Keough, for example, is a much more likable cousin of her hustler part in American Honey. When preparing to enter the tunnels beneath the speedway through the garbage chute, Clyde tells Joe to not forget to "roll over" then pushes him in. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. But as the years went on, Hollywood found it more profitable to shoot for PG-13, so as to rake in more ticket sales from younger kids eager to hear movie stars say the F-word no more than once, if that. 2017 | US | DIR: Steven Soderbergh | WRITERS: Rebecca Blunt | CAST: Channing Tatum, Adam Driver, Seth MacFarlane, Riley Keough, Katie Holmes, Katherine Waterston, Dwight Yoakam, Sebastian Stan, Brian Gleeson, Jack Quaid, Hilary Swank, Daniel Craig | DISTRIBUTOR: Roadshow Films (AUS) | RUNNING TIME: 119 minutes | RELEASE DATE: 17 August 2017 (AUS), 18 August 2017 (US). To this point, the franchise has made only very oblique references to Alpha Flight, most notably in an on-screen easter egg in X2: X-Men United. Joe is still puzzled after landing on a pile of garbage before figuring out why Clyde told him to "roll over". relative ai servizi di cui alla presente pagina ai sensi After Laura buries Logan in the woods of North Dakota, she delivers a eulogy that, while meaningful, might have left some viewers confused. “I think it was always just as clear as day to both of us that that’s the way we’re going to end the story,” Mangold said. Sound familiar? The Logan family curse isn’t enough to keep down siblings Jimmy (Channing Tatum), Mellie (Riley Keough), and Clyde Logan (Adam Driver), who set out to rob the vault at the Charlotte Motor Speedway during a major NASCAR event. This is definitely not the last time we'll see Wolverine on film—and frankly, we don't even believe that Jackman's as done as he says he is. Canada, powerful, mutants... That's right, it's Canada's premiere super-team of mutants. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. After a scene-cut, it's revealed that "the bear in the woods" is a guy wearing a bear-suit. But let’s take a moment’s pause before that. I highly recommend it! Cookies help us deliver our Services. This is it. He also details its surprising Western influence. The film takes few chances structurally, with Tatum’s Jimmy actually writing out a heist checklist at the start of the film that the script more or less follows for the remainder. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! James Mangold explains to us his shocking choice for the Logan ending. Thus the chances of Wolverine walking away from this Hugh Jackman swan song always appeared slim. No explanation is given for who he is, why he's out there, why he's wearing a bear suit, or how he knows Joe. Too bad that the movie bombed at the box office. Where LOGAN LUCKY ultimately falters is in the final act, the traditional point in which all the clever-clever elements of a heist film come together. Navigation and Actions. James Mangold explains to us his shocking choice for the Logan ending. LOGAN LUCKY sits solidly inside the one labelled “crime comedy,” and is a spirtual successor to the likes of Out of Sight and Ocean’s 11 and its sequels. We have three main rules. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from I didn't know what to expect from the movie but decided I needed to see it to see Daniel Craig with a Appalachian accent. By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies. It just goes ON, and it's perfect. Not all of these elements work: Katherine Waterston’s roaming doctor is underdevloped and feels tacked on as a love interest, while Seth MacFarlane’s British Max Chilblain is as ridiculous as his name. While Logan is steeped in reverence for Shane, even having Laura (Dafne Keen) recite Alan Ladd’s final words in that 1953 picture over Logan’s makeshift grave (and then turning his crucifix into an X), it is actually another Western entirely that inspired specific dynamics for the ending. For starters, 20th Century Fox has still only barely scratched the surface in terms of the characters it can use to build its comic book cinematic universe: the studio owns the movie rights to pretty much every character associated with the X-Men. I was cracking up during this scene. More often than not, an actor's movie flops, or he decides not to come back for the sequel, or merciless producers kill characters off to make room for more exciting heroes. Obviously Logan wasn't much of a Christian—but he was an X-Man, and he spent his life fighting for the betterment of mutantkind and the ideals of Charles Xavier. This article contains major Logan spoilers! Laura was quoting the closing monologue from Shane, which she watched in the hotel room with Xavier. | 1.38.8, La Truffa dei Logan: nuova clip in italiano della commedia di Steven Soderbergh, Le Streghe: Anne Hathaway e Warner Bros. si scusano con la comunità dei diversamente abili, Speed 3: Jan de Bont detta le condizioni per fare un potenziale sequel, Spider-Man 3: prima foto dal set con Tom Holland in costume e mascherina, Colin Firth protagonista di una commedia horror basata sul fumetto “Zombie Brother”, I Am Greta: il documentario su Greta Thunberg arriva il 14 novembre in digital download.