La différence entre le montant à l'émission et le mont. This is what has created the world that you see. So it is all a matter of time when you will return to that which calls to you, which is waiting for you, even at this moment. You must take the journey to understand what it really means. vv.1-5 2. So it is incapable of understanding Knowledge. Adam did not honour God and he lost out on all the privileges of sonship. "God redeems the separated through Knowledge, whether you are a human being living in this world or another intelligent being living in another world." Likewise, freedom from sin also requires an enormous price. La traduction est fausse ou de mauvaise qualité. God knows that without Knowledge to guide you, you would make foolish and often terrible mistakes. God is the ultimate redeemer, saving his chosen ones from sin, evil, trouble, bondage, and death. What you have made of yourself is something else. [12], "God's first step in your redemption and your empowerment is to unburden you from things that are not necessary for your happiness, to unburden you from things which cannot possibly satisfy you, to unburden you from things which only cause you pain and to lift from your head the crown of thorns that you wear, which represents your attempt at fulfillment in the world. You cannot find it through the great texts or the sacred places. That is why there is no Judgment Day in the universe. Running away did not set him free. Your attempt at religion is an escape from the world, a desperate attempt to have purpose and meaning in your life that transcends the hard realities that you see all around you." In the Old Testament, redemption involves deliverance from … Here, the original communication of God, which exists beyond words, is translated into human language and understanding by the Angelic Assembly who watch over the world. God is not going to punish you for this because you had the freedom to live in Separation, and you exercised that. If you are going to read a large number of messages from an Outlook folder, try to limit the number of the messages first. In this first part of the message of redemption to the redeemed we will follow Jesus and the Father in their intimate relationship and learn from Jesus how we are to love our Father and God. Jump to: navigation, search "This Greater Power which you are now learning to receive is the source of your redemption." and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the orchard, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags, for many false prophets have gone out into the world, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son. According to Roman Law, however, a runaway slave was still a slave. You may bow down to God. You carry it within you like a flame, beyond the realm of your intellect, beyond the realm of your ideas and preoccupations. It is to re-establish fundamentally your connection with the deeper Knowledge that God has placed within you—to guide you and to protect you and to lead you to a greater life, a greater life which you have not yet discovered. [7], "The return to God is the return to inclusion in relationship. No part of this document may be reproduced by any means without the express written permission of The Society. From New Message from God Wiki. Redemption means, in the context of your life, returning to your natural Self, returning to your deeper awareness, returning to your connection with God and what God has sent you into the world to do. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. God knew that living in Separation, evil would have a force and a power in your life and would exist in the world, for it is the result of living in Separation—a Separation that you and countless others chose long before this life and existence. Par ailleurs, selon le pape, l'exclamation que Matthieu impute aux habitants de Jérusalem « Que son sang soit sur nous et sur nos enfants » (Mt 27, 25) doit être interprétée plutôt comme une rédemption : « ce n'est pas une malédiction, mais une rédemption, un salut. Therefore at times, they ran away from their masters, in search of everlasting freedom. The Power of Evil, the Existence of Evil. There is a generic law of God that is seen in Isaiah I, and that is, that a father inherently loves and honours his son and likewise, his son loves and honours his father. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 2 novembre 2020 à 18:11. We must be willing to sacrifice our time and worldly interests, shut our door, unplug the telephone, cut ties with so-called friends and spend time with Him, in His Word, draw close to our Father. Therefore redemption is found in nothing but Christ only. His death was in exchange for our life. As revealed to God’s Messenger Just as the ox and the donkey instinctively know and automatically trust and obey their master so too, a son must know his father. Throughout John, Chapter 5, the relationship between Jesus and His Father is portrayed. (1 Corinthians 6:20 – NET). You cannot attain mastery. Heaven only knows what Heaven has created in you. What will you do with this? Dans le christianisme, la rédemption est, selon la théologie chrétienne, en Jésus-Christ (le « Rédempteur »), étant Dieu, se faisant homme (Jean 10:30 ; Jean 14:9)[2]. God knows that not everyone can follow the same great Teacher or Messenger. For all these can do is bring you back to that essential aspect that lives within you, that is still connected to God, that holds the power of redemption and the journey that you must take towards redemption in your life, wherever you are in life. It is the time of Revelation. It is not altered by the world. The master is the part of you that is connected to God. The Assembly then delivers God’s Message through the Messenger. B. By Apostle Dr. Austin de Bourg / February 13, 2015, Letter to the Church at Ephesus – First Love & First Works, Message of Redemption to the Redeemed Part I. It is the time when your contribution must be discovered, honestly. Hence anyone who wished to set a slave free paid a hefty price to the slave’s rightful owner thus carrying out the act of redemption. The gift of Knowledge was part of all the previous Revelations, but has been lost and obscured through human adoption and misuse. This is the redemption. They might even pray for the well-being of others that they do not know, or for peace on Earth. It will be who you are when you leave this world and return to those who watch over you.