Invest with us in the future. This explains Wednesday night’s oddest turn, when five minutes of the first hour were turned over to the goth-pop sensation Billie Eilish. You don’t want your most memorable moment to be a mistake. CLICK HERE TO READ THIS COLUMN IN THE NEW YORK POST, © WWNR Radio. What happened with Clint Eastwood and the empty chair? Many liberal and progressive pundits have lamented that the election wasn’t the across-the-board blue tsunami they were hoping for. Legal Statement. Like you, we believe in the power of progressive journalism — and we’re investing in investigative reporting as other publications give it the ax. Clinton won 20 states in 2016. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. “You may have been a headache,” Bob Hope sang in his signature tune, “but you never were a bore.” Thursday night, for the first time in memory, Donald Trump was a bore. Donald Trump on "60 Minutes" (screengrab). Biden gave a good speech Thursday night and delivered it beautifully. This is a powerful line of argument, but it requires elaboration and explanation, which he and his team likely didn’t really want to go into because it would have meant having to talk more about his response. But Biden has not taken his place in the forefront of the national consciousness, as you might expect from a front-running nominee for the presidency. John Podhoretz is a columnist for the New York Post. “Of him. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. John Mordecai Podhoretz (/ p ɒ d ˈ h ɒr ɛ t s /; born April 18, 1961) is an American writer.He is the editor of Commentary magazine, a columnist for the New York Post, the author of several books on politics, and a former speechwriter for Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush ©2020 FOX News Network, LLC. Polls show Biden’s margin of support with women is somewhere between 17 and 29 percentage points, while he is either tied or slightly behind Trump with male voters. De Doo. . I agree with Barack Obama about almost nothing, but I know a historic speech when I hear one, and Wednesday night’s was one for the anthologies. In an interview, former White House aide and Apprentice contestant Omarosa Manigault Newman, said divorce could be in the offing now that that the White House years are coming to an end. And did it in the same tone of voice. The case against Biden then turned into a case against the radical left and the crime wave. And here, too, he wandered all around, from public safety to statues to cancel culture. ON THE PODCAST: Election Day 2000... all over again? His most powerful line was the most supple: “While I will be a Democratic candidate, I will be an American president. The COVID crisis has cut advertising rates in half, and we need your help. Market data provided by Factset. Every reader contribution, whatever the amount, makes a tremendous difference. Biden struck a tone both potent and elevated, and used the intimacy of the camera to his benefit to speak directly to the American voter. click here to become a subscriber. And then like this again. That's especially since Bloomberg is running as a Democrat, which though popular with his anti-gun and pro-climate change rhetoric, doesn't make him so big with his past stop-and-frisk policies. The report notes that the couple, who have been married for 15 years, have continued to sleep in separate bedrooms in what a former aide to the first lady called a "transactional marriage.". How about Chris Christie’s entourage? © Southern Communications | Website By Cucumber and Company | Sitemap. In a more ordinary time, you’d think Biden would pocket the advantage with women and use his convention to work to boost his numbers with men — whose revulsion with Hillary Clinton in 2016 is what cost her the presidency. Donna Brazile: Biden shows us what a president looks like at Dem Convention, while Trump tweets insults, Liz Peek: Biden is officially Democratic nominee – Americans treated to 3 main messages over 4 nights, Michael Goodwin: Biden gives an OK DNC speech — now he needs to hit campaign trail and give interviews, gorgeous family of the basketballer Steph Curry. Wednesday night’s proceedings made it clear the Bidenites have settled on one single word: Women. or redistributed. We need your support to do what we do. The 59-year-old Podhoretz, who was a speechwriter for President Ronald Reagan and President George H.W. Fun Stories from the Republican Campaign Trail On the Election Day podcast, when it’s all over but the results, we stop the punditry and look back to elections past with our friend Daniel Casse, veteran Republican campaign hand. Personally. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. I will work hard for those who didn’t support me.”. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. Make a one-time contribution to Raw Story Investigates, or click here to become a subscriber. So how was Kamala Harris? That followed a 2018 election in which 62 million Democrats cast ballots and flipped the House blue — 9 million more than Republicans and a level of turnout for a midterm the likes of which we’ve hardly ever seen.”. In 1980, President Jimmy Carter never recovered from the moment in his convention speech when he referred to former Vice President Hubert Humphrey as Hubert Horatio Hornblower — a fictional sea captain. He didn’t. Sleep No More! Market data provided by Factset. He just didn’t do himself any favors Thursday night, to put it mildly. CLICK HERE TO READ THIS COLUMN IN THE NEW YORK POST. La. Get the recap of top opinion commentary and original content throughout the week. If you read op-eds like this one, you understood how they were connected. Since 1928, for … “Hillary Clinton received 66 million votes in 2016. Biden may best her total by close to 30%. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. first lady Melania Trump is contemplating divorcing her husband Donald. