I think that Casey Anthony called her mother to help her figure out what to do with the body. Did he attack the Prosecution’s case with a vicious brutality? Create a list of values for each key in pandas? He may have very well avoided the “career bullet” by minimizing his exposure (mind you that the only way Linda Drane Burdick is going to climb the corporate ladder so to speak, will be by “MAXIMIZING her exposure”). WEBSITE: http://www.rmrillc.com. Was race a factor in the verdict? HELL YEAH! The Prosecution knew that they had no forensic evidence, so they relied on character assassination of the defendant in hopes that they could get the Jury to be emotional due to the loss of little Caylee Anthony, and want to blindly convict Casey Anthony by making her out to be a terrible person. Office: 407-836-2400. 415 N Orange Ave Orlando, FL 32801-1526. Jeff Ashton will now be prosecuting bad checks and traffic tickets for the State of Florida; so I guess he figures it is time to retire. TV Shows. Jose Baez did his job and did it well. The Trial Of The Century: Casey Anthony vs. State of Florida, Notice To Preserve Evidence: EFFECTIVE Evidence Gathering, Bail Bondsman Jason Sutton: A Public Service Post. But there is an upside; Jose Baez gets to go home with the “gold ring”, and he has earned it. I have maintained from the beginning that Jose Baez was doing a really good job as the Defense Attorney on this case, and posted as much on another group before the verdict. And we had twelve intelligent people looking at it and one brilliant Defense Attorney exposing it for what it is to them! Error: Twitter did not respond. Terms and Conditions of Service. Mother Of Casey Anthony Prosecutor Reacts To Verdict. Along with the Jury’s verdict comes a message. Pretty much everyone, even the defense acknowledged that Casey could fairly be considered an unsavory person. His behavior included hugging and kissing a clerk so often that she began hiding from him at the Osceola County Courthouse. Posted in Criminal Defense Investigations, News and politics, Private Investigations, Tagged with Belvin Perry, Casey Anthony, Caylee Anthony, Caylee Anthony homicide, Cindy Anthony, Florida, George Anthony, Jeff Ashton, Jose Baez, Lawyer, Linda Drane Burdick, Mike Brooks, Murder, Nancy Grace, Prosecutor, Sunny Hostin, Yahoo Group, RMRI, LLC. All of which is to say that he vigorously defended his client as any good Defense Attorney should do. HELL YEAH! The Jury stayed the course; and we should all be thankful that they did. Linda A Drane burdick is working as the Assistant State Attorney-over Million at the Justice Admin Commission. Visualizing decision jungle in Azure Machine Learn... Where do i see logs for startup tasks defined in .... Navigate to a new view controller for every cell i... Connect to a external DB2 with ZendServer, Parsing a string into a nested data.table, JS bookmarklet to open sites in Google Translate. Please note the green-lined linked article text has been applied commercially without any involvement from our newsroom editors, reporters or any other editorial staff. This post has not made it to his blog yet, but I feel that it may; eventually. The Florida Supreme Court removed Turner from his job in November after he violated several judicial canons. Now onto the more serious side of this case. Linda Drane Burdick . The message often times is that we as a society will not tolerate the victimization of our fellow man. Bar Number: 826928. And all Mike Brooks has to do is slide the egg upwards to his bald head and it should slide right off; so he will be spewing more of his “judgmental non-sense” next week! Linda Drane Burdick, who rarely comments outside of the courtroom, declined discussing her interest in the judicial post today. But we should all be thankful that “Nasty Disgrace” does have egg covering her face, if only for a little while. Please wait a few minutes and refresh this page. Linda Drane Burdick will be arranging plea bargains with defense attorneys for prostitutes and pot smokers; but with the help of some short skirts and low-cut blouses she may be able to “work” her way back up to prosecuting murder cases sometime in the next five years. The sad fact is that the prosecution could not do much else, because this is all they had! Jose Baez went into this case with no death penalty case experience, with the media putting his every move under the microscope and looking for errors while the media found every excuse in the world to praise Jeff Ashton and Linda Drane Burdick. Contact Us
