This minifigure was exclusive to 76083 Beware the Vulture, a set that also came with Spidey, the Vulture, and the Shocker. And an awesome Iron Man it is.?? This build came in 76104 The Hulk Buster Smash Up. This minifigure came in 76032 Avengers Quinjet City Chase, 76038 Attack on Avengers Tower, and 76031 The Hulk Buster Smash. In the movie, War Machine dons one of the white Avengers Quantum Realm suits alongside the surviving Avengers, in an effort to reverse the destruction and damage caused by Thanos. It also had slightly different articulation, with different joints at the waist and even articulated toes! or another A.I. It has a new print for the faceplate, with the silver print ending higher up. Translucent light blue pieces are used on the hands and feet to represent repulsor blasts – this technique was used for Iron Man minifigures until very recently. The Hulkbuster suit was represented by a brick-built model in the 2015 set 76031 The Hulk Buster Smash. We’ve found an amazing exclusive members area which details exactly how you can build one. I only wish this minifigure came with some toe printing – it would make it look even more detailed. It had translucent blue repulsors on its hands and feet but it also had a neck bracket attachment that gave it additional repulsor boosts on the back (like a jetpack). It has a very unique white and gold color scheme which reflects real-life space suits. We'll be going to see Iron Man 3 on Friday and we're pumped!?? Pretty noteworthy is the fact that this armor got rid of the old translucent light blue bricks for repulsor blasts, replacing them with translucent light blue versions of 2018’s new Power Bursts. The other Tony Stark minifigure was released in 2018’s Marvel Bricktober pack, and is based on Tony’s look in 2018’s Avengers: Infinity War. Build 1 of 3 portraits of the iconic Iron Man suits of armor with this LEGO® Art Marvel Studios Iron Man (31199) set, while you relish a creative escape from everyday life. Nov 3, 2017 - Explore Jack's board "Lego iron man suits" on Pinterest. It reuses the same dark red and gold helmet from the Mark 50 minifigure, and has the same double-sided head underneath (a smiling Tony Stark and an angry one with a printed heads-up display). Only official LEGO minifigures will be counted, but it’s still a lot! Despite being simple, this figure is still pretty close to how Tony looks in the movie. They also had stickered 1×4 curved slopes and translucent light blue Power Bursts for additional detail. It still had features like an opening cockpit…. This minifigure appears in 76124 War Machine Buster, the second-smallest Avengers Endgame set. It looks to be another painted mask like Invincible Iron Man. New Custom Iron Man Age of Ultron Sentry Figure Big Hulk Fig | eBay, Senior Visual Development Concept Artist at Marvel Studios, Come visit us at, & for up to date news about LEGO stuff, Quality lego with free worldwide shipping on AliExpress. We’ve managed to secure an EXTRA 10% OFF for you! It is pretty simple but I think it looks good. This came in a polybag as a videogame preorder exclusive for the LEGO Marvel’s Avengers videogame. This armor is the Mark 51, but is better known as the Invincible Iron Man suit. Accessory elements include Tony Stark face and hair elements to attach to the Iron Man suit minifigures. This is easily my favorite LEGO Iron Man suit and I hope to be able to get it someday. LEGO skipped quite a few Iron Man suits when they created sets for the Iron Man III movie, which is perfectly understandable as the number of suits in that movie was pretty insane. I am a collector and this has really helped me see which ones I still need! Top 10 Lego Iron Man Suits of 2020. Tony Stark donned the Mark 45 armor for the climactic final battle against Ultron and his minions in the 2015 film. Let’s visit the Hall of Armors and check out all the suits now! Whichever version you choose to build, enjoy the satisfaction of seeing all the little details come together to show the power, versatility and creative engineering you love about your favorite Marvel Super Hero. © uses first and third party cookies on your computer to enhance this site and provide functionality. Speaking of the Hulkbuster, here it is! However, Iron Man’s most advanced suit was yet to come. Up next is the Mark IV version of the War Machine suit, which appeared in Avengers: Infinity War. This LEGO Iron Man minifigure was exclusive to the 2018 Marvel Superheroes Bricktober Pack, with a black and grey color scheme and pretty detailed printing. Translucent blue pieces are once again used to form repulsor blasts from the hands and feet. Free shipping for many products! Did you know that you can easily make your own real-life full size Iron Man Suit and Armor? Help your fellow builder by leaving your feedback based on these three criteria: Your feedback is only shown to the creator as well as yourself. In addition, the arms and legs are poseable thanks to several ball joint connections, while the fingers can grab onto minifigures like Ultron Prime in the image above. LEGO Iron Man Suits, Armors and Minifigures Guide, LEGO Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts Sets, All 24 LEGO Iron Man Suits and Minifigures, Iron Man Mark 50 “Bleeding Edge” Armor (Alternate Form),, Every LEGO Avengers Endgame Minifigure (Updated 2019), A History of LEGO Star Wars Astromech Droids, LEGO Overwatch Minifigures from the New Sets. Our final War Machine minifigure is War Machine in his Quantum Realm suit, from Avengers Endgame. Let me know your thoughts as a whole, and also comment which suit is your favorite! There’s a shoulder-mounted six stud shooter, two flick-fire missiles, and two wrist-mounted stud shooters. The LEGO Marvel videogame franchise returns with a brand new action-packed, Super Hero adventure. Its head piece is translucent neon orange in color and it has translucent