Europeans generally use the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for defining language skills. Well, it depends on what you want to use the scale for and where you want to use it. ... FAQs Understanding Proficiency Verify a Credential Language Testing. September 2008 wurden die ICAO -Standards am 24. Proficiency is measured in terms of receptive and expressive language skills, syntax, vocabulary, semantics, and other areas that demonstrate language abilities. Copyright 2019. Providing vision, leadership and support for quality teaching and learning of languages, ACTFL is an individual membership organization of more than 13,000 language educators and administrators from elementary through graduate education, as well as government and industry. Bei beiden Prüfungsvarianten folgt schließlich das Interview. Being “sort of fluent” is fairly worthless on a résumé or application. It has five main levels (novice, intermediate, advanced, superior and distinguished), and the first four levels are each split into low, medium and high sub-levels, allowing for a very specific proficiency evaluation. Second, taking an exam is actually a great motivator for you to ratchet up your language learning. Language proficiency is the ability of an individual to use language with a level of accuracy that transfers meaning in production and comprehension. The TELC (German), TCF (French) and TORFL (Russian) are based on the CEFR scale, and the SOPI (Spanish) is based on the ACTFL scale. There are several scales you can use to evaluate your language proficiency (all of which have long acronyms), so which one should you go with? It is widely used in many arenas, but particularly in academia. One of the most comprehensive and commonly used language exams in the United States is the ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages (AAPPL). We provide the opportunity for you to test your proficiency level in various foreign languages. Capacities underlying word learning. We invite your feedback regarding the test design. The Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) scale was developed to measure a person’s ability to communicate in a language. If you’re wondering which language proficiency scales or exams you can take to determine your level in a language, you’ll find the answers below. Find more information about the ACTFL scale. We have based this test on the standard grammar and vocabulary that you would find in any language-learning materials. Someone at this language proficiency level can make contributions to office meetings, have conversations with clients, and carry out most work functions requested of them.