The Art Of John M. Burns: Illustrators Special #8 (book review). Bullied, abused and increasingly enraged, Arthur lives with his mother, Penny (Frances Conroy), in Gotham, a city befouled by garbage strikes and overrun by mutant rats. Train to Busan (horror film review: by Mark Kermode). Watching Renée in the film, Mark was never able to forget that this was an actor performing as a legend – although given the subject matter, that’s not necessarily an issue. Note: Commissions may be earned from some of the links above (linking to Amazon etc). Well, ace film reviewer Mark Kermode has the answer for all SFcrowsnest readers in this review of the film. A mesmerising lead performance gives Todd Phillips’s divisive reimagining of the comic villain raw power, ince opening to an eight-minute standing ovation at the Venice film festival in August, where it. Well, ace film reviewer Mark Kermode has the answer for all SFcrowsnest readers in this review of the film. Mark Kermode just reviewed Joker, out in cinemas now in the UK and US, for the BBC and here’s his review… Directed By: Todd Phillips Starring:Joaquin Phoenix, Robert De Niro, Zazie Beetz, Frances Conroy, Brett Cullen, Glenn Fleshler, Bill Camp, Shea Whigham, Marc Maron, Douglas Hodge, Josh Pais and Leigh Gill. Since opening to an eight-minute standing ovation at the Venice film festival in August, where it scooped the top prize, Todd Phillips’s origins picture about the birth of Batman’s cackling nemesis has become the focus of a moral backlash, with critics using words such as “toxic”, “cynical” and “irresponsible” to describe its relentlessly embittered (and allegedly glorified) tone. Disney Block: art by Peskimo (book review). (video). Graham Hancock…the weirdest of the ancient mysteries (video). Mark Kermode's film of the week Joker Joker review – an ace turn from Joaquin Phoenix 4 / 5 stars 4 out of 5 stars. Through this desolate landscape dances Phoenix’s lonely man, treading a path from victimisation to vengeance previously trodden by everyone from Charles Bronson in Death Wish to Michael Douglas in Falling Down. The Joke’s On Us? The Midnight Sky: new Netflix scifi movie (trailer). Moon Knight and the passing of Sean Connery (Kevin Smith & Marc Bernardin’s geek news review). Mark & Simon welcomed Hollywood royalty back into UK cinemas this week as one of the biggest stars of Hollywood’s golden age got the biopic treatment and the Clown Prince of Crime returned with his own origin story. The Immortal (1969-71) (DVD TV series review). The ghost of Pupkin hangs like a putrid spectre over Joker, from Arthur’s fantastical dreams of stardom to the narrative’s queasy themes of the media making heroes of villains in uncertain times. President Kennedy: killed for asking questions about UFOs? (266), Films shot in New York City Star Trek Discovery trailer: 3rd season, episode 5: Die Trying. If you enjoyed this article, subscribe to receive more just like it. So, the Joker movie – just how blooming bleak is it? Mark Kermode just reviewed Joker, out in cinemas now in the UK and US, for the BBC and here’s his review…. Arriving on a wave of praise and controversy, Todd Phillips’ Joker stars Joaquin Phoenix as Batman’s infamous nemesis in a new reimagining of his origins. Mark thought it was a very impressive film and rejected criticism it has received for being irresponsible or nasty, given that the film is the origin of a famously villainous character, directed by the man who brought us The Hangover trilogy – so what were people expecting? (video). Saints Of Salvation (The Salvation Sequence Trilogy book 3) by Peter F Hamilton (book review).