red bricks to represent its repulsor blasts. The printing on the torso and legs is pretty exceptional, with some bright red printing also used to add some contouring – I think this is an awesome technique. It had the same helmet mold but the visor had some extra printing on it that gave it blue “eyes” and a silver chin. This is the Mark 44 suit, which is a large external armor mech that Iron Man enters. Tony Stark was the son of billionaire weapons manufacturer Howard Stark and the owner of Stark Industries. This minifigure was released in 2017, sporting a bright red and golden design that resembles comic books more than the grittier MCU. The Suit-Up Gantry was used to undress Tony Stark at Stark Expo Opening Ceremony in Iron Man 2. In Iron Man III, the War Machine armor was repainted into a more American color scheme, and that repainted suit was used for most of the movie. LEGO skipped quite a few Iron Man suits when they created sets for the Iron Man III movie, which is perfectly understandable as the number of suits in that movie was pretty insane. This minifigure came in 76006 Iron Man: Extremis Sea Port Battle with Tony Stark inside, but also appeared in 76007 Iron Man: Malibu Mansion Attack as an empty suit inside a mini LEGO Hall of Armors. … and an interchangeable left arm. Next up is the other LEGO Iron Man suit released in 2012 – the Mark 7. It uses the same helmet mold but with some additional printing on it, while the torso has some pretty awesome printing that shows segmented armor – this is accurate to Tony Stark’s suit in the film. Up next is a re-painted version of the War Machine MKII armor – the Iron Patriot. It reused the same helmet, faceplate, and head prints from the Mark 50 and 85 minifigures, but it had the white Quantum Realm Suit for its torso and legs. Below is a link to my series playlist. Build 1 of 3 portraits of the iconic Iron Man suits of armor with this LEGO® Art Marvel Studios Iron Man (31199) set, while you relish a creative escape from everyday life. Let me know which ones are yours! The most significant change was the new helmet — a brand new mold that did not have an opening face plate. Fear not, today I will be breaking down Tony Stark‘s many Iron Man suits into a blog post to help YOU identify the LEGO Iron Man minifigures . These Legionaires appeared in Avengers: Age of Ultron, where they were taken over by Ultron and used against the Avengers. … After viewing product detail pages, look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in. Furthermore, the suit is not seen for very long in the movie, and Iron Man actually wears a different helmet with the Quantum Realm suit. Iron Man MK 1, Iron Man MK 5 and Iron Man MK 41 minifigures are new for March 2019. With 3 moveable articulated arms, Iron Man fans would definitely welcome this addition to Tony's garage or any scenario that it fits. That suit is fantastic!?? I suppose it’s optional but still, technically a Stark figure! Prime members enjoy FREE Delivery and exclusive access to music, movies, TV shows, original audio series, and Kindle books. The build has a dark grey color scheme which matches the design of older War Machine suits. I just wish that the legs were dual-molded, as the silver looks pretty weird when it doesn’t continue onto the sides. He wears a dark grey jogger outfit with the triangular Mark 50 storage unit mounted on the outside. August 11, 2020. Google+. Today, I’ll be taking a look at every LEGO Iron Man suit / armor minifigure. It had more black in its color scheme (just like the Mark I War Machine) with a silver face plate, along with piercing red eyes. LEGO has accordingly designed the figure to match, and I think it looks pretty good. It is not available for other users to see. I think it is also one of the best LEGO Iron Man suits. The figure appeared in 6869 Quinjet Aerial Battle, but was later re-released in a LEGO Juniors set that pitted him against Loki. The iconic Hulkbuster suit received an upgrade in 2018’s Avengers: Infinity War film, and that was accordingly reflected in LEGO form. This minifigure came in set 6867 Loki’s Cosmic Cube Escape, as well as a polybag. The minifigure has decent printing on the body. While not technically an Iron Man suit, the whole reason why the Iron Man suits were able to be created in the first place is the man, the genius behind them – Tony Stark himself. Iron Man never stops developing new features, functions and details for his suits and masks. That’s actually how I had him setup for the longest time with his helmet on the table next to him. Love quality of text and images , Hi there! The torso has a printed triangular arc reactor on it which is accurate to the Mark 6 in the movies, and there is a fairly even level of detail throughout the figure. Furthermore, War Machine’s Quantum Realm suit helmet was also different in Avengers Endgame, with a lighter color scheme to match the white suit. It had a shoulder-mounted gun that was not a stud shooter, and only came with translucent red repulsor pieces for the hands. They give you easy-to-follow guides, video tutorials, a full materials list and guess what…. You might want to check it out. This minifigure itself appears in 76038 Attack on Avengers Tower, and has a unique dark blue, gold, and white color scheme. Underneath the helmet, War Machine has the same double-sided head as the Bricktober Pack variant. It also had a different way to open the panels to access the interior —— four panels opened in four different directions. This suit is the MK17 “Heartbreaker” suit, appearing in the smallest of the three Iron Man III sets, 76008. With 3 moveable articulated arms, Iron Man fans would definitely welcome this addition to Tony's garage or any scenario that it fits. The minifigure came with other accessories: a hairpiece for Tony Stark, a silver spanner, and some translucent light blue bricks for repulsor blasts.