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This rule does not apply to all varieties of English. x��XYo7~ׯ�[%�bx/ٷ4��A�X(P4}��kk�=d����}���kE��:�
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If an allophone is replaced by an allophone of a different phoneme the mistake is called phonological. font-size:2.9vh; color:#424242;
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5 0 obj The opposition of phonemes in the same phonetic environment differentiates the meaning of morphemes and words: e.g. 14 0 obj }
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To know how sounds are produced is not enough to describe and classify them as language units. stream h4,h5,h6{color:#CC3300; margin: 20px; font-size:16px; }
<< /Length 8 0 R /Type /XObject /Subtype /Form /FormType 1 /BBox [0 0 792 612] 1364 Sometimes the opposition of phonemes serves to distinguish the meaning of the whole phrases: He was heard badly - He was hurt badly. qyBm�S.��? ��ꭰ4�I��ݠ�x#�{z�wA��j}�΅�����Q���=��8�m���
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The allophones which do not undergo any distinguishable changes in speech are called principal. #popup {
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We know that anyone who studies a foreign language makes mistakes in the articulation of sounds. endobj 706 font: 100% Tahoma; background: #F0FFF0; color:#424242; margin: 1px; font-size:2.7vh;
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Thus, we see that the allophones mentioned above are all fore-lingual lenis stops, but they show some differences. #rek300x600{
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When we talk about the sounds of language, the term "sound" can be interpreted in two different ways. .pagelink .back_linkmob {display: inline-block; position: absolute ; border: 1px solid; padding: 3px; margin-top: 0px; text-decoration: none; left: 5px;}
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Unit 6: English Phonemes and Allophones 1 INTRODUCTION The phonemics of the English language can be identified and described in the following four approaches, namely: minimal pairs, allophones, complementary distribution and free variation. filter:alpha(opacity=30);/* IE4- */
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