Fog in the eyes and throats of ancient Greenwich pensioners, wheezing by the firesides of their wards; fog in the stem and bowl of the afternoon pipe of the wrathful skipper, down in his close cabin; fog cruelly pinching the toes and fingers of his shivering little 'prentice boy on deck. “LONDON. Without a licence, no further use can be made, such as: Because collections are continually updated, Getty Images cannot guarantee that any particular item will be available until time of licensing. 1851: Bleak House - publication of Bleak House by Charles Dickens. For this occasion, Library Assistant Hannah Ball produced the map shown below of the Inn and the surrounding area marked with locations mentioned in Dickens’ novels and matched with an illustration from the time. The EZA account is not a licence. Published as a serial through 1852-3, the tale revolves around an extended inheritance dispute, Jarndyce v. Jarndyce. 1496: Thomas More admitted as a member of Lincoln’s Inn - More was made a Bencher in about 1508 before being made Autumn Reader in 1510. Gas looming through the fog in divers places in the streets, much as the sun may, from the spongey fields, be seen to loom by husbandman and ploughboy. The production designer Tim Harvey, was responsible for bringing “some scenery to re-create chancery in the Old Hall”. muddy streets are muddiest near that leaden-headed old obstruction, the toes and fingers of his shivering little 'prentice boy on deck. The Getty Images design is a trademark of Getty Images. ©2014 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. As much mud in the streets as if the waters had but newly retired from the face of the earth, and it would not be wonderful to meet a Megalosaurus, forty feet long or so, waddling like an elephantine lizard up Holborn Hill. Leaving this address (delivered like a sepulchral message) ringing in the rafters of the roof, the very little counsel drops, and the fog knows him no more. I am not at the moment prepared to inform the court in what exact remove he is a cousin, but he IS a cousin. Smoke lowering down from chimney-pots, making a soft black drizzle, with … Foot passengers, jostling one another's umbrellas in a general infection of ill temper, and losing their foot-hold at street-corners, where tens of thousands of other foot passengers have been slipping and sliding since the day broke (if this day ever broke), adding new deposits to the crust upon crust of mud, sticking at those points tenaciously to the pavement, and accumulating at compound interest. She carries some small litter in a reticule which she calls her documents, principally consisting of paper matches and dry lavender. The novel is brimming with legal professionals and law cases, and inevitably Chancery Lane and the Inns of Court also feature heavily. Everybody else quickly vanishes too. You can see from the map that Dickens’ characters visited Chancery Lane in novels other than Bleak House. The following assets contain unreleased and/or restricted content. As much mud in the streets as if the waters had but newly retired from the face of the earth, and it would not be wonderful to meet a Megalosaurus, forty feet long or so, waddling like an elephantine lizard up Holborn Hill. appropriate ornament for the threshold of a leaden-headed old In a glittering legal career, More was Lord Chancellor between October 1529 – May 1532. Fog creeping into the cabooses of collier-brigs; fog lying out on the yards and hovering in the rigging of great ships; fog drooping on the gunwales of barges and small boats. "Several members of the bar are still to be heard, I believe?" Foot passengers, jostling one another's umbrellas in a general infection of ill temper, and losing their foot-hold at street-corners, where tens of thousands of other foot passengers have been slipping and sliding since the day broke (if this day ever broke), adding new deposits to the crust upon crust of mud, sticking at those points tenaciously to the pavement, and accumulating at compound interest.