Dr Jeffrey Wilson is the Research Director at the Perth USAsia Centre. United Kingdom. Shadow Defence Minister and Deputy Leader of the Opposition Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy, Copyright © 2020 | MH Magazine WordPress Theme by MH Themes, VIP & Corporate Breakfasts, Luncheons & Dinners, Defence West: COVID-19 Support And Industry Liaison. Chief of the Defence Force The push comes as the State Government appoints a former Pyne staffer to run its bid for naval contracts as WA looks to a possible navy ship and submarine construction boom to bring hundreds of new jobs to the State. About Matt Moran. Defence West is in regular contact with prime contractors and local small and medium enterprises. Articles by Matt Moran. Melissa Price MP, and the Deputy Secretary of the Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group, Tony Fraser. She comes from a teaching family with her father having been the first Aboriginal teacher, and Principal, in WA. COVID-19 has taught us many lessons, and one of them has been that effective communication has never been more important, explains Matt Moran, executive director – Defence West. The pandemic has also highlighted the importance of sovereign capability and the need to have robust supply chains. Indo-Pacific may not be a priority under President... - 3 days ago. Media: +61 0414 428 440 He is a Senior Fellow and Adjunct Professor with Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Managements’ Public Private Initiative and a member of the advisory board of the Australian American Leadership Dialogue and NATO’s Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence. Hon Paul Papalia CSC MLA He has served as Deputy in the Presidential Delivery Unit for Program Management and Reform (UKP-PPR) and as Commissioner of the Commission of Truth and Friendship Indonesia-Timor Leste. A part of his Grandmother’s story is portrayed in the book and later movie the “Rabbit Proof Fence”. Get notifications in real-time for staying up to date with content that matters to you. He has served as the Executive Officer onboard Australia’s national tall ship STS Young Endeavour and he has been posted overseas to Canada, Malaysia, Bahrain and the USA. The Coalition has claimed the move would secure more than 1000 local jobs. Defence West will continue to support  WA’s defence industry and help our stakeholders deal with COVID-19.Please continue to reach out to us if you have concerns or would like Defence West to advocate on your behalf. Its strategic economic and locational links in the Indo-Pacific make it the ideal location to discuss the critical defence and security issues impacting the region. Minister for Defence Industry The draft Strategic Infrastructure and Land Use Plan for the Australian Marine Complex in Henderson has been completed and we are seeking feedback on it. WA Defence and Defence Industries Strategic Plan. Michele Clement is currently establishing the Western Australian Defence Science Centre (DSC WA) on behalf of the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation. View Matt Moran's business profile as Executive Director, Defence (West) at Department of Jobs Tourism Science. Executive Director, Defence West Matt Moran +61 8 6277 3047. both UK and France have islands in the Pacific i am surprised they were not apart of these alliance training exercises....... yep closer to SETF and STSC but definitely should have half our submarines east just cos of travel time from west to east aus is so long.. it is just....... Indo-Pacific may not be a priority under President Biden: USSC experts warn, Air Fab secures RAAF Super Hornet, Growler sub-contract, Defence Connect Australian Defence Industry Awards. There is also a greater appreciation of how lucky we are to live in Australia and I feel there’s excitement in the air about getting out and about again, when restrictions are lifted further. Following the 2019 Federal Election Matt Keogh took on the Shadow Portfolio areas of Defence Industry and WA Resources, as well as assisting the Shadow Minister for Small & Family Business. Prior to this he was a media advisor to former PM Malcolm Turnbull. He is the former Commander-in-Chief of the Self Defence Fleet and has served on several Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force ships including the Yudachi (DD-108), the Shirayuki (DD-123), and the Sawayuki (DD-125). Melissa was first elected to Parliament as the Member for Durack, the largest electorate in Australia, in 2013. Jasmin has spent the majority of her career providing operational and training support in countering chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive threats. Matt was elected as the first member for the Federal Division of Burt in the south-eastern suburbs of Perth at the 2016 Federal Election. Orbital UAV supplies its integrated propulsion systems and associated technologies to a global customer base, including Insitu Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of The Boeing Company, and Textron Systems – both world leaders in the supply of tactical defence UAVs. Defence West will continue to advocate for local companies to help build sovereign capability and equip our men and women in uniform with the best possible kit. We need to promote this and attract more people to this exciting sector. Minister for Defence MG Lee was a Visiting Researcher of RAND Corporation in 2015, a member of the Policy Advisory Committee for the Ministry of National Defense, and a Visiting Professor of the National Defense University from 2015 to 2017. Defence West is working very closely with the Commonwealth to fast track infrastructure investment. M265, 3rd Floor, Old Economics Building (Bldg 351) Western Australia has a long and proud history of promoting and contributing to the national and international defence industry - through innovation, collaboration and providing value for money. Chris Deeble is chief executive of Northrop Grumman Australia. Richard Marles is currently the Shadow