Day two topics to focus on system competency around working with LGBTQ youth. Day two topics to include an overview of benefits for non minor dependents before shifting the focus to system competency around working with LGBTQ youth. TAB T: Cultural Complexities: Becoming Aware, Sensitive and Competent feast or famine. NAWJ Senior and Retired Judges are planning to gather together in tonight's Hospitality Suite. TAB J: AB 1058 Court Clerks’ Training HORIZON LINE will be followed by an engaging facilitated discussion focusing on the complexities of
Independence of the judiciary is an essential component of our democratic system of government. Lucia v United States Securities and Exchange Commission and Judicial Independence by Gregory Ogden, Procedures for Appointment of Administrative Law Judges for the Department of Labor, Culture Change: Perspectives on the Future of Work In the World of “MeToo”, “Change is the law of life. To Navigate Pages/Tabs: Move your cursor towards the bottom of the screen to view the floating toolbar. Presentation of the 41st Annual Conference Recognition Award, to JUDGE ELIZABETH ALLEN WHITE, Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, Presentation of the Joan Dempsey Klein Honoree of the Year Award, to JUDGE HOLLY J. FUJIE, Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, Presentation of the Norma Wikler Excellence in Service Award, to ANNETTE BOYD PITTS, Director, Justice Teaching Center for Civic Learning, Presentation of the Florence K. Murray Award, to JERRILYN MALANA, Chief Deputy District Attorney for Human Resources, San Diego County District Attorney’s Office, Presentation of the Mattie Belle Davis Award, to SHIBANI MALHOTRA, Senior Justice Advisor, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, U.S. State Department, to KATHY IRELAND, Business Entrepreneur, Author, Farewell by Outgoing NAWJ President, The Honorable Tamila E. Ipema, Swearing-In of Incoming NAWJ President, The Honorable Bernadette D'Souza. LINDA GREENHOUSE. (Established in 1975), The NCALJ is home to federal and state administrative law judges, board of contract appeals judges and hearing officers, and other administrative adjudicators within the federal, state and local executive branch of government. Handout 1 | Handout 2 | Handout 3, What’s Culture Got to Do with It? Website designed by Addicott Web. Administrative judges at both the state and federal level face special challenges given the inherent controls of the administrative agencies they serve. Features all-day specialized trainings on the topics of Juvenile Dependency, Juvenile Delinquency, and AB 12 / AB 212. Challenges facing judges and undermining the judiciary in our state courts will be examined. Ahilan Arulanantham, Senior Counsel, ACLU of Southern California; MacArthur Fellow (2016), Anita Botti, Acting Executive Director, The Exodus Institute, Judy London, Directing Attorney, Immigrants' Rights Project, Public Counsel, Lindsay Toczylowski, Executive Director, Immigrant Defenders Law Center, The Honorable Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye, Chief Justice of California in a conversation moderated by The Honorable Lee Smalley Edmon, Presiding Justice of the California Court of Appeal, Second District, Division Three, Presentation of the Justice Vaino Spencer Leadership Award to CHIEF JUSTICE TANI G. CANTIL-SAKAUYE, Transcending Traditional Roles: Tackling Homelessness in the Courtroom and Beyond, The Honorable Mike Feuer, City Attorney, Los Angeles, Professor Benjamin Henwood, PhD, LCSW, University of Southern California School of Social Work, The Honorable Sheila James Kuehl, Supervisor, Third District, Los Angeles County, Carol A. Sobel, Attorney, Law Office of Carol A. Sobel, Russell Steven Balisok, Balisok & Associates, Inc, Christopher Cherney, California Licensed Nursing Home Administrator, Eileen M. Decker, Vice President, Los Angeles Police Commission, The Honorable Julie Kocurek, 390th District Court, Austin, Texas, John F. Muffler, U.S. All JD members must select one of the Conferences based on their court jurisdiction or specialization when they enroll. All rights reserved. Local and global economies are filled with trafficked laborers – as domestic workers, day laborers, and sex workers. TAB X: Procedural How‐to’s for Family Law Facilitators, 16th Annual CS Training Conference CD, Part 1 (Tab A to M), 16th Annual CS Training Conference CD, Part 2 (Tab N