The film was in theaters April 22, 2006. Aiba let them into help him clean the rooms. Jun has a second chance in life. As the series was receiving historically low ratings during its run, Inoue took the blame for the lowering viewership, stating that "I am the starring actress, so it has to be from my lack of ability. [10] Filming started June 2012 and released in December 2013. She also appears on the covers of various magazines, such as Bomb, Steady, Weekly Shonen, among others. sardina1602. (repost), The members share each of their perspectives on Sho and their new manager's blooming relationshi. There may be a certain 'secret recipe' in it. It has been pointed out that the "person [he] can no longer meet" is Inoue Mao and that was a message seeking a reconciliation. "[12][13], On August 23, 2017, after a year and a half hiatus, it has been announced that Mao Inoue will make a drama comeback in a Fuji TV drama in fall titled School Counselor. Please remove or replace such wording and instead of making proclamations about a subject's importance, use facts and attribution to demonstrate that importance. Her outstanding performance from her past dramas landed her the lead role in the drama special Hanaikusa as a maiko-turned-geisha. The drama will air in July 2012. Jun matsumoto & inoue mao love. After the success of the two Hana Yori Dango dramas, a film was announced in August 2007, just months after the end of the 2007 sequel. After many years of working as an actress, Inoue has finally decided to expand her career and debuted as voice actress. In March 2014, Inoue appeared in a leading role in the mystery suspense film The Snow White Murder Case, directed by Yoshihiro Nakamura. Mao & Matsumoto. This is apparently a big issue because the “continuous marriage” of members from such a popular group like Arashi would be absolutely forbidden. It was Inoue's first starring role in a film. We found him yesterday on our way home from the match. The office also push Ninomiya and puts his own condition. On that occasion, concrete talk of the couple becoming comrades with Oguri and Yamada when Matsumoto and Inoue get married arose.” (Entertainment associate), They both wear on their fingers matching rings from the famous brand “Boucheron.”, “It is quite magnificent. Johnnys biased. J-actress Inoue Mao Coyly Confirms Relationship with Long Rumored Boyfriend Matsumoto Jun Posted on April 7, 2017 by ockoala The long swirling marriage rumors of most likely dating top J-stars Matsumoto Jun and Inoue Mao has turned into one of those “I’ll see it when I believe it” stories that pop up at least once a year with an update. [3] The film was released on June 28, 2008. [5] It was planned to air from March 28, 2011, to September 24, 2011, but it was delayed due to the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan. promotes the subject in a subjective manner, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Taiheiyou no kiseki ~Fox to yobareta otoko, Go! Come 2008, she played the lead role in a drama special Anmitsu Hime as a princess, followed by Anmitsu Hime 2 in the following year, where she sang the theme song with Shoko Nakagawa. In her last year of college, she concentrated solely on her studies. In 2013, reports of Matsumoto and Inoue attending actor Oguri Shun and Yamada Yu‘s Hawaii wedding together fluttered about. The day to reach the marriage goal is gradually approaching. (Prospective officials / entertainment professionals). But I don't know... I’m starting to believe he is telling the truth. The national idols has already been in his 30’s. It was announced on 31 July 2015. [6] Both films were successful at the box office. That was a thought he could come to terms with in his mind. As the series was receiving historically low ratings during its run, Inoue took the blame for the lowering viewership, stating that "I am the starring actress, so it has to be from my lack of ability. co-star Yūta Hiraoka. The viewers took notice of her in the series Kids War which ran successfully from 1999 to 2003. Inoue Mao started her career as an actress when she was five years old. Inoue Mao revealed in one show that her mother encouraged her to join performing acts to learn when she was at the age of 4. However Ito was suffering bashing by fans more than necessary. 7:03. promotes the subject in a subjective manner, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Taiheiyou no kiseki ~Fox to yobareta otoko, Go! The two obviously met during the filming of the series, and has dated ever since. This team became the first female-led Red team to win the Kōuhaku Uta Gassen in seven years. Matsumoto is currently dating Mao Inoue, whom he had worked together in the “Boys Over Flowers” series. (repost) Language: English Words: 4,445 Chapters: 1/1 Kudos: 1 Hits: 17 His chosen one is Nino, his friend and co-worker at the music shop Crescendo, who does not seem to be pleased at all about Aiba's sudden affection - at least not instantly. 2019 will also be a very busy year for the group as it marks their 20th anniversary, and a marriage (or more) would potentially meddle with celebrations. But Matsumoto doesn’t push the office to accept his marriage, he is obedient. The film was in theaters April 22, 2006. But it is in Youkame no Semi that her excellent portrayal of a daughter with a difficult past earned her a few film awards, including her first "Best Starring Actress" Award in the 35th Japan Film Academy Awards. After she retired from the entertainment industry the relationship becomes more serious in expectation to marry. Career Dramas and films. (An evening paper reporter), There were also rumors of love blossoming between Matsumoto Jun and Nakama Yukie who starred in the drama “Gokusen.”, “Nakama treated Matsumoto to meals in her home but it wasn’t a romantic relationship. Despite joining the show business at an early age, she also put priority to her school. He was tasked to observe the Masahito clan with his unit; their mission was simple. "Sorry... He’s called Aiba Masaki, I think. In 2005, Mao took the lead role in the drama adaptation of the popular manga Hana Yori Dango, with Arashi member Matsumoto Jun, Shun Oguri, Shota Matsuda and Tsuyoshi Abe. The series started airing in 2005, so they have been together for over 10 years. Or what he believes to be the truth... And oh, about the animals. Other than Nakama, there were rumors of relationships with Shibasaki Kou and Naka Riisa, but Inoue was always his favorite.” (The previous reporter for a women’s magazine). Mao was awarded Best Actress by Television Drama Academy in the same year that the drama was aired. ), celebrities, video games, doramas, anime and everything else in between. She appeared alongside V6's member Junichi Okada and Haruma Miura in the war film Eien no Zero. JE trash. Marriage will pass only when 20th Anniversary tour has been successfully completed (the same advertising agency official). ARAMA! In 2004, despite the rise of her popularity from the Kid's War series, she decided to put her acting on hold as she concentrated on graduating from University of Japan and enrolling at Meiji University. Jun and Mao is getting married in a week's time and Sho is the one who's feeling the blues. Yet, he found himself at a predicament that will have him at the Masahito pack's clutches. But on this night, their music might lift up more than the spirits of those who come into the club to get away from their daily lives. [needs update]. julia. So she was something, and he supposed he did in some way feel like she was his. But the first marriage can’t be Ito because she is disliked by fans. Mao stepped back from acting to concentrate on her studies. At the class, Sho's encounter with another unorthodox dancer -and his partner- will be the spark needed to kindle new relationships and end others. (a record company official). While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. [6] Both films were successful at the box office. Even though relationship started from that time, never ever magazines taken a two-shot.. She is best known to Japanese television drama audiences as Akane Imai (今井 茜, Imai Akane) in Kids War (キッズ・ウォー, Kid's War), as Makino Tsukushi in the popular Hana Yori Dango series,[1][2] and as Sugi Fumi (ja) in the 54th taiga drama Hana Moyu.