His daughter's step-dad intends to make sure that Larry can't get one. Nor is he deserving of one. It’s literally right above. He promises to get Jamie the hottest toy of the season, Turbo-Man -- even though it's Christmas Eve and the toy is practically sold out. Plus, worst of all, it's just kind of slow. The way it usually works here is that a good to great movie gets a poor to abysmal DTV sequel, but what Jingle All the Way 2 (2014) suggests is… what if the original is pretty bad too? Other films I'd like them to swap out Schwarzenegger for Larry the Cable Guy include Predator, Total Recall and Pumping Iron. "What the fuck is this? If anyone is equally as sad as I and knows of any i've missed, let me…, This is basically the opposite of "Every Thing that has a 4.0 rating or higher on Letterboxd" No other thing…. It’s also severely lacking when it comes to the original’s subtext (well, text as it’s far from subtle) regarding not only the crass commercialization of Christmas but also the increasingly aggressive consumers. Parents Guide. It doesn’t hurt that it will also mean he gets to beat Victor at the Christmas game, but riches bring the misguided stepdad the ability to buy up all the bears in town before Larry can find one for his precocious little girl. I'm starting to think they just call up Larry the Cable Guy when they want to make a lazy and cheap cash-grab sequel to a kids movie (looking at you ToothFairy 2). Fun-loving, laid-back dad Larry is having a bear of a time finding the perfect Christmas gift for his eight-year-old daughter, Noel. On-air promotion from WWE occurred on their weekly episodic events. Plot Keywords WWE Studios has had an abnormally prolific year, getting one of their films in theaters (Oculus), resulting in respectable box office numbers, and churning out three direct-to-DVD efforts, all of which sequels or some sort of continuation of another preexisting entity. Posted on Tuesday, December 11th, 2018 by Rob Hunter, (Welcome to DTV Descent, a series that explores the weird and wild world of direct-to-video sequels to theatrically released movies. So after watching this dick demon of hell, but then all my thoughts and opinion came together like metal and magnets; this movie is so god awful and so unbelievable that a movie like this exists. Instead, the lesson here is placed more on the idea that time well spent with loved ones is more important than commercially bought presents. Jingle All The Way 2 is one such movie and it's absolutely garbage. Larry's daughter wants only one thing for Christmas, a talking bear. bad movies reviewed/talked about by youtube kings danny gonzalez, drew gooden, and kurtis conner. However, every store is sold out of them, and he must travel all over town and compete with everybody else in order to find one. The season's hottest toy, The Harrison Bear, is all sold out, and Noel's new stepfather wants to keep it that way - so he can be the one to make her holiday wish come … Rated PG Film data from TMDb. When Larry learns all Noel wants for Christmas is the bear, he’ll stop at nothing to make his little girl happy and get her the toy of her dreams…Co-starring WWE Superstar Santino Marella, Jingle All The Way 2 is heartwarming and hilarious fun for the whole family! But if you have to watch one for some ungodly reason might I suggest you skip the obvious choice and give the sequel a try instead? This is gonna be the best Christmas ever!-Noel. No, seriously I have to ask: WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THIS? From there, the search is spread over several days, as Larry lacks the motivation for one single crazy day. Now, there can be only one winner. It’s December, and you know what that means. | For Mild Rude Humor. a potentially murderous postman willingly putting a child’s life in real danger!