The following are a list of slang or derogatory terms for both elderly women in general, and grandmas. I just became a grandma and I definitely want my own name. I’m thinking of taking my coworkers name—Layla—because her grandkids struggled with Abuela when they were little and the name just stuck. Can NOT use Omie, Mamu, Gram, Grammy, Grandma, Gigi, Mimi, Granny, Memaw, Nana ,Noni, Abuela. i would keep grandma – youve had for 20 years – when both are together grandma staci or grandma last name – that’s what we did with our grandmas. I thought up the name “Gussy” putting g for grandma and the rest cuz I’m always so fussy. . Traditional grandmother names There are so many grandmothers withy granddaughter that grandma, Nana, Mimi, grannie. GaGa. Therefore, one of the best ways to show your affection and love towards her is by giving her a sweet nickname that fits her personality! Yes, grandpa can be cool, but granny has her own charm. The editors of determine the recommendations of products and services that appear in articles through rigorous reporting. Please read our Disclaimer. Should you have any concerns about your health, or of that of your baby or child, please consult with your doctor. I am having a hard time finding a nickname for the three of us. A perfect nickname for your sweet and loving grandma, call your grandmother ‘Nonna,’ derived from Italian. My Granddaughter started calling me Namms ! MainMa – For the grandma who had a formative place in your life. Oma. I mean, you’re both going to go be the child’s grandmother and it seems rather petty to be upset that the other grandmother wants to use the same term. You don’t need to be limited by tradition. 5. I had a grandma and a nanny and I preferred saying grandma!I’m on here looking for a grandma nickname for my dad’s new wife so that he can stop referring to her as grandma… She’s a few years older than I am, with a son younger than my son. 18 Types of Indian Sarees You MUST Have in Your Wardrobe! Either way, this is a great collection of names for grandma that you might not have thought of. I don’t know why she wasn’t told that her name was too close to mine, so come up with another name.I felt hurt to hear that I basically need to share my name with someone else who isn’t even related and who will be much more involved in my granddaughter’s life, since she lives in the area. Babies and toddlers soon turn into teenagers and young adults, so be sure you pick a name that will last through the years, without the family feeling embarrassed saying it aloud. Again, this nickname refers to the age of the person, but it takes on a fun regal tone. An obvious sassy grandma’s name, this name is perfect for your sassy, lovely, and full of spirit grandma. For a grandma who is tech-savvy and stays up-to-date with the latest internet trends, this nickname is perfect! Click, You can unsubscribe at any time, for more info read our. I’ll be a first-time grandma in Mid March, 2020! If so why not give her a nickname based on the famous 1980s British prime minister, Margaret Thatcher. Brown Grandma. It’s the only time I’ve heard of grandparents having 3 names haha! Grandmother. Like Abuelita, this cute sounding nickname for grandma makes use of a diminutive form, the English -kins. She’s the one who cares for grandchildren with all her heart and is adored for cooking delicious meals, narrating stories, and giving pocket money. Not all grannies fit into the big-bosomed stereotype of baking and slippers and gardening.