I remember that light-gun being the coolest “weapon” I’ve seen up to that time. | Digital Matrix uses the device to cover their tracks, making the models’ deaths appear as suicides. The concept of the LOOKER gun is very reminiscent of the "flashy thing" device used in the later Men in Black movies and somewhat similar to the "dazzler" weapon used by real-life police. It doesn’t take long for Roberts to figure out that Digital Matrix is duplicating these models, then killing them off, as their “digital doubles” will do their job better — and for free. The first chemical circuit developed - RESISTANCE IS FUTILE! Anyway, have a “look” (haha! really accurate description Dan……Good Job!!! At the time of checkout - the promo code must be used in combination with the email account above. It would be an amazingly powerful device to …
Clean cut with a touch of edge, these made-in-LA skinny jeans hug your figure and create a svelte profile from the hips to the frayed hems.
It was also the first film to create three-dimensional (3D) shading with a computer, months before the release of the better-known Tron. One of the main gimmicks used in the action sequences is the “Looker Gun,” a hand-held version of the L.O.O.K.E.R. I haven’t watched Looker in years (since at least 1990 on TV). If you’re into visual effects (especially Computer Generated Images or CGI) and you Google, ‘Milestones in CG’ (or something similar) this film inevitably pops up in such lists as having the first completely CG ’sim’ (a CG character that is meant to not so much be a rough interpretation of a human being such as the characters in ‘The Lawnmower Man’ but moreover be as real-looking as possible). Most of the other prints in that book were not too good, but the that one was pretty close. Get in the know: sign up for our newsletter.
Because these manipulations require inhuman accuracy, the models themselves soon become not only obsolete, but liabilities to the company.
Click to subscribe, MyMiniFactory - Credit - Remix - Noncommercial, 840 Placing a Special Order Inquiry is absolutely free and there is no obligation to follow through with a purchase. The concept of the LOOKER gun is very reminiscent of the "flashy thing" device used in the later Men in Black movies and somewhat similar to the "dazzler" weapon used by real-life police. Be it the dinos in Jurassic Park, or the suddenly self aware robots killing the patrons in Westworld, his stories touched a nerve with the film going public. Hey good lookin'! Login to create it. At the end, Reston lies hemorrhaging from a gunshot wound during a commercial for a brand of toothpaste called “Spurt.” A little on the nose, don’t you think? In order to understand which card is which you should consider your spending habits, your credit history and compare credit card offers from different banks and issuing companies. Some brands may be restricted from this discount. As a result, the “government/corporate conspiracy” genre was born. Aw, I loved Runaway. The fun part of the flick revolves around what L.O.O.K.E.R. The Reston henchman uses it to immobilize and kill the models, and he also freezes Roberts in his apartment for hours at a time to search for incriminating evidence. Please note I am not a VFX expert and everyone I said above may be hugely inaccurate :P. Thanks for the review, Dan! REVOLVE reserves the right to end or modify this promotion. Question: If you’re reviewing this, can Tom Selleck in RUNAWAY be far behind? Susan Dey’s character is too insecure and flat to be anything but an object of pity, and James Coburn’s turn as the villain, while passable, is too brief to be interesting. Once folks became aware the government would lie with impunity at every opportunity, or that companies would do anything and everything to sell their products regardless of the impact on society, it was ingrained in entertainment creators from that point on to mirror that angst. Click below and we will let you know when this item is back in stock. privacy policy. Roberts fears being implicated in the killings, since he worked on the 3 dead girls. All right, LOOKER! Though spare in visual effects, the film is notable for being the first commercial film to attempt to make a realistic computer-generated character, for the model named Cindy. During the post WW2 period, the fear of nuclear annihilation was palpable. Michael Crichton proved his credentials with The First Great Train Robbery and Coma, but this is a real let-down in comparison. minutes. It was meant to be a form of subliminal message delivery that made people want to buy the product being advertised. Looks like you already used this email to access this promo. I haven't seen this movie in a very long time but I do remember being fascinated by it. Instead of sending subliminal messages, the gun basically zaps you, causing the victim to be hypnotized until it wears off. You will be notified by email once we receive the item. Nowadays it's obvious this setup doesn’t pass the smell test: Reston Industries MUST have something evil going on, right? | Beretta shotguns are well-known for their craftsmanship, and this model definitely lives up to the name. New Rose Hotel - {It's NOT Cyberpunk! privacy policyopens in a new window. Outfitted with classic and attractive American walnut furniture and intricate, laser-edged floral and scroll engraving, the Silver Pigeon is a serious looker. Cindy, played in cheeky fashion by Partridge Family alum Susan Dey, is the only living model left. Robots, Men, and Sex Toruism: How Robot Prostitutes Can Change Sex Tourism. Crazy Credits I was under 17 when I started working, and I had to ask parents for money when I wanted to buy a computer or car. By clicking "Get My Coupon", you agree to receive our newsletter about new arrivals, sales & promos.
