Two hundred gallons at least. Forrest Bondurant: Say your piece, Jimmy. Forrest Bondurant: Yeah, that’s from your new best friend. Jack Bondurant: You got to keep steady now so as I can get it. I never have, I never will. There’s the white lightning, Sheriff. It is the distance that he is prepared to go. Forrest Bondurant: Pete, who the hell is this son of a bitch? Mason Wardell: Can I help you, son? Howard Bondurant: Jack, get him out of there! Howard Bondurant: Quit it, Jack. Howard Bondurant: Yeah? [they stop off at a quite lane and Jack gives Bertha a box, she opens it and sees a dress] Did you check out of that place yet. Jack Bondurant: …is two thousand dollars, minus my commission. Cricket Pate: I’m sorry, Jack! [outside Rakes and his men get closer] Boo-hoo! [Banner places the cash on the table and Jack starts bagging it up] There ain’t nobody around. Now you could sit there on that gate and shake your head, talking about ‘my daddy this, my daddy that’ till your blue in the face, or you could climb down off that gate and come live a little and get inside my car… Huh?! [Rakes drags Jack up and shoves him off the stairs, making fall to the ground, Rakes circles around Jack] Forrest Bondurant: What things might they be? The Real Story Behind 'Lawless' by Matt Bondurant By Matt Bondurant On 8/27/12 at 1:00 AM EDT Shia LaBeouf plays Jack Bondurant in Lawless (in theaters Aug. 29); the real Jack, circa 1935. This is about the Goddamn principle. Charlie Rakes: You fucking hicks are sideshow onto yourselves. Cricket Pate: Shit. Sheriff Hodges: Oh, dammit. Jimmy Turner: Alright, Forrest. Die Gesetzlosen“ verfilmte der Australier John Hillcoat (* 1961) den 2008 von dem US-Amerikaner Matt Bondurant (* 1971) veröffentlichten Roman „The Wettest County in the World“. Gummy Walsh: Meet Floyd Banner. We don’t want to see you getting hurt. The main source of the bootlegging business in Franklin comes from the Bondurant Brothers, Forrest, Howard, and Jack. [the next day after getting beat up by Rakes, Jack is at the bar, pouring salt into salt shakers, his face a mess, Forrest enters and walks up to Jack] Do you? The film stars Shia LaBeouf, Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman, Mia Wasikowska, Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke, and Guy Pearce. I’m the one who’s going to make your life real difficult from now on if you don’t toe the line, country boy. Sheriff Hodges: I’m warning you, son! We’re Bondurants. The fact that you let your own brother, old Forrest, down? Maggie Beauford: Bye, Forrest. When he kills the crippled Cricket Pete, the locals join forces to face the corrupt authorities. This Villain was proposed and approved by Villains Wiki's Pure Evil Proposals Thread. Gummy Walsh: You must be Cricket Pate, huh? [Howard shoves the nozzle from the gas pump into Abshire’s mouth] Jack Bondurant: Fast? [as Forrest and Howard are stacking up moonshine on the back of their truck for selling] Compounding their troubles, the local competition is elbowing in on their activities. Charlie Rakes: That friend of yours, he called me a Nance. Genius-level intellectSophisticationWisdomIntimidationGreat strengthAggressionVast resourcesVast manipulationFighting and firearm skillsComplete control over the US Marshals and his men Jack Bondurant: What do I intend to do? Cricket Pate: Jack, meet Gummy Walsh. Forrest Bondurant: Hmm? [to the mugger] Drag your damn’ body to my car? Users who misuse the template will be blocked for a week minimum. Inhaltsangabe und Rezension: © Dieter Wunderlich 2015, Lawless. [Banner takes out the cash to pay Jack] [Maggie opens her eyes and looks at him] Deputy Henry Abshire: Look here, Forrest. [as Jack is looking through the basement window at the wake’s activities] [he looks at Forrest for a moment] [Forrest walks up to the Sheriff, he sees Charlie Rakes for the first time] Jack Bondurant: Come here and help me with this. [Maggie doesn’t reply and just looks at him] Jack Bondurant: It’s the biggest distillation setup in these hills. Forrest Bondurant: Look at me. Charles "Charlie" Rakes, also known as Charley Rakes, is the primary antagonist of the 2012 film Lawless. Charlie Rakes: You’re not from around here. [Howard and Jack make a run for it as the rest of the police get closer], [as the remaining deputies swarm the facility and capture Cricket and Bertha, the others pose for photos of the busted facility with Mason Wardell, then Rakes takes Cricket into the woods] Jack Bondurant: I don’t need no help. Forrest Bondurant: No. Forrest Bondurant: Uh, hmm. Maggie war noch einmal zurückgekommen und auf die Täter gestoßen. This won’t do. [Rakes pushes Jack away and kicks him in the face, Jack passes out] [he continues to laugh] Howard Bondurant: Come on, uncle Forrest. So I ask you, what do you intend to do