to Y). (757) 259-1520 - fax The integrity of our courts requires independence from politics and partisan influences. Receive the tools necessary to address and eliminate bias towards transgender and gender non-conforming persons in the courtroom. Tab A: New Child Support Commissioners’ OrientationTab B: Plenary Session/Welcome and UpdatesTab C: Best Practices – Establishing and Disestablishing Parentage: What To Do When Mom is Married and Has a Child with Someone Other than Her HusbandTab D: Child Support Services Outreach to Family Law Customers in the CourthouseTab E: New Family Law Facilitators' OrientationTab F: Modification Jurisdiction – In re Marriage of Gruen and Beyond (2011)Tab G: Trauma Informed Systems: What Do You Need to Know to Effectively Deal with Domestic Violence Victims and Batterers as PartiesTab H: Roundtables: Child Support Commissioners, Family Law Facilitators, and ParalegalsTab I: Confidentiality IssuesTab J: Court Clerks’ Training: Fundamentals, Advanced, with UIFSATab K: AB 1058 Administration and AccountingTab L: Contempt of Court, Punishment, Probation and Probation RevocationTab M: Dealing with Difficult Personalities: Tools and Strategies for Managing the Most Difficult Court UsersTab N: Insights and Strategies for Managing the Stressors Common to Family Law ProfessionalsTab O: Best Practices in Managing Your Courtroom and Collaborating with the LCSA and Facilitator’s OfficeTab P: Child Support Calculations for Family Law FacilitatorsTab Q: Income Determination: Calculating Child Support and AdvancedTab R: DCSS Guideline Calculator Training: Beginning and ExperiencedTab S: UIFSA: Interjurisdictional Case ProcessingTab T: Case Law UpdateTab U: DCSS PresentsTab V: Procedural How-To's for Family Law FacilitatorsTab W: Court-Based Conflict Resolution: An Overview of the Process and Special Issues Facing Those Who Provide Court-Based Mediation ServicesTab X: Criminal Justice Realignment and Child SupportTab Y: Judicial Ethics for Child Support Commissioners, 15th Annual CS Training Conference CD, Part 1 Tabs A-N, 15th Annual CS Training Conference CD, Part 2 Tabs O-V, Beyond the Bench 25: Joining Forces for a Better Future for Children & Families, Beyond the Bench 24: Uniting for a Better Future. The Judicial Conference’s most recent recommendation, released in March 2019, calls for the creation of five permanent judgeships for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (composed of California, eight other western states, and two Storytelling isn’t a metaphor for advocacy or judicial opinion writing. Sarah is "a pre-eminent JR lawyer, known for her ability to find solutions to difficult issues." TAB F: International Issues in Child Support Cases For the latest information regarding COVID-19 and Texas Center conferences, please click here. He sits as a Deputy High Court Judge. Judicial Conference The Judicial Conference of the United States is the national policy-making body for the federal courts. TAB V: DCSS Presents These regional trainings bring together judicial officers, court professionals, social workers, attorneys, probation officers, educators and others working with families and children coming to court. Film Screening: Skid Row Marathon, A Documentary. Professor Laurie L. Levenson, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles; Founder, Loyola Law School’s Project for the Innocent., Non-Binary Gender Identities Fact Sheet (American Psychological Association - Society for the Psychological Study of LGBT Issues) (2015). The NCSTJ is a judges only Conference, for more information on eligibility please review the NCSTJ bylaws. 8:30 a.m. CONFERENCE OPENING REMARKS . veterans who were victims of sexual assault. Conviction Integrity Unit, an exoneree, and the founder of
The Council of Appellate Lawyers (CAL) is the first and only national appellate bench-bar organization. Become familiar with terminology related to gender identity and expression. This panel will explore the unique challenges and opportunities faced by women judges in achieving and assuming positions of
TAB P: DCSS Guideline Calculator Training: Beginning/Experienced immediate Executive Order [#13,843, 83 Fed. The panelists will share their experiences with effective, evidence-based strategies being undertaken in the Los Angeles region by the court in connection with various justice partners through the provision of service-enriched affordable housing, mental