No kidding, guys, my Momâs in hospital and I need credit VERY MUCH! | We know this is before he's been hypnotized because the negative effect hasn't been used yet and the background music has been playing continuously. The zap-ee experiences lost time (pretty much like the neuralyzer Will Smith used in the Men In Black movies), which rightfully freaks Roberts out. Yeah, it is cheese, and it isn’t a great example of SF, but you know what? on February 14, 2017 at 2:09 PM I haven't seen this movie in a very long time but I do remember being fascinated by it. click to zoom. Los Angeles-based denim vets Tim Kaeding and Lela Tillem debuted MOTHER in the fall of 2010.
del.icio.us Digg Furl Reddit Google StumbleUpon Technorati Windows Live Yahoo! A mustachioed Eighties thug gets a taste of the L.O.O.K.E.R. Typically, it takes up to 3-4 weeks to verify this information. STAFF MOD. Vi Ho, who we assume is Vietnamese, is your super hot Looker of the Day! Artificial Intelligence: AI - More Screencaps, We The People Will Not Be Chipped: A grassroots campaign against VeriChip, USA Today: "The Machines Took Over (Wall Street)", Initial Impressions Review of Solid State Society, Futureworld (The Proto-Cyberpunk Sequel to Westworld), Deus Ex: Human Revolution (from our Reviewer Forums), Beyond Cyberpunk: A Do-it Yourself Guide to the Future, SFAM's Top 50 Cyberpunk Movies Thread at RT, With a Whimper: How to survive the coming apocalypse. Learn more. Quotes That’s not to say that the film can’t be enjoyed as good cheese, however — there are some amusingly inept moments (watch for the car “crashing” into the fountain), and the few special effects are decent enough. I don't think we need to spend much time building… Eric September 5, 2020. The Bottom Line: Unfortunately, Looker is a movie with a few good ideas that don’t quite survive the runtime. After The Vietnam War and Watergate, the public’s distrust in the government and corporations grew and grew.
Near the beginning, Lisa the model is shot by the LOOKER gun while in her doorway. 880 Justifiably concerned, Roberts begins playing amateur detective, teaming up with his patient (the vapid and insecure Cindy Fairmont, played by Susan Dey) to find out what’s really happening to these models, who seem to be dying off in droves shortly after visiting Roberts’ office to be “perfected.”. They seem cheesy now, but back in the day these films struck a chord with the general population, because the fear of death by nukes was far more immediate than it is today.
IIRC the Starlog Magazine of Sci-Fi Weapons had the Looker gun in it. Academy Award winner Lupita Nyong’o has done the same for 2 Star Wars installments. During a car chase, Dr. Roberts gets hypnotized by the Looker gun. A skinny silhouette that hugs from hip to hem with a snip at the end. gun)…and it does predict, with chilling, dead-on accuracy, the use of CGI as a major factor in media. Feb 19, 2012 #14 I always like the movie, and the guns. Manufacturer Style No. Instead of sending subliminal messages, the gun basically zaps you, causing the victim to be hypnotized until it wears off. I’m adding this to my order now. While these models are given lucrative contracts in exchange for their digital likenesses, they seem to mysteriously die shortly thereafter, their handsome royalties left unpaid. You may cancel at any time without penalty. I found only one, is it good? Raw cut hem. Fit for royalty. In addition to the prophetic “digital doubles” of the film, Looker’s most science-fiction invention is the L.O.O.K.E.R. Sounds great, until the beauties start dying. One of the main gimmicks used in the action sequences is the “Looker Gun,” a hand-held version of the L.O.O.K.E.R. Oh, the wit) at the Looker review over at […], I always thought the technology was interesting — but the movie considerably less so (yawn). Former NFL linebacker Tim Rossovich was featured as the villain's main henchman. Vi Ho is your sexy Asian Looker of the Day! If memory serves me they took hundreds of photographs of Susan Dey and scanned it into a computer to make a ‘3D composite’ of her. Susan Dey's hairstyle changes drastically when Cindy visits her parents; it has much more curl than it does in the rest of the film. The film is a suspense/science fiction piece that comments upon and satirizes media, advertising, TV's effects on the populace, and a ridiculous standard of beauty. Cinema, at its core, is more than just entertainment. Filmmakers recognized this, and for decades dozens and dozens of sci-fi movies came out, ruminating on the evils of the atomic age, usually getting the message across by concocting a monster that was created by the careless use of nuclear power. It is also a mirror into the collective psyche of the world at large. You can opt out at any time. However, there is more to this shotgun than its striking good looks.
Near the beginning, Lisa the model is shot by the LOOKER gun while in her doorway. While these scenes are mildly funny on a multitude of levels (the style of commercials, for all their “digital” glory, are more akin to something out of the Fifties than anything out of science fiction), they’re out of tone with the rest of the film. After its release in theaters, Looker haunted the bleak hinterlands of early Eighties cable television for awhile (probably sandwiched somewhere between showings of Krull and The Entity), and is out on DVD now. Offer not available on prior purchases, gift cards, shipping and handling, or taxes.
The Looker Ankle Fray by MOTHER ensures all eyes on you with its flattering and slimming stretch fit that's finished with a raw cut hem. Ewa Staniszewska Maintains Foreign Relations July 19, 2020; The mutherfucken week-end awesomeness is here!
You can do that at. […] that would be unfair to both of you. effect for the models in commercials, in the form of a blue “flash” in the model’s eyes. It starred Albert Finney, Susan Dey, and James Coburn. | Buy something new with 10% Off your next purchase. about the brand Look no further for your next perfect pair.
Uneven, satirical, and oddly prophetic in its own half-baked way, Michael Crichton’s 1981 film Looker takes place in a terrifying universe of glamour, dehumanization, corporate deception, and Susan Dey hooking up with Albert Finney.