But the Prosecution wanted to spend 30 days hammering this point home. Well he was smart enough to minimize his participation in this trial enough that I can’t even recall his name. The ONLY News Commentator that demonstrated some real experience, high intelligence, and was completely unbiased on this case was Sunny Hostin. Juries are called upon to perform an incredible task. Agency Name: Justice Admin Commission. Linda Burdick and company could have easily used that and drill home to the jury that Casey Anthony may in fact be a pathological liar who was covering up a crime she committed. Linda Drane Burdick, who rarely comments outside of the courtroom, declined discussing her interest in the judicial post today. You do not have permission to edit this page, for the following reasons: You are currently unable to … Kudos to Jose Baez for a heck of a job and a heck of a win! They did not have any forensic evidence whatsoever, and the Florida State Attorney General admitted this after the trial was over when he stated that they had “no smoking gun” and “a Dried Bones Case”. Consider that Jose Baez was the “underdog” with no “death penalty case” experience prior to this case. ncurses printw bug when embedded in double for loo... Django: Having problem when calculate differences ... How do you center text in Gitlab markdown? Earlier today I made this post on a Yahoo Group when asked to comment on the Casey Anthony Trial: I’d call this a heck of a win for Jose Baez and a humiliating loss for the prosecution. But instead they failed to do this too. I will leave you with this thought. Looking at these points you can only conclude that Jose Baez did a heck of a job on this case in the face of some overwhelming odds. Just gotta do it, so let me get those “shots” out of the way, and then we can move on to a more careful analysis of the Casey Anthony Trial. The Prosecution’s case was damned to any intelligent Jury to begin with. Mail Address: Office of the State Attorney, 9th Cir. Assistant State Attorney Linda Drane-Burdick, the lead prosecutor in the case against Casey Anthony is familiar with high-profile murder cases as well as child neglect cases. Menu. I think her mother told her husband, George Anthony. Was he aggressive? The Jury did not allow the prosecution to “play on their emotions”. But that is just my opinion, it does not mean much. Linda Drane Burdick will be arranging plea bargains with defense attorneys for prostitutes and pot smokers; but with the help of some short skirts and low-cut blouses she may be able to “work” her way back up to prosecuting murder cases sometime in the next five years. The data sources are the State of Florida People First personnel information system and Florida State Universities, via Florida Has a Right to Know website. Anytime a Defense Attorney has a client facing the death penalty and walks out of the courtroom with his client only being convicted of four misdemeanors; that is a WIN! When one considers the overwhelming odds that Jose Baez faced, the limited funds that he had to work with ($90,000.00 over 3 years), versus the unlimited funds and resources of the Florida State Attorney’s Office; all we can conclude is that Jose Baez is simply a brilliant and “top shelf” Defense Attorney! Did he thoroughly cross-examine and break down the Prosecution’s witnesses? Custom Carbon key event handler fails after mouse ... how can I implement free html5 responsive template... Azure Data Lake incremental load with file partition. The Prosecution used what I jokingly refer to as “The Doo Doo Head Strategy”. But here, in this case; the jury got it right. I think that the body did start to decompose while in the car. And the one fact that the Jury kept in focus was that a liar, even a promiscuous liar, even more a promiscuous liar that will suggestively pose for the camera for a little bit of recognition, no matter how much we may not like someone like this, is still not a “murderer make”! The Casey Anthony Prosecution Team in their "What Do We Do Now?" I think that Casey Anthony DID put the child’s body in the car. HELL YEAH! Our purpose is to provide Florida state employee salary figures in the name of transparency for taxpayers. Turner explained that he hugged the woman a few times and that she never told him to stop. Movies. And the other Prosecutor? View source for Linda Drane Burdick ← Linda Drane Burdick. Jump to navigation Jump to search. In failing to do this they failed to get justice for Caylee. And Jose Baez still overcame those overwhelming odds and produced what can only be defined as a WIN!