now? Oh! The Simple Eating Hack That Could Prevent Most Diseases Including Blindness, Secret Service and DC Fire Investigating Vehicle, Livestreamer Says There Was an Attempted Attack on White House, Pittsburgh Police In Riot Gear Arrive At ‘Stop The Steal’ Rally Where An Anti-Trump Group Has Also Gathered. Jack Bondurant: Hey, come on, Forrest. [Forrest shoves the money into Wardell’s front jacket pocket and pulls it hard, he then turns away] Howard Bondurant: Get some help! Jack Bondurant: Anything else I can do for you, Forrest? Forrest Bondurant: Well, who told you that? [she gets into her and Forrest watches her drive off, then he notices that someone opened the engine block of his car, as he goes to fix it the two men he beat up jump him and slash Forrest’s throat] Why would he stay that? [he changes gear and drives even faster] Then he walked out of there and married Maggie, neither of them told no one. I don’t have time for your horse shit. Forrest Bondurant: Yeah, well, there’s a lot that can’t be forgiven. Howard Bondurant: Five dollars? [Walsh hesitates and Banner looks at Jack]. Let it be, Jimmy. Bertha Minnix: Well? [Rakes pushes him into the cave and starts to suffocate Cricket] [Bertha shakes hands with Cricket] During the siege, he is cornered by Jack and Howard, the two chose to let him live and leave, not before Jack calls his nemesis a "nance" (a 1930's derogatory term for a gay or effeminate man). You cannot make said Removal Proposal without permission from an admin first. That shit ain’t fit for hogs! Forrest Bondurant: Alright now. [Jack looks at the alcohol, which is a disgusting yellow color] Die Handlung von „Lawless. Forrest Bondurant: Have you met, Howard? Jimmy Turner: Forrest. [Forrest doesn’t answer him, he looks at the Sheriff] [Rakes raises his gun but Jack fires his gun twice, before Rakes falls, Howard appears from behind and stabs Rakes in the back with a large knife] [Jack takes her hand and takes her through the woods, unbeknownst to him, Rakes has followed Jack and is watching them from afar]. Er hält das, was er und seine Brüder tun, für einen ihnen aufgezwungenen Überlebenskampf und gerechtfertigten Rachefeldzug. Die Gesetzlosen – Originaltitel: Lawless – Regie: John Hillcoat – Drehbuch: Nick Cave nach dem Roman "The Wettest County in the World" von Matt Bondurant – Kamera: Benoît Delhomme – Schnitt: Dylan Tichenor – Musik: Nick Cave – Darsteller: Shia LaBeouf, Tom Hardy, Guy Pearce, Jason Clarke, Jessica Chastain, Mia Wasikowska, Gary Oldman, Dane DeHaan, Noah Taylor u.a. The most obvious occasion where someone reveals their disdain for Rakes' appearance is when Jack openly calls Rakes a "nance", thus calling him a homosexual (although it's almost certain that he isn't gay, considering that he appears to have slept with, and possibly raped, a prostitute in the middle of the film, and there's no evidence that he may be bisexual). We got something big. Jack Bondurant: Just checking on you. Jack Bondurant: You want to put moonshine in the gas tank? Jack Bondurant: I get it. [Banner looks at Jack for a moment and smiles, looks to his men] Conference Line: 220029#, Patriot Broadcast From the Trenches Archives, Or you can mail donations to Henry Shivley at P.O. Jack Bondurant: Yeah? Howard Bondurant: He got trouble written all over him! I’m sorry they blew up the stills, I’m sorry they got the car, I’m sorry they took your money… [the police and the bootleggers start shooting at each other and Rakes runs into the bridge, Howard runs over to where Forrest has collapsed] [Maggie walks up closer and sit next to Forrest on his bed] Jack Bondurant: I ain’t got nothing, I was just the driver. Charlie Rakes: You immortal?! Bertha Minnix: Jeepers, Jack. I don’t know what that means. Jack Bondurant: I asked you a question! With the Sheriff regaining control over his men and wounded, Rakes is forced to flee. Charles "Charlie" Rakes, also known as Charley Rakes,is the primary antagonist of the 2012 film Lawless. What are you going to do with Floyd Banner? Forrest Bondurant: Hey, you! [Jack takes Forrest’s gun and starts walking towards the bridge where Rakes has gone] I’m Jack Bondurant! Forrest Bondurant: Listen, Howard. All the way from Blackwater Station. Howard Bondurant: She’s one of them crazies, from that church. Me? Forrest Bondurant: Now, this has nothing to do with you either. Forrest don’t want you involved. Howard Bondurant: You okay, Sheriff? Charlie Rakes: You tell them… Meanwhile, as the three siblings rise to power while battling treachery on both sides of the law, a mysterious woman named Maggie appears out of nowhere, prompting the thoughtful Forrest to question the true price of his outlaw ways. Mugger #1: Give me your money, boy! [Howard goes off and Maggie turns to Forrest] Sheriff Hodges: You better lay low.