We can inform you about other changes with the "watch this company". ... LAZYBONES (OLD LEIGH) CAR BOOT FAIR . 01245 400293. Click for phoneWrite a review "Especially when you have all this information in front of you; you see their ages, some of them are married and some have children.". Accompanying each tree are plaques detailing the names of the soldiers and the date they were killed in action. Days Sunday Entry fee 50p Seller start 09:00 Buyer start 10:00 Location Arundel Postcode. Currently running a single skeet range but a new Compak sporting layout is due to be added in the near future. Track all the changes in the company LAZYBONES BOOTSALE LIMITED for free. "I do feel quite involved emotionally with them and I do get very upset when I get the information through - and I do get tearful," she said. 1386 LONDON ROAD, LEIGH ON SEA, ESSEX, ENGLAND, SS9 2UJ. Fran has become emotionally attached to the names inscribed on the plaques, The memorial benches allow visitors to take in the peaceful surroundings, The sapling trees will grow to form an 'avenue' of rememberance. Fran and Peter hope that over time these will grow to create a natural avenue for reflection. 1 director and 1 secretary. Car Boot sale in the grounds of Our Lady of Lourdes primary school, Greenbanks (off Fillebrook Avenue), Leigh-on-sea, Essex on Saturday 7 May 2011 from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm. Entrance 50p per person, £1 per family. Business of the company LAZYBONES BOOTSALE LIMITED by SIC and NACE code is "47990 - Other retail sale … A couple from Rettendon have planted 400 trees to honour the casualties of the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. }. Hello Bootsalers and welcome to Lazybones Bootsale! Know about every new company document that is added! The ground is an up and coming local shoot with very friendly regulars and well organised. "We are able to do it because of the boot sale - but I don't have any apologies for doing this," said Fran, who herself has served in the armed forces. Buyers 50p p/p Children only free. The company is based on 1386 LONDON ROAD, LEIGH ON SEA, ESSEX, ENGLAND, SS9 2UJ. registered office changes, strike off actions, charges and more. "This is a work in progress - this isn't something that's going to come to fruition this year or even next year, we're talking about in five or six years time.". THE THORPE BAY COMMISSIONING GROUP LIMITED, 47990 - Other retail sale not in stores, stalls or markets. Reviews: 0. border-radius:3px; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(#9c0000, #000); The total number of directors was so far 2. Lazybones Car Boot White House Farm Main Road Rettendon Essex CM3 8DL | View map Website Click for phone Write a review | read reviews. 11 years and 9 months. You will learn immediately about the appointment and dismissal of directors, Read more. Every Saturday from mid-March to mid-November (weather permitting). BBQ and refreshments available. Check the company's details for free and view the Companies House information, company documents and list of directors. While you will be able to view the content of this page in your current browser, you will not be able to get the full visual experience. The most recent document is "MICRO COMPANY ACCOUNTS MADE UP TO 31/03/19" from the 2019.08.30. Company LAZYBONES BOOTSALE LIMITED ... Our Lady of Lourdes primary school Car Boot Sale. Barleylands Car Boot Sale. background: linear-gradient(#9c0000, #000); The latest accounts are filed up to 2019.03.31. Today's best hotels deals. "By getting people to come out here, I'm able to show them that this is what's happening in another country and these are our men and women.". padding:2px 6px; Days Sunday - Thursday Entry fee 30p Seller start 06:00 Buyer start 06:00 Location Basildon Postcode SS14 3JH. Website The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Take advantage of our watch this company feature free of charge and have notifications sent directly to your inbox. Lazy Bones Bootsale. Sellers £10.00 cars, £18.00 vans. Markets in Rettendon. This page viewed on 23,993 occasions since 1st August 2008, Brit Quote:It is not good to cross the bridge before you get to it. Read more. There are 30 company documents available. Fran and Peter are keen for it to evolve into a place where the public and particularly the families of the soldiers can spend time and reflect on the losses. Whenever a new document appears on this website, or if their particulars change, you will be immediately LAZYBONES BOOTSALE RETTENDON Whitehouse Farm, , CM3 8DL When: 6 April to 26 October 9:00am Every: Sunday Next On: June 22nd 2014 at 9:00am Contact:07535111340 / 01245 400293 Car Boot, WHITEHOUSE FARM RETTENDON CM3 8DL Every Saturday and Sunday Weather permitting. "I'm not ashamed to admit it and I don't think you can help but [be affected]. Set against ...MoreMore Uk destinations, Lazybones Car BootWhite House Farm Every Saturday from mid-March to mid-November (weather permitting). Our bootsales have featured on several T.V programmes including 'Car Booty'. Nice punters and usualy take a lot when I go. Car Boot Sales in Essex. Its awful and the people who run it are rude. Rettendon – Lazybones Bootsale. informed about such changes. Fran acknowledges