The Court handles the greatest proportion of cases in the Northern Territory, dealing with both criminal and civil cases. Javascript must be enabled for the correct page display. A quick look at what types of matters will be heard at the Local Court locations in the NT during the Christmas/New Year period. Please try again when the Kansas Supreme Court is in session. The official home page of the New York State Unified Court System. The Local Court home page has links to all the primary content on the Local Court website. This includes resolution options, service providers and benefits. Use this service to find contact details for court and tribunal venues. The Local Court has made changes to reduce the risk of the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). To help us improve … The Local Court is the first level of the Northern Territory's two tier court system and in the great majority of cases is the first point of contact that members of the public have with the judicial system. Most criminal and civil cases first enter the New South Wales court system via the local court. Courts have been advised to follow guidance provided by the Department of Public Health, and the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to limit the spread of the virus. Shorter special sessions may be scheduled as needed. Support for witnesses and victims of crime, Benefits of alternative dispute resolution, response to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, Chief Magistrate and other Judicial officers, Help and support for people with disability. NSW Local Court support for witnesses, victims of crimes, language support, legal help, technology, complaints and more. Use the home page to navigate your way through the website. Visit the local court page for the latest information BEFORE arriving to court. We acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which we work and we pay respect to the Elders, past, present and future. NSW Local Court section on alternatives to going to court for civil matters. NSW Local Court sentencing, judgments, orders in criminal cases and dispute resolution or orders in civil cases plus appeals of Court decisions. No live stream available at this time. We hear family matters, personal injury claims, commercial disputes, trust and estates issues, criminal cases, and landlord-tenant cases. Kansas state courts—including district courts, the Court of Appeals, and the Supreme Court—provide people a venue to resolve disputes through a fair and impartial legal process by upholding and applying the Constitution and law of Kansas and the United States. Updates will be communicated through local court websites as appropriate. The Supreme Court sits in Topeka six times a year for one-week periods and convenes occasionally for one-day travel dockets at different locations around the state. Local Court Rules You can read or get a copy of our local rules by clicking here. Learn More ». All Kansas-licensed attorneys who are permitted to practice law under Supreme Court Rule 208(a) must electronically file documents in state courts. If you are a Kansas attorney and you have completed your registration, you may eFile now. For general information, see: courts and tribunals response to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. The Local Court of the Northern Territory is established by the Local Court Act 2016. Click here for all other COVID-19 information related to the courts. The Local Court of the Northern Territory is established by the Local Court Act 2016. The Local Court is the first level of the Northern Territory's two tier court system and in the great majority of cases is the first point of contact that members of the public have with the judicial system. 104th Judicial District Court Judge: Honorable Lee Hamilton ; 300 Oak St. Suite 402 Abilene, TX 79602; Ph: 325-674-1313; 42nd Judicial District Court Judge: Honorable John Weeks ; 300 Oak St. Suite 401 Abilene, TX 79602 ALERT! TOPEKA—The Kansas Supreme Court today issued two administrative orders and a mandates and guidance document to give direction to courts as they prepare to safely resume jury trials. Department of the Attorney-General and Justice, Domestic Violence Applications and Personal Violence Restraining Orders, How to commence proceedings & file documents, Access Requests: Court files, Transcripts, Audio, Court listings over 2020/2021 holiday period, Aboriginal art comes to life in new court uniforms, Improved new procedures to remain despite relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions. These dockets are broadcast over the internet for live viewing. COVID-19 UPDATE: Maryland’s courts are now in Phase 5 of its reopening plan.Circuit courts have resumed jury trials and all courts have returned to full operations. Kansas Courts Response to COVID-19. Recordings are archived for on-demand viewing. While there has been a relaxation of some restrictions surrounding the COVID-19 situation the Local Court will be retaining a number of improvements to Local Court procedures. Historical Listing of Supreme Court Justices, Historical Listing of Court of Appeals Judges, Centralized Case Management System Project, Supreme Court issues administrative orders, guidance for courts to safely resume jury trials, 8th Judicial District Nominating Commission to meet November 10, 8th Judicial District Nominating Commission.