Minister for Defence, Deputy Leader of the Opposition and the Federal Member for Corio. Swift served in the U.S. Navy for more than 40 years, rising from his commission through the Aviation Reserve Officer Candidate program to become a Navy light attack and strike fighter pilot. He commanded at all levels including F/A-18 weapons school, aircraft carrier-based squadrons, Carrier Air Wing, Carrier Strike Group and the U.S. He has served as the Indian Naval Advisor at the High Commission of India, London, Chief Staff Officer (Operations), Western Naval Command, Chief of Staff, Eastern Naval Command, Assistant Chief of the Naval Staff (Policy and Plans), Deputy Chief of Naval Staff and Vice Chief of the Naval Staff before being promoted as the 22nd Chief of the Naval Staff of the Indian Navy on 17 Apr 14. “South Australia was well served by Christopher Pyne,” Mr Papalia said. Throughout his career he has served at sea in RAN, Canadian, Malaysian and US Navy warships, and on operations in the Middle East and Border Protection. Wing Commander, Royal Australian Airforce Cadets Her analysis has featured in Foreign Affairs and The Wall Street Journal, amongst others. Prior to her time in the VET sector, Terry worked across the public and private sector, in senior positions within banking, superannuation and taxation. What is Matt Moran’s role in Department of Jobs Tourism Science? Mr Papalia reminded the new ministers that Mr Pyne had heavily favoured his home State with the awarding of billions of dollars in submarine and ship contracts. Darryl Hockey is Deputy Chairman and spokesperson for the Henderson Alliance, a progressive industry group which develops and promote the capabilities of small businesses in WA’s defence industries. Tony Routledge is the Managing Director of specialised communication systems company AVI. This flagship conference examined: Welcome to the Indo-Pacific Defence Conference 2019 Jasmin is a big advocate for thinking differently and is a co-founder of the Defence Entrepreneurs Forum Australia (DEF Aus) which encourages bottom up conceptual innovation through pitching ideas to Defence senior leadership. Senator Reynolds is pursuing new defence and space industry opportunities for WA, innovation, gender equality and federation reform. Be the first to hear the latest developments in the defence industry. He has worked in senior executive roles in mining and resources, major infrastructure and engineering projects, public policy, agribusiness, international trade, media and communications, government relations and regulatory affairs – as well as defence industry business development. WA Defence Advocate RADM (Rtd), Raydon Gates AO CSM. Prior to joining Boeing, he had a distinguished career in the United States government that included serving as United States ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to the Republic of Korea (2014-2017), chief of staff to Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel (2013-2014) and as assistant secretary of defense for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs (2012-2013). He also speaks globally to various business and academic groups and is working internationally in the cyber and national security arenas. Retired Major General, Korean Military The Western Australian Government is working hard to lead by example and effectively collaborate with the Commonwealth to help our local industries. The Defence Science Centre, another key initiative under the WA Defence and Defence Industries Strategic Plan, has been operating for around 12 months now and is working with our universities and industry to deliver integrated solutions for the defence sector. He is also the Federal Member for Burt. Former Chief of Naval Staff, Indian Navy Terry holds a Master of Business Administration from Curtin University and is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. The era of online meetings has well and truly arrived – and in many ways has improved productivity and brought people closer together. Matt has extensive knowledge of Defence, having experience as a senior adviser to the Minister for Defence Industry and Minister for Defence. Matt grew up in the Kelmscott Hills, attended school in Armadale and has strong ties to the local community. Mr Moran said he was looking forward to working with the local defence industry to make the most of any opportunities. Combined Forces Command. WA’s Defence Advocate RADM (Rtd) Raydon Gates is a lead participant in these meetings and reports this information back through the Defence West newsletter. The centre has just opened applications for the second round of funding for their Collaborative Research Grants. Prior to taking on his portfolio responsibilities, Matt served on a wide range of committees including the House of Representatives standing committee on Economics, Agriculture and Water Resources and the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services. The plan is the first time the WA government has committed to an overarching vision and direction to ensure the state can fully contribute to the national and international defence industry. Matt deployed to Afghanistan as a public affairs officer in 2009 and East Timor in 2007. During the Federal election campaign, Mr Morrison said two navy minesweepers and a hydrographic vessel would be built at shipyards in Henderson, south of Perth. The plan has a vision to make WA the home of a “robust defence industry with a broader and deeper defence industrial base that is respected, innovative and competitive”. Another way JTSI is responding to COVID-19 is by actively seeking businesses with the capability to manufacture and supply health equipment, including ventilators, and personal protective equipment. Paul Papalia CSC MLA, WA Defence Advocate RADM (Rtd), Raydon Gates AO CSM, the department’s recently appointed Director General, Richard Sellers, and I  first hand insights  to help advocate for WA’s defence industry and provide a united voice to the Commonwealth.