with a heavy heart that they will soon have to start planting more trees as the combined casualty toll passes the 400 mark. Business of the company LAZYBONES BOOTSALE LIMITED Full details. The company has You have at your disposal scanned copies of official documents submitted by the company at Companies House. This page viewed on 23,906 occasions since 1st August 2008. These documents may A127 Giant Car Boot Sale . on the 22. Welcome to West Norfolk, a truly special place of unspoilt charm and natural beauty, where tranquillity and relaxation are the order of the day. January 2009. - Judi DenchMore Quotes, On this day: One row of trees have been dedicated to those soldiers who have been killed in Iraq since 2003, opposite them is another row for those who lost their lives in Afghanistan. Learn more about LAZYBONES BOOTSALE LIMITED. This page is best viewed in an up-to-date web browser with style sheets (CSS) enabled. The company is based on 1386 LONDON ROAD, LEIGH ON SEA, ESSEX, ENGLAND, SS9 2UJ. Address: Barleylands, Barleylands Road, Billericay CM11 2UD Dates: Every Sunday and bank holiday Mondays throughout the year Start Time: Sellers before 8am, Buyers from 9am Sellers: Cars £10, Small vans £15, Large vans £20 Buyers: Early buyers before 9am: £1, or after 9am it is 50p for adults or free for children Lazybones Bootsale is a family run business that has been established for almost 30 years. Bodleian Library Opens - 1602, Trent Affair Threatens Anglo-US War - 1861, Race Relations Act comes into force - 1965, Enniskillen Remembrance Day Bomb - 1987More dates from British history, click here to view all the British counties, About us | Contact Us | Swap Links | Share a Travel Tip | Reviews, Cookies - 3rd parties use cookies on our site to deliver the best visitor experience and by continuing to use our site you are agreeing to our cookie and privacy policy. The latest annual return was filed up to 2019.01.03. High House Skeet can be found at Whitehouse Farm, home of the famous Lazy Bones Boot Sale in Rettendon, just off the A12 near Chelmsford in Essex. Reviews: 1. "That is something that is very important to me," said Fran. Fran and Peter Theobold, who run the Lazybones boot sale at Whitehouse Farm, have allocated some of their land for what they call a 'living memorial.' about the new company documents, bankruptcy or liquidation of the Company. Other sales in the area are good and Lazybones IN LEIGH STATION not the awful one in rettendon, is a great ALL YEAR sale. "I think it's a very small price to pay for what these people have sacrificed and I don't mind doing it," said Fran. Having invested a lot of time into this project, she admitted it can get quite overwhelming. Information about the Private Limited Company LAZYBONES BOOTSALE LIMITED has been prepared for information purposes only. To monitor these changes, all you need to do is click on watch this company. Hard standing in the Winter, grass in the Summer. Please consider upgrading your browser software or enabling style sheets (CSS) if you are able to do so. .choices{background-color: #9c0000; Avoid Lazybones at Rettendon. by SIC and NACE code is "47990 - Other retail sale not in stores, stalls or markets". The company is now active. The company is now active. Our website makes it possible to view other available documents related to LAZYBONES BOOTSALE LIMITED. ... Rettendon, Essex CM3 8DL. "If they wanted to come over at at any time that would be fine. Copyright © 2020 BBC. Watchdog service can be cancelled any time. margin:2px 0; Data on this page were generated on the 2020.11.08. Main RoadRettendon "My main aim is to get it looking so lovely that they will come and they will enjoy it. You get a lot of thiefs too, had two phones stolen. The initial planting began in February of this year, mainly of leylandii, but they are also in the process of adding a number of indigenous species such as oaks and horse chestnuts. The company has been in business for 11 years and 4 months. It is not intended to be nor does it constitute legal advice. A couple from Rettendon have planted 400 trees to honour the casualties of the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. We do not have any information about the company LAZYBONES BOOTSALE LIMITED being in liquidation. Hi all, My sister and I have A LOT of clothing / books / records to get shot of and are looking for a bit of money also, does anyone know where a 'decent' boot sale would be in the South Essex area on a Sunday, pref a lazy bones as well. Fran and Peter Theobold, who run the Lazybones boot sale at Whitehouse Farm, have allocated some of their land for what they call a 'living memorial.'. This is public information provided by the official company register. The total number of secretaries was 1. registration number 06799022, established in United Kingdom float:left; lazybonesbootsale.co.uk. contain Accounts, Annual Returns, Director appointments, Director resignations, administration and liquidation events, The company has been in business for Find out more information about LAZYBONES BOOTSALE LIMITED. | read reviews CM3 8DL | View map In addition, they have also had plaques inscribed with poetry and benches dedicated to specific servicemen. Essex is a Private Limited Company, color:#fff;