Join a demonstration. In another nod back to the first series, the OCG went to Terry’s house. Despite a disastrous 13/30 switcheroo and a typically tense interrogation scene, Roz Huntley seems to be running rings around AC-12. PC Simon Bannerjee. As excuses go, that one was pretty flimsy – as was his line that he’d ditched his laptop to avoid being caught watching pornography (more on that below). They argue about who the boss is and how to make more of that communication channel, but Lisa is cautious and comfortable in her ignorance about who the Unknown boss is. Line of Duty season four aired last year on BBC One, with Thandie Newton joining the Line of Duty cast. AC-12 makes a breakthrough after gaining entry to John Corbett’s apartment: finally, they have DNA and fingerprints. “Caddy” “Told” “Promotion” Dot said to Kate, before blinking a confirmation that the bent officer’s name began with ‘H’. Police reports at the time noted there were rumours that Hastings, a married man, was having an affair with the widowed McGillis. As many suspected, the Police and Crime Commissioner’s legal advisor was secretly linked with the OCG and was a key player in the plot to frame Ted Hastings (Adrian Dunbar). Yes, the scene was hinted at earlier, but no less shocking. Arnott takes the order to arrest Corbett, but has to raise his gun to get him to listen; and Corbett points one back, so Hastings authorizes “lethal force”, with Fleming still arguing about Corbett as a source of intelligence. And how shocked were you by Corbett’s sudden death? The series focuses on five main characters: DCI Tony Gates (Lennie James), DS Steve Arnott (Martin Compston), DC Kate Fleming (Vicky McClure), Superintendent Ted Hastings (Adrian Dunbar), and DS Matthew Cottan(Craig Parkinson). More tension: “What kind of copper are you? He’s not even fussed if Corbett doesn’t survive and insists Arnott has his gun with him when they meet. Last time around, we saw John Corbett and Lisa McQueen receiving instructions about a planned raid on a police facility via instant messages from a senior crime boss, presumed to be ‘H’. Get a Clifford James leaf blower for £39.99 + P&P. She won’t even confirm to Corbett that it’s a senior police officer. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Our best wishes for a productive day. A Disastrous Affair 2. Thanks! Who is Leila in Netflix series Grand Army? We can see the dilemma on his face. We discover that John was actually adopted at the age of 10 in 1989 by the Corbett family. By entering your details, you are agreeing to Radio Times privacy policy. But my bet is that it is someone in the police (possibly higher than Hastings) who has been handling McQueen in an undercover sense for a long time, since long before he became corrupt. Sadly we don’t get to hear what he says to balaclava gang member Lee, but what is Ted up to? Trust me – you’ll be glad you did,” Superintendent Ted Hastings instructs Lee Banks (Alastair Natkiel), in a tone of voice entirely different to the way he usually speaks. 1. It’s entirely possible that Lisa figured things out all by herself, and is acting on her own initiative rather than on Ted’s words. It looks like he’s taking the same approach the balaclava gang has used with Vihan Malhotra and so many others: find out something damaging about a police employee, collect information, give them money, and – once the person is entirely compromised – blackmail them into cooperation. We trusted you. (In series one, the criminal gang also amputated the fingers of their victims to cover their tracks. Line of Duty recap: series four finale – the tentacled conspiracy grows. Was she corrupt before Tim Ifield’s death? He explains it away with letter-of-the-law reasons and she bites her tongue. • It is possible that Ifield actually was Balaclava Man and that Huntley is fitting up the right man for the wrong reasons. So, in the agonising wait for next week’s finale, what can we do to help in that fight? This all means there’s a chance Hastings passed absolutely no information onto the OCG after all, with McQueen figuring out Corbett’s identity independently. PC Sohotra is asked to look into the adoptive family and keep this angle confidential. You were seen entering and leaving her home,” said Carmichael, before probing Hastings further about their relationship. Speaking of which – why Maneet? However, it looks Cottan’s message was misinterpreted. Before dying from his wounds, Cottan delivered a dying declaration, which was recorded on an officer’s helmet camera. Despite it being proven (for now) that Hastings isn’t a bent copper, there are still plenty of reasons to suggest the AC-12 chief was behind the leak. Ryan grew up within the OCG and was involved in some of their most horrific crimes, ultimately slashing John Corbett’s throat. Last modified on Sun 21 Apr 2019 22.01 BST. Huntley has a suspiciously cosy relationship with ACC Derek Hilton. Order a copy of the magical Christmas edition and calendar direct to your door. It seemed to confuse her too! Just look at the man: the demeanour of a king, the alert, piercing eyes of a hawk. Later that same episode, she staged a fake meeting with ‘H’ to test whether Corbett would leak this information to the police. Where is Bannerjee now, and is he crooked or straight? His final line, “I need you to bring all this to a close”, seems unclear, to Corbett at least, but McQueen seems to understand. Minecraft Dungeons review – Mojang’s spritely dungeon crawler strikes a vein, Maneater review – something to get your teeth into, Hellblazer: Rise and Fall #1 review – competent and worthwhile, but not much more, Batman: Three Jokers #2 review – as dark (knight) as it gets. What impact that has on his loyalties, or why it should influence how he gets information out of people remains to be seen, but our heroes treat it as significant. In Line Of Duty’s storm of moral murk and slippery wrong-doing, Ted Hastings is our rock, a stalwart who can always be relied upon to do the right thing, even—especially—when it’s not the easy thing. With Corbett out of the way, where does that leave Lisa McQueen, this season’s other antagonist?