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. He’s led in the polls, often by a lot. We’ve exposed billionaire tax evasion and uncovered White House efforts to poison our water. DOUG SCHOEN: AT DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION, WHAT WORKED AND WHAT DIDN’T THIS WEEK. But he didn’t build a case for himself or a case against Biden — and it’s the construction of such cases that provide the dramatic structure a major speech needs to engage both the head and the heart. Sorry, I have to say it: After a mostly brilliant four days that engaged the emotions and advanced a surprising and interesting case for his reelection, Donald Trump came out and laid an egg in what may have been the worst convention speech of my lifetime. And lots more. What do these three nights of the Democratic National Convention tell us about how the Biden campaign intends to win the election? He celebrated the Constitution and the fact that it created a system that could improve and grow and become freer and better and fairer over time — and made it clear to voters that the power to change this country lies with them. Raw Story readers power David Cay Johnston’s DCReport, which we've expanded to keep watch in Washington. On Friday afternoon, as former Vice President Joe Biden’s lead in the Pennsylvania vote count continued to increase, he appeared to be on his way to a victory in the 2020 presidential election. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. Julia Louis-Dreyfus was the celebrity presenter, and for some reason, her running script was mostly made up of a series of groaning insult, would-be one-liners that served to undercut the gravity of the occasion. The awkwardness of the virtual festivities really made themselves felt. I know. And then like that. It’s not that he had nothing to say. They need Black women voters to turn out in numbers closer to the astronomical ones Barack Obama generated than the merely overwhelming ones Hillary Clinton did. Share this: Facebook ... to a good-to-great night for Democrats. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. You’re not hearing this right now because the right is in denial about the results…. Please enter your username or email address. "First Lady Melania Trump has joined the growing chorus of President Trump’s inner circle advising him the time has come for him to accept the loss, a source familiar with the conversations tells CNN," Prokupecz revealed on Twitter. American. Newsmax, Moneynews, Newsmax Health, and Independent. First Lady Melania Trump has joined the growing chorus of President Trump’s inner circle advising him the time has come for him to accept the loss, a source familiar with the conversations tells CNN. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR OUR OPINION NEWSLETTER. They are the out-party and the out-party generally does better than the party in power. Biden may end up winning 25 states.”. Legal Statement. For someone who relishes drama, Trump provided none. Get a free book with your Raw Story subscription. But then, just as he did in the worst weeks of April and May, he found himself stumbling in his self-justification. If he spends the same to win the presidency, notes New York Post columnist John Podhoretz, it will cost him $12 billion.Podhoretz sees that money better spent... Alabama voters reversed themselves from a few years ago and removed racist vestiges of segregation from the state consti . And yet, it’s true.”, The 59-year-old Podhoretz, who was a speechwriter for President Ronald Reagan and President George H.W. Bush, goes on to cite this year’s heavy voter participation as evidence of how vehemently Trump was “repudiated.”, “Joe Biden is on track to receive more than 80 million votes — nearly 20% higher than Barack Obama’s previous record in 2008,” Podhoretz explains. Instead, we got laundry lists featuring the kinds of claimed accomplishments that are usually the province of a tiresome State of the Union address. Once again, rather than building an indictment that would then not only justify but hammer home his climactic soundbite — “You won’t be safe in Biden’s America” — he provided a dog’s breakfast. Market data provided by Factset. Michael Bloomberg showed up and found himself upstaged by a fly, which is a perfect metaphor for the year he’s had in politics. But it’s worried supporters and cheered opponents, who have been watching the aged and often weirdly halting candidate like a hawk — fearing, or hoping, that he might stumble and fall in his big, solo unmediated, unmasked moment. We’ve exposed billionaire tax evasion and uncovered White House efforts to poison our water. that anyone could even cast one vote for the man. Raw Story is independent. “Joe Biden’s plan is not a solution for the virus, it’s a surrender to the virus,” the president said. So, we're discounting them.". We need your support in this difficult time. Legal Statement. If you don’t, it would have seemed bewildering and disconnected. A source close to the first lady confirmed that she has advised Trump to give up the fight, according to CNN correspondent Shimon Prokupecz. Make a one-time contribution to Raw Story Investigates, or click here to become a subscriber. Neil Cavuto: Trump RNC speech 'seemed to be rambling a lot', Donna Brazile: Convention shows Republican Party has died and been replaced by Trump Party, Liz Peek: Trump makes riveting case for reelection, shows America what it is in for if Biden wins, Doug Schoen: Trump’s strong Republican Convention speech increases his reelection chances. Think about the cleverness of these lines and how they might strike the ear of the kind of soft Republican voter who crossed the aisle in 2018 to vote Democratic in the midterm elections — the very voter Biden and his team have to worry might come home to the GOP because they don’t trust the Democrats with the White House.