Just Me Again Down Here Dancing Script Pernament Marker Kalam I don't like playing football. Yanone Kaffeesatz Page 1     The second is a set of statements students need to put true or false next to, and the last part is a fill-in-the-blanks where students will … Annie Use Your Telescope %���� Boogaloo px, Please allow access to the microphone Lobster Two Comic Neue (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}). Bubblegum Sans This is a 3-page WS about present simple of the verb LIKE. Welcome to ESL Printables, the website where English Language teachers exchange resources: worksheets, lesson plans, activities, etc. We love this one especially for ESL students to practice (somewhat) real-life communication in getting to know people. What do you want to do? Test yourself with our free English language quiz about 'Don't & Doesn't'. Your students will need to work in pairs for this worksheet. If you see a message asking for permission to access the microphone, please allow. Close. 24 Kranky Ribeye Marrow No sign-up required. It also includes food and drink vocabulary to give your students a little bit of practice with food. 11 Freckle Face Sacramento Lobster Choose the correct answer. worksheets, lesson plans,  activities, etc. 50 Choose the correct answer. After that section, the students need to ask their partner about what they like and don’t like. Finally, they review language for face or body parts by dictating a monster and practise talking about likes and dislikes in the third person in a creative way. don’t like doesn’t like c. _____ like bananas? Key included for busy teachers. Our collection is growing every day with the help of many teachers. 16 22 Escolar Ribeye Marrow Fredoka One Bangers Look at the top of your web browser. 80 Choose the answer! Students are given content to the blank to fill in by reading the short story and then writing the correct word, which is easily identified in parentheses or by the image provided. This worksheet is structured more like a traditional ice breaker. Fontdiner Swanky 40 Page 2     This likes and dislikes worksheet about sports works as an icebreaker, a practice in some (light) writing, and vocabulary. Orbitron Gurmukhi Teaching Kids who Canñññt Read? Ss will make questions for the given sentences, then match with the pictures. Cherry Cream Soda Russo One Close. you want to download you have to send your own contributions. worksheets, lesson plans,  activities, etc. Architects Daughter Orbitron Students practise -s ending and DOES/ DOESN´T for 3rd person, singular and the forms for plural, too. x��ko�6��ݧ���7) p�g��0��p��Kb��m�����C�DR�v�;IV93�΃3R�'?4O�>��ŷ/rv������)iNI�XיFv��1��T6���G�:>j^}��}�ݾ���!�g�������������=9����.�o�.v��w5-mx� Page 1     If you want to download you have to send your own contributions. Annie Use Your Telescope She likes running. The students need to fill in the table for themself by providing like or dislike - or whatever vocabulary you think is suitable - next to each activity. 9 Indie Flower Schoolbell Like-likes-don't like-doesn't like speaking worksheet about the Present Simple ID: 248928 Language: English School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) But food? A collection of English ESL worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and English classes to teach about don't, like, don't like. Level:elementary Age: 8-10 Freckle Face Bangers English Lessons for Kids - Videos, Printables, Games, Online Tests In this worksheet, students are given what pictures of what three different people (Dick, Mandy, and I) like. English ESL Worksheets ... Look at the sentences and decided whether the missing word is like, don't like, likes or doesn't like. Some of the words included are tasty, awful, disgusting, and yummy. 1 0 obj 14 Shadows Into Light Two 14 32 8 Black Ops One Boogaloo UsingEnglish.com Sign Up; Log In Grammar & Vocab. If ... don't like doesn't likes doesn't like don't likes. Choose the answer! Yanone Kaffeesatz Kranky My sister's name is Lucy. They need to read the passage and answer questions about who she is, what she likes, and what she doesn’t like. Look at the top of your web browser. The second is a set of statements students need to put true or false next to, and the last part is a fill-in-the-blanks where students will … For example, “Do you like dogs?” If so, the student colors in a heart next to the question. Mountains of Christmas the website where English Language teachers exchange resources: For example, "she__ milk." 5 Creative Ways To Get Your Class Talking. And the last important step to mastering likes and dislikes is understanding how to interpret what other people like and don’t like. 40 Live worksheets > English > English as a Second Language (ESL) > Present Simple > Like-likes-don't like-doesn't like. Lobster Two Read the sentence. Amatic SC 28 Likes and dislikes are - arguably - the most important topic to teach anyone how to navigate. Otherwise, it’ll be a whole lot of one-way listicle-style conversations! She _____ __ doing her homework. Welcome to Gochi Hand This worksheet focuses on why students like or dislike the items listed. Fortunately, because likes and dislikes are so important, we have.