Well. Disco was much more, and much better than all that. User area. Here I am. Alright, the third person is supposed to be a stranger. Gossip Girl: Don’t forget yourself, Congressman. Just as long as true love’s kiss / Doesn’t wake this coked-up miss. Would it better, in that case. It has got to come back someday. Ted Boynton: Barcelona is beautiful but in human terms, pretty cold. Alice Kinnon: There's something really sexy about Scrooge McDuck. Nate: Oh yeah. Serena: High school was so much easier. I wanted you to know that I'm not one of them. Disco was too great and too much fun to be gone forever. Lily: What about Brad Alexander? Even Europeans must know what that means. Or who we want. See? It will always live in our minds and hearts. Disco’s are tricky. Gossip Girl: As a famed literary liar once told Oprah, memory is subjective. No, he's a self confessed chicken thief; an all around sleaze ball. A lot. I wish we were yuppies. All the characters are searching for something to make their lives more fulfilling. Dan: Oh yeah. Hilary Duff  Jessica Szohr  Kevin Zegers. The Last Days of Disco quotes 22 total quotes Charlotte Pingress Des McGrath Jimmy Steinway Josh Neff Others. Those are good things, not bad things. The Last Days Of Disco is a curious little beast. A lot of people won't take no for an answer. Sorry, I've got a job interview this afternoon and I was trying to get revved up, but most of what I said I ,uh, believe. I can be discouraged. Our bodies are not really designed for group social life. His mother said he’s single. There is something depressing about it and it's not really about dogs. Or denied. Young, upwardly mobile, professional. Oh for a few years, maybe many years it will be considered passe and ridiculous. Dan: You know what? That sounds major. And Blair. Nate: Yeah but I was. We're really designed for pairing off. Had housekeeping do an early turndown service on Damien’s room. With Chloë Sevigny, Kate Beckinsale, Chris Eigeman, Mackenzie Astin. It’s post-threesome stage one. Okay, I know things. But you’re better than that Damien guy. But let’s face it Vanessa is very vocal. [Mimics Saturday Night Fever pose] But we had nothing to do with that and still loved disco. Chuck: And dangerous. And being with him is exciting. Dan: Alright, so what do I do? Something like this that was this big, and this important, and this great, will never die. It will be misrepresented, caricatured and sneered at, or worse, completely ignored. Despite the fact that you’ve seen each other’s business. Disco will never be over. And you should stop kidding yourself. I don't *want* to lick the boots of your real gay friends. Why are you being such a buzzkill? It has got to come back someday. Those who didn't understand will never understand. Damien: Yeah, clearly more major than being a father, but…. Chuck: Be very careful, Jennifer Humphrey. Olivia: If you just let yourself, you’ll see that your feelings for her are real. Sounds like kind of a yawn. Gossip Girl: So Snow White lives. Wherein one, if not both girls, try to prove to the other who you belong to. Better whip out your pen. Do you think the neurological effects of caffeine are similar to that of cocaine? Did people ever really dance in bars? Toggle navigation. Chuck: I got your message. A little bit of danger is what makes life worth living. I’m Chuck Bass. It's premised on the idea that 'thine own self' is pretty good, being true to which is commendable. Blair: Don’t get too cocky, Humphrey. Chuck: That won’t be necessary. 11/16/09. Damien: What exactly does an Upper East Side Queen do? These famous words of wisdom is offered by FinestQuotes.com, the best quotes collection on the web. Oh for a few years, maybe many years it will seem passe and ridiculous. Dan: Okay, man. Jenny: Chuck, what are you doing here? Snow White. Jenny: I’m going to go use the restroom. Olivia (Hilary Duff): Calling them shallow and superficial didn’t work? Blair: I have a question: how do I win over shallow and superficial actors? Nate: A threesome? Dan: Platinum Record on the wall / It’s me now who have it all. I mean I haven’t really seen her much, but I’m sure she is. Blair: Ugh. The Last Days of Disco is a 1998 comedy-drama film written and directed by Whit Stillman, starring Chloë Sevigny and Kate Beckinsale.. I just hope it will be in our own lifetimes.-Matt Keeslar as Josh Neff in The Last Days of Disco . Disco will never be over. I pushed a pack. Yuppie stands for "young upwardly mobile professional". It takes one to know one. 21. Chuck: Just try not to run into any drug dealers in the kitchen. Dan: What? Memories can be embellished. Dan: How awesome am I? I’ve been to Europe. My family’s really into waffles. What if it's pretty bad? Gossip Girl: Hey Prince Charming, looks like it’s time for you to look in the enchanted mirror. I can be discouraged. [] hand in here. Damien: Where you wear designer clothes and boss people around. She's great looking but, let's be honest, incredibly insipid. Jenny: So Belgium, huh? My father left when I was four so he could work on the Oslo Accord. You don’t even want to know. Your marriage could wind up in A Million Little Pieces. I wanted you to know that I'm not one of them. Toggle search bar Movie Quotes TV Series Quotes Cartoon Quotes ... From the movie: The Last Days of Disco. Nate: Oh. Damien: Dude, the lady said she’s fine. Share the best The Last Days of Disco quotes collection from FinestQuotes. So get this: I have plans with Vanessa tonight but then Olivia signed me up to do this cabaret thing with her. After that it’s in the river. You look a total wally if you dance too early but after one crucial song tips the disco over, you look a sad saddo if you don’t.-David Mitchell . Something like this that was this big, and this important and this great will never die. If you go down the rabbit hole, it’s going to take more than Blair Waldorf and her army of minions to drag you back out. I’m taking you home. Plus a few other interesting things if you end up digging far enough. Affairs with married people. Memories can be embellished. We talked the next morning. Who knew I’d do it as a profession. Nate: Yeah, in some ways. I bet they have really good waffles. Nate: Okay, the problem is that during a threesome there’s always a twosome and a onesome going on. Jenny: Look, I may be queen but I’m more lonely and bored than I was when I lived in Brooklyn. Gossip Girl Season 3 Episode 10: "The Last Days of Disco Stick" Quotes. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Quotes, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Quotes, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 Quotes. Hilary Duff  Jessica Szohr  Kevin Zegers. Tramp, the love interest is a smarmy braggart of the most obnoxious kind, an oily jail bird out for a piece of tail or whatever he can get. 20. The most famous phrases, film quotes and movie lines by Kate Beckinsale . I thought that was a myth. Disco was too great and too much fun to be gone forever. Nate: Yeah well. Do you know that Shakespearean admonition 'To thine own self be true'? Or who we wish we could be. But as James Frey knows all too well, In physical terms, I'm cuter than you, but you're much nicer than I am. It breaks down. It starts out as an affectionate glimpse at life in a working class S I have a strange affinity with Scottish authors, especially Christopher Brookmyre and Irvine Welsh. View Quote. I have my own experience in the ball pond. Essentially it's a primer about love and marriage directed at very young people, imprinting on their little psyches that smooth talking delinquents recently escaped from the local pound are a good match for nice girls in sheltered homes.