All songs by Billie Eilish. Year: 1995 - Album: Fight for Your Mind. -5 key sounds more plesantly), Californian singer and dancer "Billie Eilish debuted her ethereal indie electro-pop sound when she was barely a teenager. 223. True, but at some points C sounds better so Cmaj7 is good for some parts but in some transitions C is better and other parts Cmaj7 is better. 5 Chords used in the song: ← View these chords for the Baritone. [Intro] Am F C E7 x2 [Verse 1] Am F C E7 Such a lonely day, and it's mine Am F C E7 The most loneliest day of my life Am F C E7 Such a lonely day, should be banned Am LOL. I used D instead of Bm (because it’s easier for my small hands) it sounds better, also if i got a penny for everytime I want cool, id have, Omg yes I can relate to the tiny hands!! Tune a Half-Step Down! Welcome Offer: 80% OFF on annual membership of Ultimate Guitar Pro Try Now. there isn't a video lesson for this song. Song "Lovely (feat. =), I’m sure you’ll get it soon! Lonely Day Tab by System of A Down with free online tab player. It sounds SOOOOOO much better! System Of A Down - Lonely Day Ukulele Chords On - Chods, Tabs, Transpose by Voice Range, Video Tutorials. Transpose chords: Tablature / Chords Font size: A-A A+. Good luck Kamilla. chords ukulele cavaco keyboard tab bass drums harmonica flute Guitar Pro. Verse 1 : Am F C E Such a lonely day, and its mine Am F C E The most … Recommended by The Wall Street Journal Verse: A D A D I could tell from the minute I woke up A D A Asus4 it was gonna be a lonely lonely lonely lonely day A D A That’s alright; I was pretty bad when I first started too. At the age of eight, she joined the Los Angeles Children's Choir, developing the soulful vocals that would later appear on her early singles. System Of A Down / "Lonely Day" / Capo 4th fret / [Verse] / Em C G B7 Such a lonely day, and its mine Em C G B7 The most lonliest day of my life Em C G B7 such a lonely day, should be banned . Tabs Articles Forums Wiki + Publish tab Pro. Sign up Log in. Lyrics don't fit on one line? Switch orientation Search. Am e | ----- | B | -----1----- | G | -----2---2----- | D | -----2-----2----- | A | ----0-----Baritone Ukulele. Don't know how to read a tab or a chord ? After the release of "six feet under" and"fingers crossed" ultimate guitar com. my uke: sure UkuWorld and its derivatives do not own any songs, lyrics or arrangements posted and/or printed. Or, you can use down down up up down up to make it faster :), me wanting to learn this song It’s been 11 months since u commented, I hope you’ve improved :), I get it. Learn how to play exactly like Ben Harper. One accurate version. System Of A Down - Lonely Day Ukulele Chords On - Chods, Tabs, Transpose by Voice Range, Video Tutorials. My first few weeks, even months, I was the worst Uke player you could ever hear LOL, i think -7 sounds the best but thats just my opiniobn, What are good strumming patterns to this song, If you want a calmer atmosphere, use just strumming down every few secs. It does. Official. Born and raised in Los Angeles, Eilish grew up in a household of actors and musicians, and was home schooled along with her brother Finneas O'Connell. D sounds better and is easier than Bm , For the chorus, ‘Isn’t it lovely- all alone?’ I play Cmaj7 then just C, so I switch chords where I put the dash, but I play Cmaj7 for the rest of the song, maybe give it a go :P, I use 4 down strums for F chord,and 2 down strums for Am and Em chords in pre-chorus. This arrangement for the song is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song. It sounds better for any Billie Eilish song especially idontwannabeyouanymore, Okay but like im new at this stuff and seeing all you pro’s im like what the heck they are so smart and then me over here looking like an idiot. Free and guaranteed quality tablature with ukulele chord charts, transposer and auto scroller. Guitar Ukulele Piano new----- Lonely Day - System Of A Down ----- Tabbed by: Den Alec Email: This is an arrangement for standard tuning although System of a Down don't use standard tuning. The second submission is OK, but I think this is even more accurate. Instead of C I used Cmaj7 Match the song to your voice. Yes!!! 2012-2020, Part of the UkuWorld network, Some Rights Reserved. More Versions. my voice: dont even think about it, Love this song! I COULD NOT find a way to get it to sound like… well… music! Lonely Day Uke tab by System Of A Down. Khalid)" ukulele chords and tabs by Billie Eilish. Match the song to your voice. Play the whole song with a pick! You may only use this for private study, scholarship, or research. Thank you for saying that! Try landscape mode instead of portrait. Check out these uke lessons: Detailed guide to strumming and picking How to read uke tabs Reading chord diagrams. Another Lonely Day.